The strong scent of sweet-scented osmanthus blows in the wind.

Under the watery night, the two figures holding hands were gradually elongated by the light of the street lamp.

After sending Wei Nai home, Hua Ye turned and walked towards the apartment, when his phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from Miss Miko.

"Hua Jun, I have something to tell you..." It was as if the sound of the evening wind blowing through the bamboo forest came to my ears, it was very pleasant to hear.

"What's the matter?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

If it wasn't something very important, Miss Miko wouldn't call to inform her, it seemed like it was something urgent.

"The puppet girl we caught last night was just snatched away." Miss Miko hesitated, "It was the people from the Truth Society..."

"So those people from the Onmyoji Association want us to catch them back?" Hua Ye said calmly.

"Probably that's what it means." Miss Miko sighed, her tone was a little headache, "They think you are very familiar with the Shinrisha, and they want you to help solve it..."

"Do your own thing, things that children understand, don't they understand?" Hua Ye refused to take the blame, "And I'm not familiar with the Truth Society..."


Just after talking about unfamiliarity, another call came, and it was still an unfamiliar number that I didn't recognize.

Hua Ye connected casually.

"Is this Lord Hua Ye?" A somewhat familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone, "I am Hanoi Mei, Lord Igarashi's personal maid..."

Hua Ye quickly remembered the owner of this name, the other day before yesterday he replaced Igarashi to make spiritual biscuits.

"Well, I remember you."

"That's how it is." Hanoi Mei's voice was anxious, and she quickly explained the purpose of her visit, "Every night at nine o'clock, I would call to report the situation to Master Igarashi, but the phone was not connected just now, Master Igarashi must have met someone In danger..."

Chapter 812 Igarashi and the Tentacle Monster

Nine p.m.

Outdoor swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel.

Igarashi was lying alone on a deck chair by the pool, covered with a white bath towel, holding a glass of juice drink in his hand, and was basking in the moonlight.

For her, swimming is the most common form of fitness. Firstly, she won’t get tired and sweaty, and secondly, she won’t cause too much damage to her joints.

Of course, no one else is allowed to be around when swimming, neither men nor women, because the identity of a star with poor breasts must never be revealed.

"Hey, what is it?"

Something flashes past the edge of the pool.

Igarashi looked over casually, but was surprised to see two short-haired girls in tight black combat uniforms climbing up the hotel's outer wall like geckos.

"Is it those alchemy girls?"

Igarashi opened his eyes wide, and quickly realized the identity of the other party.

Her action this time was to follow the organization and break down the enemy's secret base. These days, the opponent's organization just kept retreating and never came forward to fight.

"Is this... a beheading operation?"

Since ancient times, it has been a very common thing to send assassins to assassinate the leaders of hostile forces. The most famous assassination event in history is "Jingke Assassinates the King of Qin". assassin.

Igarashi had absolutely no desire to be the next in the Assassin biography.

So she summoned Shikigami without hesitation.


In the azure blue open-air swimming pool, suddenly there was a vortex turning, and countless fine bubbles surged up, and then two big fish, more than one meter long, condensed from the blue pool water, jumped out of the pool, in the hazy Under the moonlight, water splashes rolled up all over the sky, and rushed towards the two of them.

"Thirty-six strategies, go first!"

Some of these doll girls are weak, but some of them have quite strange abilities. Before knowing the details of the enemy, Igarashi does not want to risk herself.

Facing the giant fish that was rushing from the sky, the petite girl with short hair looked calm, grabbed the samurai sword on her back with her backhand, and swung it down at an extremely fast speed.

A flash of knife light flashed like a pool of autumn water, and it directly cut open the two big fish formed by the pond water, splashing water all over the sky, and the mist was misty.

There was a painful whine in the air. The samurai sword obviously had a strange power attached to it, which severely injured the shikigami who controlled the water flow, and could not be summoned again in a short time.

Fortunately, Igarashi didn't intend to fight recklessly, but just wanted to take this opportunity to run out to meet others, but she turned around and ran a few steps, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the puppet holding a samurai sword The girl suddenly jumped up and jumped into the air.

At the same time, another tall puppet girl suddenly stretched out her hands to grab the petite girl's feet, then turned [-] degrees on the spot, and threw the petite girl in her hand over!

Accelerated by the powerful centrifugal force, the petite girl arrived at an incredible speed like a cannonball, and even cut a deep ravine on the surface of the swimming pool.


Igarashi gritted his teeth, and had to jump to the left to dodge. With the speed of the opponent, if he continued to run out according to the original route, he would definitely be hit straight.

Although I am an Onmyoji, my physical fitness cannot be compared with these doll girls at all.


The glass door cracked in an instant, turning into countless fragments, splashing all over the sky. The puppet girl with short silver hair turned over in the air, and thrust her samurai sword into the ground, plowing a long cut mark on the floor. Although the landing method was extremely violent, but But he successfully blocked Igarashi's escape route.

"No way, I can only delay the time and wait for the people below to come to support..."

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