Seeing the puppet girls attacking one after the other, Igarashi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

She didn't immediately summon the most powerful shikigami to launch an attack. After all, it takes spiritual power to envoy shikigami, and if the spiritual power is insufficient, the shikigami is likely to launch a backlash.

If it's just delaying time, many auxiliary shikigami are more useful, such as...


The water splashed everywhere, and suddenly a fountain surged up in the center of the swimming pool. A huge translucent octopus floated from the water, and more than a dozen tentacles formed by the water flow condensed and danced in the air.

After seeing the two doll girls, the octopus monster's eyes were obviously glowing red with excitement. It was obvious that it had a close blood relationship with the tentacle monster. It danced and swept towards the two girls.

It is the nirvana that can't kill people, but can disgust people to death: tentacle hell.

(Huh, this octopus monster seems to be a close relative of the tentacle monster. When facing a female enemy, it can burst out with [-]% combat power. If it is not really useful, I will not use such a perverted shikigami! )

(It was originally intended to be used to deal with that big-chested monster, but now it is also good to use against you...)

The plan is good, but the reality is not as perfect as imagined.

Facing the tentacles that swept over them, the two puppet girls remained calm, neither happy nor sad.

The tall puppet girl took a step forward, opened her mouth suddenly, and let out a roar. It was obvious that circles of translucent ripples spread from the opponent's face, like a storm, sweeping forward in a fan shape.

The water tentacles in mid-air suddenly collapsed, splashes splashed in the swimming pool, and dense cracks like spider webs appeared on the surface of the glass of juice drink, and then shattered with a 'click'.

"No, it's a sonic attack..."

Igarashi's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly raised his hands to cover his ears.

It's a pity that this kind of sound wave is not an attack method that can be defended by covering your ears.

Igarashi only felt a "buzz" in her ears, as if she was drunk, and her head suddenly became dizzy. If she hadn't eaten a lot of biscuits that boosted her spiritual power, the sound wave attack just now would have caused her to suffer Hit hard.

Before Igarashi could catch his breath, another petite silver-haired maid, already holding a katana sword, rushed towards Igarashi at a ghostly speed, and slashed out!

Igarashi bit the tip of his tongue hard, using the pain to wake himself up, and then rolled backwards in embarrassment to escape, but the bathrobe on his body was still cut in half with a knife, like a butterfly's wings, falling from midair.

Igarashi staggered and fell into the swimming pool, only to feel a chill in his chest, and then the burning pain spread rapidly, obviously cut by the strong wind brought by the blade.


Igarashi clenched her silver teeth and was about to summon the strongest fighting shikigami when her body was suddenly lifted out of the water.

She hurriedly lowered her head, only to realize that she was wrapped in a tentacle, and the eyes of the octopus monster, which was also attacked by the sound wave, flashed red, and it was obvious that it had lost control.

At this moment, Igarashi couldn't help feeling absurd in his heart.

The tentacle monster used to humiliate that big-breasted monster was used on himself first?

Die die die die die!

Just when Igarashi was clenching his silver teeth and was about to risk his life, a door of light suddenly appeared out of thin air

Chapter 813 Igarashi is full of majesty

Under the shocked gaze of the three, a figure in a white shirt and jeans appeared out of thin air.

It was Hua Ye who had teleported over in an instant.

Seeing Hua Ye, Igarashi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly wanted to die.

Yes, damn it!

Why didn't you come earlier, why did you show up at this time!Now I can't regain my majesty anymore!

Hua Ye looked up at the swimming pool, his whole body was smooth and clean, and Igarashi, who was put into a super shameful pose by the tentacle monster, was also shocked.

I thought this legal loli was in some danger, but I didn't expect it to be playing with tentacles!

"How about..." Hua Ye coughed lightly, "You guys continue to play?"

Igarashi was so angry that his eyes went dark, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Playing with your sister!" Igarashi gritted his silver teeth, "I was attacked by those two guys, so I wasn't playing with tentacles! Hurry up and get rid of them!"

Hua Ye also saw the wound on Igarashi's chest at this moment, and couldn't help frowning.

At the same time, the petite doll girl with a samurai sword had launched a surprise attack on Hua Ye from behind.

"Be careful……"

Before Igarashi finished shouting, Hua Ye had already turned around and pointed out.

Obviously the speed is very slow, but in an indescribably peculiar way, the first striker came first, and calmly touched the eyebrows of the petite doll girl.

Then the puppet girl froze in place, dense cracks appeared all over her body, like broken porcelain, which was about to shatter in the next moment.

The tall puppet girl's eyes flickered and she turned to run away, but Hua Ye pulled out her samurai sword and nailed it to the ground.

After finishing the two enemies backhanded, Hua Ye looked up at Igarashi:


"What are you looking at? Don't hurry up and let me down!" Igarashi was ashamed and angry, trying to keep his legs together, but unfortunately, under the powerful force of the tentacle monster, his legs could not be brought together at all.

The execution posture is [-] times more shameful than the public execution, no matter how majestic Igarashi is, at this moment his face is still flushed, almost bleeding.


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