(How dare you stare intently!)

(Kill you, kill you, kill you...)

"You still dare to look at it?" Igarashi gritted his silver teeth angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll goug out your eyes!"

"Huh? What did you say?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

"I said gouging your eyes..."

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone, squinted and said:

"Sure enough, I should show Hoshino Xia your current posture..."

"You, you dare!"

Igarashi trembled in fright, if that big-chested monster saw his current appearance, then he would never have the chance to look up in his life!

"Of course I dare." Hua Ye raised his phone.

"I was wrong!" The cowardly Lolita finally bowed her head and gave in, aggrieved and whispered apology, "You put me down first..."

Hearing footsteps outside, Hua Ye snapped his fingers casually, crushing the tentacle monster.

Igarashi fell into the swimming pool with a "plop", caught off guard and choked, coughing immediately: "Hey, why didn't you catch me?"

Hua Ye shrugged: "You didn't tell me to pick it up."

"Didn't you see that I was injured?" Igarashi was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

I didn't tell you to pick it up, so you didn't know it?

I told you not to let you see it, but you are still there to watch it!

Igarashi also heard the noisy footsteps at this time, and his expression couldn't help but change: "Hurry up and take off your shirt to me!"

"What?" Hua Ye was puzzled.

"Of course I wear it!" Igarashi said confidently, "The bathrobe was broken before, and all the clothes are in the room. What do you wear without your shirt?"


"Stop talking nonsense, buy your shirt for one million yen, and I'll transfer the money to you when I get back!"

Can you do whatever you want with money?

At noon, the dragon lady was going to use her wallet to support herself, and now this poor-breasted star spends another one million yen to buy a shirt. It's really gratifying!

Igarashi reached out to take the shirt and put it on directly, then wrinkled his nose in distaste: "It smells so bad, it's all sweat."

This legal loli is already petite, one size smaller than Gabriel, basically the Veneto that sneaked into the destroyer team, and now wearing Hua Ye's shirt, it can be used as a large skirt .

The sound of eager footsteps came.

Igarashi reached out to straighten his long wet hair, and looked towards the broken glass door.

"Master Igarashi, are you alright?" Several female onmyojis ran up, their faces full of nervousness, "We were attacked downstairs just now, so we couldn't come to support immediately..."

"I see." Igarashi nodded lightly with his hands behind his back.

In front of outsiders, this legitimate loli has turned into a majestic appearance again, completely unable to see that the tentacle monster she summoned by herself just now has performed a super shameful bondage play.

"These two guys were going to assassinate me just now, but they have been suppressed now." Igarashi pointed to the two puppet girls on the ground, and ordered, "Take them down for interrogation, and be sure to find out who is behind the scenes."

"Yes, Lord Igarashi." Several onmyojis responded respectfully.

Although these people were curious about who the topless Hua Ye was, they wisely kept their mouths shut.

"Okay, let's go down first."

Igarashi raised his chin and signaled to Huaye.

The second floor of the hotel.

In a luxury suite.

Igarashi looked at Hua Ye and asked curiously, "How did you appear?"

"Your maid called me and told me that you might be in danger." Hua Ye replied, "That's why I'm here."


Igarashi snorted softly, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, expressing his satisfaction with Hua Ye's behavior of coming all the way to rescue him.

It's a pity that he couldn't be happy soon, because Hua Ye stretched out his hand the next moment and said, "Give me the shirt, I'm going back."

"Eh?" Igarashi was startled, and subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"

"Back to the apartment."

The matter has been resolved, so naturally there is no reason to stay here.

"No! You can't go!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What's the reason?"

"Because, because..." The lawful loli looked away, a little guilty, "What if I am attacked again?"

"I have suffered such a serious injury now, if I am attacked again, it will be super dangerous, right?"

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