Ai Igarashi was a little flustered, and hurriedly said: "Someone is here, get up quickly..."

Hey, what kind of panic is this feeling of being caught and raped in bed!Well said majesty full of it!The real majesty is not pretending, it should be that even if someone catches you in bed, you will lazily smoke a cigarette afterward!

"Go over and open the door and ask her to wait." This legal loli hugged the quilt, sat up, raised her hand and rolled up a strand of hair next to her ear, "I'll change my clothes first, don't peek... dare to steal Just look at your eyes!"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said, "I won't peek."

With a certainty like you, there's no need to peek, right?

"Damn it! Bite you to death!"

Hua Ye walked over and opened the door, and said, "She is changing clothes, wait a moment."

The woman outside the door couldn't help being surprised when she saw Hua Ye.

Igarashi-sama is changing clothes?

Well, that's not the point.

The point is that when Igarashi was changing clothes, there was a strange man in the room?

In a trance, the woman even suspected that her eyes were blurred.

After all, Igarashi is extremely arrogant, especially looks down on men, how could he share a room with others and even change clothes?

The woman hesitated for a moment, but couldn't suppress her curiosity, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Igarashi's...?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Student."


study, student?

I heard that Igarashi went to a school to be an art teacher because of a certain confidential mission. Could it be the boy in front of me?

But I didn't see what was so special about this boy at all...

Hua Ye also remembered now that he and Igarashi are still teachers and students.

It's a pity that my student is super incompetent.

I took the teacher to the hotel, undressed the teacher, spanked the teacher's butt, and rubbed the teacher's breasts. Igarashi almost missed her maternity leave!

In this weird silence, Igarashi quickly walked over, raised his chin and asked, "What do you want from me?"

She had already changed into a long black dress at the moment, and after putting on the dress, her majesty index rose sharply.

However, the female onmyoji at the door opened her eyes wide in shock, and forgot to say anything for a while.

Although Igarashi changed his clothes, his watery eyes and the flush on his face that hadn't dissipated could not be concealed...

A female onmyoji who is an "expert" said that these symptoms are quite familiar.

This is simply an afterthought of applauding love!

Difficult, could it be that Igarashi-sama took the time to make a shot in such a short period of time?

But if I remember correctly, this man seems to say that he is a student of Igarashi-sama...

Discord between teachers and students?

Forbidden love?

So scary, so scary, so scary...

"Why don't you speak?" Igarashi frowned, obviously shorter than the other party, but completely crushed the other party in terms of momentum.

"Yes, that's how it is, Master Igarashi..." The female onmyoji in a suit came back to her senses and quickly shrank her neck, "We have tracked down the other party's secret location and are waiting for your order..."

"Of course they killed me!" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth and raised her brows, "You dare to send someone to assassinate me, this revenge must be avenged!"


There is no need to say more about the next thing.

Hua Ye was 'captured' by Igarashi, got in the car and drove around, directly breaking down two secret bases, but unfortunately, he couldn't catch the mastermind behind the scenes. The other party seemed to have got the news and slipped away one step ahead of time.

Then the cleaning of the battlefield will naturally be done by his subordinates. Igarashi's mission this time is considered to be over, and he can continue to go back to school on Monday to be a Shaking S art teacher... Although she is a Shaking M in essence.

Here, Hua Ye quietly returned to the apartment.

Then Kari gave [-] million yen more...

This is the "prostitution money" given by Igarashi.

It turns out

Being rich means you can do whatever you want.

Chapter 816 Give A Kiss For A Beautiful Day


on Monday.

It's a new week in a blink of an eye.

The temperature in the morning was a little bit cool, a gust of cold wind blew, and a few yellowed leaves slowly fell down. Passers-by on the road hugged their arms and shivered slightly from time to time.

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