On the way to school, Hua Ye suddenly found a problem.

"Why are all the girls I met wearing short skirts?" Hua Ye turned to look at Gabriel next to him. This useless angel also went out wearing a brown cool short skirt. On his feet were a pair of white knee socks, which could be vaguely seen. To a touch of absolute whiteness, "Aren't you cold?"

Even in the snowy winter, you can often see girls wearing short skirts and stockings passing by on the street. Those who don’t know them think they are girls from the fighting nation drinking vodka.

"Nonsense, of course it's cold." Gabriel rolled Hua Ye's eyes, and then pointedly explained the reason, "If violence is not for killing... Bah, if it's not for looking good, who would wear a skirt in winter!"


Hua Ye found himself speechless.

Those girls who go out in short skirts in winter are definitely lying if they say whether it is cold or not. If you ask "Is it cold?"

In this era when appearance is justice, and "five senses" are more important than three views, in order to look good, you don't have to be warm.

While talking, the two walked to the gate of the park, Hua Ye stopped and said:

"Let's go to the park."

"Why are you going to the park?" The useless angel immediately became vigilant.

"My reward..."

"What reward?" Gabriel blinked her eyes in a daze, "Why don't I know?"

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, and his voice lowered: "Are you going to renege on your debt?"

"Who, who is going to renege on the debt?" The crippled angel looked away guiltily, "I'm just not ready yet..."

"You don't need to make preparations." Hua Ye complained, "Anyway, I take the initiative every time. You just need to close your eyes and leave the rest to me."

"go away!"

Gabriel clenched her pink fist and punched Hua Ye. It seemed that she wanted to beat his chest, but unfortunately she was not tall enough, so she could only hit Hua Ye's abdomen in the end, "Go and go... Anyway, it's only three minutes, more than one second You are dead!"


It was still early, and the park was quite deserted, only two or three old people who got up early were walking slowly to exercise.

Hua Ye walked to a remote corner, sat on an unoccupied bench, looked up at Gabriel: "Come and sit."

"Will people see this kind of place?"

Gabriel looked disgusted, and sat on the other end of the bench.

Didn't you get seen once or twice? Are you shy now?

Then don't ask me to help here and there!

Hua Ye got up and sat next to Gabriel, staring down at the past.

The bright sunlight passed through the treetops and slanted down, just falling on the little face of this useless angel.

The face is small, but very delicate, the eyebrows are slender, the skin is fair, the eyes are like a sky blue lake, with sparkling waves flashing from time to time, under the sunlight, the three-dimensional effect between the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose is particularly clear, and I feel good Take a snapshot from an angle, and you can use it as a CG without editing the picture... It's a pity that the smell of salty fish emanating from the inside clearly shows the identity of the other party's abandoned house.

"Did you put on makeup today?" Hua Ye asked curiously.

This useless angel used to be obsessed with games, happily cultivating immortals, and all his money was spent on krypton gold, not to mention buying cosmetics, he was often so poor that he ate instant noodles to survive.

"Who put on makeup?" Gabriel made a disgusted expression, "My sister said that the weather is dry, so I just put on lip balm and moisturizer... You don't think that wearing lipstick is equal to makeup?"

"No, it looks better than usual." Hua Ye shook his head and replied.

He's not one of those steel straight men who say 'not wearing red lipstick is equal to having no makeup'. It's normal for girls to make themselves look better through makeup.

But having said that, Wei Nai and La Fei rarely put on makeup, probably because of their natural beauty?

"You mean I wasn't good-looking before?" Gabriel raised her face and asked with dangerous eyes.


Hua Ye resolutely skipped this pitfall-filled proposition, and said directly:

"Reward me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to wrap around the waist of this useless angel. The place where he started was incredibly soft and delicate. The waist seemed to be broken with a slight force, and he could feel the delicateness and smoothness of the skin through the clothes. It is unbearable to let go.


The crippled angel's eyes flustered for a moment, but he quickly calmed down.

Although I can't say that I have rich experience, but counting on my fingers, I have experienced it several times.

The first kiss was last semester, when the two returned from shopping in the mall, dust flew into their eyes, and they asked him to blow their eyes, and then they were forced to kiss for the first time.

Obviously he has facial paralysis, but sometimes he looks like a child. After unlocking it for the first time, he always wanted to kiss him for the second time, and then he was kissed several times intermittently, although he would bite him every time...

What impressed me the most was that time when I ate the Reaper hot strips and was kissed so hot that I doubted my life... After returning home, my lips were swollen, and I didn't know whether it was kissed or hot.

Thinking about these messy things in his heart, his long eyelashes trembled, and Gabriel finally closed his eyes.

(Anyway, it's not that I haven't been kissed before, so it's like being bitten by a pig...)

(I only said that I was not allowed to bite people, but I didn’t say that I was not allowed to bite people, so don’t even think about sticking out your tongue...)

However, after waiting for a while, there was no familiar touch on the lips.

Gabriel opened her eyes half-opened in some puzzlement, and immediately saw Hua Ye staring at her subtly. She probably felt that the posture of raising her face and waiting for a kiss was quite embarrassing. This little face of a useless angel It suddenly turned red, and said fiercely: "Hun Dan, what are you looking at..."

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