Before he finished speaking, Hua Ye quickly kissed her.

Lips are soft and cool.

Probably because of the lip balm, the lips are cold and cool, and there is a faint floral fragrance, like those delicious jelly fudge, which makes people love it.

It's a pity that Hua Ye didn't stay longer, but took advantage of the stunned moment of the useless angel, knocked on the city gate and broke in.

"Hmm... Hun, Hun Dan..."

Gabriel opened her eyes wide, unexpectedly using this method to sneak attack!Shameless!

Two small hands hit Hua Ye's back twice, but unfortunately the force was soft and had no deterrent effect at all. In the end, it even turned into a posture of wrapping Hua Ye's neck...

The tip of the tongue is aggrieved and hides back, but unfortunately the mouth is small, it is always easy to be caught, it is obviously just an organ for eating, I don't know why I always have a soft spot for it.

Not reconciled to being bullied all the time, so he tried to counterattack twice, but unfortunately all ended in disastrous defeats, and he was not an opponent at all.

His head was dizzy, as if he was drunk, and he was light as if he was stepping on a cloud. When his body lightened, he seemed to be hugged into his arms...

Although I don't want to admit it, this feeling is really not disgusting.


I don't know how long it took, until he was about to be unable to breathe, the crippled angel pushed Hua Ye away, panting.When the lips were parted, there was even a light 'boo' sound in the air, similar to a red wine cork being uncorked, a shiny silk thread of saliva sticking and stretching in the air, shining brightly under the sunlight of gloss.

"Hun, Hundan!" Gabriel blushed, and hurriedly raised her hand to wipe her lips, panting, "The agreed three minutes? How dare you kiss for so long!"

Hua Ye has a very thick skin, so of course he will not be shy. He said solemnly, "Kissing can help you lose weight. A long kiss can burn a lot of calories, which is roughly equivalent to jogging for a kilometer..."

"Get lost! I don't need to lose weight!"

"Then put it another way." Hua Ye coughed lightly, "Kissing can increase lung capacity, allowing you to pass the test in sports..."

"I don't care about the results of the physical examination!" The crippled angel leaned over Hua Ye's chest, panting. If it wasn't for the lack of strength in his body, Hua Ye would have already seen what a holy angel's fist of punishment is.

Hua Ye clicked his lips, a little unfinished: "You actually know how to cooperate this you want to do it again?"


A rocket head hammer hit Hua Ye's chest, and Gabriel's face flushed. If eyes could kill, Hua Ye would have been chopped into pieces by now. "Shut up! If you say anything else, I'll beat you to death!"


Chapter 817

"Xiaojia, good morning."

Seeing Gabriel enter the classroom through the back door, Vinai raised her hand to say hello.

"Hmm..." Gabriel walked weakly to the desk and sat down, put the backpack into the hole of the desk, and propped his chin with his left hand, "Good morning."

"Why are you here so late today?" Wei Nai asked suspiciously.

"Is it very late?" Gabriel felt a little guilty, "Isn't it much earlier than before?"

"You also said it was in the past." Wei Nai turned her head and looked at Hua Ye who walked into the classroom a step slower than Gabriel, with some doubts in her eyes, but she didn't ask why Hua Ye came so late, but continued, "Since Sister Jialu came, you basically arrived at school at [-]:[-], but today you are half an hour late..."

Of course there is a reason for the delay.

Because... the lips of this useless angel are swollen.

The result was that Hua Ye got punched by a windmill, bought an iced drink, and dawdled around in the park for a while. After the swelling subsided, he finally got up and went to school.


Gabriel's eyes wandered, and she was about to find a reason to fool her, when a pleasant voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

"Xiaojia looks a little weird today."

Rafael quietly appeared behind Gabriel, hugged Gabriel's shoulders with both hands, and then pressed her chest on the crippled angel's head.

"You win, don't use facial cleanser." Gabriel looked disgusted, and took the opportunity to change the subject, "Lafite came just in time. I have already mentioned the situation in the chat group. What do you think my sister is afraid of?"

"I'm not at the scene, and it's hard to draw conclusions based on what you've relayed, so I can only draw a rough guess." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, smiling happily, "Sister Jiaailu can Going to the supermarket to buy things will not be a patient with social phobia, and it is so severe that you can basically rule out the possibility of being afraid of someone, so I think sister Jia Ailu is more likely to be afraid of small animals. Both cats and dogs It's possible, if you want to be sure, you can visit the zoo... What do you think, Hua Ye?"

Hua Ye had already been given a gag order by Gabriel, and he was strictly ordered to say a word, so he took a look at Gabriel first.

Without being kicked, he was obviously able to speak.

"If you look at pets." Hua Ye complained, "Wouldn't it be better to go to a pet store, why go to a zoo?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Raphael gave him an angry look: "The opinion is rejected!"

Hey, why do you say that you reject it and reject it!The one who made up his mind should be Gabriel Xiuxian who is being bullied by you with facial cleanser, right?

The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger: "Pets are not allowed in the apartment. If you drag Sister Jiaailu to the pet shop, the purpose is too obvious, and you will be taught by my sister."

"That..." Wei Nai was a little hesitant, she and Jia Ailu had very positive views, and actually regarded Jia Ailu as a senior worthy of admiration, "Isn't it bad to bully sister Jia Ailu like this?"

"If my sister doesn't go back to the heaven, I'm the one who will be in trouble!" Gabriel said with a final word, "It's decided, I'll go to the zoo after school in the afternoon!"

"I really want to go to the zoo to see the panda rolling." The black-bellied girl winked quietly at Huaye, "Shall we go together this afternoon?"


No wonder you are so active, it turned out to be premeditated!


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