After the discussion, everyone dispersed.

Hua Ye was about to drink water when the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

I thought it was a team formation message from the tax-evading girl, but I took out my phone and saw that it was a message from Haruka Kitano.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly sent a message to classmate Hua Ye...won't it bother you?"

The lines of the information revealed all the cautiousness.

Although the custom in this country is to try not to cause trouble to others, but you are too polite and have become weak!

It's obviously a classmate, so it's no problem to come and talk directly, why is it like an underground party joint!

"What's the matter?" Hua Ye asked.

"Fen Nai told me what happened in the bar that night..." When Kitano Haruka saw Hua Ye walk into the classroom, she started to think about it, but it was a pity that Lafite and Wei Nai came to talk, so she didn't dare to send a message, and waited until Only now did I finally dare to send the edited message, "If such a terrible thing happens, I really don't know what Wen Nao will be thank you very much, classmate Hua Ye!"

She wanted to thank Hua Ye in person, but unfortunately, after arriving at school, her courage was like snow in the sun, and it quickly disappeared.

Soon, another message came: "Wen Nai has already promised me that he will never go to that kind of place again..."


Hua Ye simply replied that he helped the bad girl purely as a matter of convenience, anyway, he only helped once, if there was a second time, he would never bother.

"Well, it's really impolite to send a message, right? But if you thank me in person, the squad leader might misunderstand, so I have to do it like this..."

and many more!

What's wrong with being afraid that the monitor might misunderstand you?

Even if you are afraid of being misunderstood, you must be afraid of that bad girl at the back table, right?

Kitano Haruka quietly glanced at Machiko who was previewing her homework, then glanced at Hua Ye again, and continued to type with her head down: "I don't know how to thank classmate Hua Ye, well, if there is any help for classmate Hua Ye in the future, Please just tell me..."

(Wait... What if classmate Hua Ye asks me to do that, that kind of thing?)

(Would you like to add a 'not excessive' qualifier?)

(But it's not too much and there is no clear boundary. Maybe Hua Ye didn't have that kind of thought at first, but after seeing it, he will make excessive demands...)

It took a long time for a message to be revised before Haruka Kitano sent out the final version: "Thank you again Hua Ye, if you need help, please feel free to ask, I will try my best... But those who are not good Requests are not acceptable!"

Here at Huaye, seeing that there was no message for a while, he had already put away his phone, but when he received such a cautious message again, he was speechless.

So what kind of trouble is the bad request? Could it be the plot/plot of the abuse of the weak girl in those scenes!It's okay if you don't say it, but if you say it, I want to bully you!

Anyway, you are so dull, and your personality is so weak, you can be easily bullied at first glance, if you go to a hotel to open a room, you will even be paid for the opening of the room!

Hua Ye originally wanted to reply "I don't need your help", but after thinking about it carefully, the bob-haired girl was able to handle the love letters, and she might be able to use them in the future, so he finally said: "I see, I will use you when I need you." inform you."


Kitano Haruka covered the phone with a book, and looked at the "I need you" on the screen, feeling a little uneasy for a while.

(What does Hua Ye mean by this sentence?)

(Use, use me? How does Hua Ye want to use me? Could it be that kind of thing?)

(After use, will it be thrown away like a rag?)

While thinking wildly, the class bell rang quietly.

The crisp "da da" sound of high heels stepping on the floor came in from far and near. Wearing a white windbreaker, with black hair like a waterfall draped over her shoulders, the heroic Jing Keai quickly opened the door and entered.

"Come on, let's start class now."

The first class on Monday is usually Jing’s lovely Chinese class. Although the popularity of Jing’s cuteness has declined due to the arrival of the “child-faced and big breasts” Hoshino Xia, her language is humorous and witty when she is in class. For Yujie, she is less charming and more heroic. She can be called a big sister and is especially popular among girls.

It's a pity that I can't get married.

"The recent scandal at the Swedish Academy has led to the suspension of the Nobel Prize for Literature, otherwise Haruki Murakami is likely to win the award..." In the middle of the class, Jing Kei began to digress in her daily life.

Winning is impossible.

The difficulty is greater than going to the blue sky. Haruki Murakami is known as the "Little Plum" of the Nobel Prize in Literature. He has been a popular candidate for the Nobel Prize for many years, but he never made the headlines. He was even offered 1 to 6 by the British bookmaker The exaggerated odds, one can imagine how unfavorable it is.

"Teacher, I re-read "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on the Shore" recently, and found that in Haruki Murakami's works, there are always some little boys who fall in love with big sisters, and even male students who fall in love with female teachers... ..."

Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

When you speak, don't look here!What's wrong with those warning eyes!

"Actually, it's okay for a little boy to fall in love with a big sister. After all, boys always have an Oedipus plot. The recently married Prince Harry and Meghan in the UK are typical sibling love." He knocked on the table, "But it's wrong to fall in love with a female teacher..."

terribly sorry.

So far, there is no "love" at all, only money and power transactions, okay!After every manual breast enhancement, I will receive a "prostitution fee"!


It was noon in a blink of an eye.

Club room.

"The second part of Big Sister's Battle is officially starting." Gabriel tapped the pen cap on the table, and suddenly said seriously, "Satania!"

"It's... no, why are you calling me?" Satania blinked her eyes and immediately became vigilant, "I always feel that you have malicious intentions."

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