"No." Gabriel smiled softly, "I just want to ask you to bring your dog to my house to play tomorrow."

"What, I don't have a dog." Satania puffed up her cheeks, "Alice only had a dog, did you remember correctly?"

"Eh? Isn't Xiaobai the dog you feed?"

"That's not it!" Silly Meow clenched his fists, "That dog is the second enemy after you, I will defeat it one day! And don't name it without authorization!"

Gabriel sighed, propping her chin with one hand, "It seems that Satania is really afraid of Xiaobai..."

"Damn! I'm not afraid of Xiaobai!"

Hearing this, Wei Nai already raised her hand to cover her face, and couldn't bear to listen any longer.

"Satania, never give in!"

(PS: Shocked! The boss of Li/Fan, "I give myself to myself", is actually a girl... It's too much for a girl to write Li/Fan...)

Chapter 818 Ice Cream and Laying Golden Eggs

"Sister, I'm after school, let's go to the zoo together?"

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Gabriel took out her phone decisively and started the prologue of the second big sister battle.

"The zoo?" Jiaailu's voice came faintly, "Why do you want to go to the zoo all of a sudden?"

"Because I drew a lottery on the side of the road in the morning and won two discount tickets for the zoo." Gabriel has switched to the holy light mode, speaking softly and extraordinarily gentle, "I remember that my sister is always busy on weekdays, so there should be no Have you ever been to the zoo? There are many cute animals in the zoo, and recently there was a panda named Gun Gun. If you don’t go and see it, you might regret it.”

"Panda?" Jiaailu's voice was a little moved, "But isn't it too late to go to the zoo now?"

"It's not too late. It's only [-]:[-], and the zoo doesn't close until [-]:[-] in the evening. It's enough for us to go around." Gabriel has already done research in advance, "The ticket is for the Ueno Zoo, and it takes only [-] minutes by tram. Can you come, sister, I will wait for you at the gate of the zoo, right?"

Jiaailu on the other end of the phone was slightly silent, and then agreed:

"it is good."


"It's done!" Gabriel hung up the phone, "Let's go, Ueno Zoo!"

Not many people went to the zoo this time.

Naturally, Gabriel would not be short. In order to avoid being interrogated by her sister, she recruited Wei Nai and Lafite as foreign aid.

Machiko had something to do in the Student Union, so she didn't come over.

For Liuhua and Silly Meow, it would probably be a disservice to go there because of the arrears of IQ, so Gabriel sent them away with two pineapples/bags. (Pineapple/bao is actually a sensitive word? It was clearly not in the past, probably because of a certain boss?)


"Why are you here?" Hua Ye looked down at Alice.

"Hmph, can I come?" The short Douding turned his head, his twin ponytails swayed behind his back, shining bright golden arcs in the sun, "I won't let you be alone with Master Baiyu..."

Ever since Alice sat in Hua Ye's arms because of the earthquake that night, she became much more honest, at least not daring to rely on Rafael's support, so she complained about the paralyzed pervert from time to time.

Less gossip.

Nothing worth mentioning happened along the way, everyone arrived at the gate of the zoo safely, but Hua Ye received many envious and jealous eyes on the way.

"My sister said it will be here in a few minutes, let's wait for a while." Gabriel put away her phone, "I'll treat everyone to ice cream."

"Hey, when did you get rich?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

Gabriel sighed resentfully: "Because my sister is here, I haven't even touched a game these days..."


Suddenly feel distressed.

Obviously diligent, cultivating, and Gabriel, but because of her sister's tyrannical rule, she can no longer touch the game. How is this... so satisfying.

"Hey, there's even gold ice cream?" Walking to an ice cream shop next to the zoo, Wei Nai stumbled upon a gold leaf ice cream and was shocked, "A piece of ice cream actually costs [-] yen, how can it be so expensive?"

Raphael stretched out a slender finger: "Because the surface of the ice cream is painted with gold leaf, and it is in a place like a zoo, of course it will be more expensive."

"It's not that it's more expensive, it's more expensive!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "One hundred yen for ordinary ice cream is enough, but this gold leaf ice cream is twenty times more expensive, okay... ...Speaking of which, can gold be eaten? I remember reading the story of swallowing gold and dying..."

However, gold is not poisonous. Swallowing gold will not cause you to be poisoned to death. The reason why Second Sister You died was because the gold nugget was too big to digest and broke her stomach. From this point of view, swallowing stones and bricks They are all ways to seek death.

"Gold can also be eaten." Hua Ye explained, "But what you eat is not gold and gold nuggets in the ordinary sense, but processed 24k gold leaf. The World Health Organization has already listed gold as a food additive. .”

The trend of eating gold has existed since ancient times, not to mention those things that blindly make alchemy and then eat themselves to death, there is a clear record in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", people can eat gold leaf, of course, 'eating gold' can strengthen the body Talk about fitness, beauty and beauty are pure nonsense.

Because the human body simply cannot absorb the molecules of gold leaf!

"I've eaten this kind of ice cream before." Alice shook her head, her ponytails dangling behind her back, a little disgusted, "It was from my mother's business partner, not only ice cream, but also gold leaf wine, gold leaf water, gold leaf Candy, gold-leaf coffee, gold-leaf cake, etc... but the taste is so-so, and I don’t know where the delicious food is.”

"Because gold leaf is a tasteless thing." Hua Ye said blankly, "The human body cannot absorb the molecules of gold leaf. After [-] hours, these gold leaves will be excreted from the body intact..."

Hua Ye paused, then looked down at Alice: "You eat so much food with gold leaf, have you ever laid a golden egg?"

Asking casually, the girls were a little embarrassed.

"You you you you, what are you talking about? Evil, disgusting to death!" As the protagonist, Alice's face flushed even more, and she reacted extremely. If it wasn't for her lack of height, she would have already used her double power on Hua Ye at this moment. Horsetail punishment.

How disgusting!Is this the truth? People cannot digest gold leaf after eating it, and finally excrete it as an irregular oval object. What else can we say besides eggs?


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