Alice's face turned red in an instant, and steam rose from the top of her head. With an 'ahhhh' in her mouth, she jumped up and covered Hua Ye's mouth.

Then Hua Ye put one hand on his head.

Well, look at this reaction and you will know the result.

Probably because of the high degree of shame in 'Laying the Golden Egg', Alice sniffled, and misty mist welled up in her eyes: "You, you bullied me again..."

Hey, what's with the word 'again'?

Don't make it seem like I often bully you, although it is true that you have been bound with a tortoise shell, but why you are bound, you must know why!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, let go of his hand and said:

"I will not say anymore."


Alice turned her head away, put her hands on her chest, and ignored Hua Ye.

"Student Hua Ye?" Wei Nai looked over with reproachful eyes.

Hua Ye coughed lightly, looked down at Alice: "Do you want some biscuits?"

The little bean's ears moved, and he snorted proudly:

"Don't eat!"

Being willing to speak means that there is no problem, Hua Ye said directly: "I will bring you biscuits tomorrow."

Alice blushed slightly: "Hmph, since you have to give it, I will reluctantly accept it..."

"It can't improve the taste, it's not good for the human body, and the price is so expensive...why do people still make this kind of ice cream?" Wei Nai frowned slightly, expressing some incomprehension.

"Because there is a demand, there is naturally a market." Rafael picked out an ordinary strawberry ice cream, and turned around to answer Wei Nai's doubts, "It's like the skins and clothes that Xiaojia bought, many of which have no attribute bonuses, just It just looks good... Those who bought these golden ice creams must have the same mentality, right?"

"You don't buy skins to look good!" Gabriel said solemnly, "It's the belief of being a real game player!"


The sun was very good at this moment, and when it fell on the body, it was inevitable that it would be a little hot. After buying ice cream, a few people walked to the shadow of the nearby wall.

Ice cream is a very common cold drink in summer, but different people have different ways of eating it, some eat it directly, and some eat it with a small mouthful. Because of Gabriel's small mouth, she can't eat it in one bite, so Usually sticking out the tip of the pink tongue, like a cat licking milk, licking it gently.

Seeing Gabriel eating ice cream, Hua Ye thought of the kiss reward in the park this morning.

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel's cheeks didn't move, but her azure blue eyes suddenly turned around, eyes full of murderous intent, "I'll kill you again!"

"Hey, I suddenly remembered a joke." Rafael smiled and stretched out a finger, "It is said that three women eat bananas, and the three of them have three ways to eat bananas, namely licking, biting and holding Come on, here comes the question...Which woman do you think is married?"

"Of course the woman wearing the ring is married!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining with black lines on her face, "Hurry up and eat ice cream, don't tell such old cold jokes."

"Hey, are you very old?" The black-bellied girl blinked her eyes and smiled happily, "Then let me say one more..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures!"

Chapter 819 Gail's Contempt

ten minutes later.

A blond girl with a cold expression passed through the crowd and drifted towards.

"Sister, you're here." Gabriel switched to Holy Light mode in a second, trotted up to meet her, with a happy "(*^▽^*)" expression on her face.

"Sister Jiaailu, good afternoon." Wei Nai raised her hand to say hello, her eyes a little dodged, after all, she was a senior who was "calculated" by her good friends with her good friends, and she was still a little entangled.

"Yeah." Jiaailu nodded lightly, "Good afternoon."

It's not that she is cold, but her personality is just like this. At first, she may feel a little difficult to get close to, but after getting along for a long time, you will find that Jiaairu is actually quite approachable.

This time I came to the zoo to play, so naturally I can’t continue to be invisible, and wearing a kimono is a bit strange, so Jia Ailu changed into a white slim shirt at the moment. waist curve.

There was no skirt underneath, but a pair of blue jeans, which completely avoided the possibility of exposure, but also exposed the slender legs.

The same blonde hair, two faces with more than [-]% similarity, the youthful and beautiful 'enlarged version' Gabriel is eye-catching.

Hua Ye took a few more glances, and then...

Then a certain useless angel looked over with a smile:

"Sure enough, my sister is prettier, right?"


super scary.

After saying hello, everyone went to the ticket gate to check the tickets together.

After all, it was a bit late at this point, and no one could be seen at the entrance, but at the exit, there were always a family of three or couples holding hands, talking and laughing walking out.

Sure enough, any public place is extremely unfriendly to single dead houses.

A person who goes to the cinema to watch a movie will be despised, and a person who comes to the zoo to see animals will also be despised.

The ticket inspector at the ticket gate looks like a young man who has just graduated from university. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and has a few pimples on his nose. laugh.

Hua Ye glanced at it, as if he was watching a certain female anchor's live dance, the key word was... "Tolerance is great".

It wasn't until Jia Ailu came up to him that the young man finally realized that someone was approaching belatedly, and hurriedly put away his phone.

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