"Those are indeed pandas' papas..." the administrator of the panda house also said, and explained with a wry smile, "Although Gun Gun loves to eat bamboo, his digestive tract is still the type of a carnivore, without the complex stomach structure of a herbivore. Symbiotic bacteria that digest plant cellulose. The only way to get the nutrients you need from bamboo leaves is to eat and pull quickly..."

Following the administrator's narration, the smile on the face of the middle-aged woman who said she wanted to try the flavor of the Youth League gradually disappeared.

"I won't be able to look directly at the bitter melon anymore!" Gabriel couldn't help complaining.

Rafael smiled happily, and stretched out a finger to shake lightly in the air: "I think those who can't look directly should be those who are born with bitter faces, right?"


After leaving the Panda House, it was getting late.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is blue and blue, with a few cotton candy-like clouds floating gently in the sky, a red sun begins to fall into the earth, and the sunset glow in the sky is layer upon layer, magnificent like fire.

"Today's sunset is also very beautiful." Rafael raised his hand and rolled up a strand of hair beside his ear, and there was a sparkle in his eyes, "Why don't you take a group photo as a souvenir?"

Like to take pictures is not necessarily narcissism, but more want to keep the beautiful scenery around you.Because the human brain will gradually forget many things, instead of trusting your own memory, it is better to take photos and write them in a diary.

"What does sister mean?" Gabriel looked up at her elder sister.

Jiaailu thought for a while, then nodded lightly: "Okay."

This time, Hua Ye was not asked to help take pictures. In the words of this black-bellied girl: "Everyone come to the zoo to play together, of course we have to speak neatly."

However, except for the elder sister Jia Ailu, everyone else can understand the true meaning of tax evasion Lafite: "A family should be tidy. (*^▽^*)"

As for the person to help take pictures, Raphael walked towards a passing young lady with her mobile phone...

Drip: Face brushing is successful.

In this materialistic world, if you have money and you can be willful, you can also be self-willed if you have beauty.

Hua Ye didn't want to take pictures at first, he has never been interested in taking pictures, but under the gaze of the five girls, he finally had to walk over silently.

"Hmm, everyone is here!"

Lafei stretched out two fingers, smiling brightly.

Alice followed suit, and she happily extended her finger. She came to the zoo with her friends and saw so many cute and cute little animals. She was surrounded by her favorite Mr. Bai Yu. It was a dreamlike happy time.

"Sister, reach out quickly." Gabriel urged.

Jia Ailu was a little embarrassed, but seeing that everyone was in this posture, she silently stretched out two slender fingers.

"one two Three……"

Behind everyone is a flower garden, in which purple lavender and alfalfa are planted, and in the distance is the magnificent sunset and golden sunset, with the wind blowing, the purple lavender sways with the wind.


The screen freezes.

The bright smiles of the girls brightened up the fading twilight for a moment.

Looking at the smiling faces in the photo, even Jia Ailu, who has always been cold, raised the corners of her lips slightly, revealing a faint smile like a begonia sleeping in spring.

"Wait..." La Feier puffed up her cheeks, "Why are everyone laughing, only Hua Ye isn't laughing?"

You have to smile when you are never asked to take a photo!

Hua Ye's poker face: "I don't want to laugh."

"Hmph, facial paralysis/love madness!" Alice complained beside her.

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and looked.

The girl with two ponytails was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Raphael.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's finish our shopping quickly." Wei Nai pursed her lips, "The reason why you don't smile much is probably because classmate Hua Ye is...a serious person?"

Hey, what is the obvious hesitation about!Don't tell me I'm not a decent person in your heart!

"What do you think?" Wei Nai looked disgusted, cast a glance at Hua Ye, turned and walked forward.

Raphael took a step behind, stretched his finger in front of Hua Ye and shook it lightly, with a super happy smile: "Congratulations to the satyr for unlocking the new title, 'Serious Man'~~"

I always feel that this serious person is similar to an honest person, how bad it sounds!

Hua Ye was expressionless: "Tell me, when do you want to be slapped?"



After taking photos, everyone continued to visit the zoo. They walked very fast along the way, and did not stop taking pictures like most tourists, so they were about to visit the entire zoo.

I quickly walked outside the orangutan garden, stood outside the railing and looked in. I could see six or seven silverback chimpanzees sitting on the rockery inside, and many tourists were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

While taking pictures, a young man said to his companions:

"These chimpanzees look so ugly, no wonder in Tarzan, the male protagonist didn't have sex with the orangutans!"

your sister!You who expect a relationship between a human and an orangutan are really perverted!

"Hey, what's the matter with that chimpanzee's eyes? Why does it feel like it despises me?" The young man leaned on the railing, "Did you understand what I just said?"

Orangutans are creatures whose IQ is closest to that of humans, so there are movies like "Planet of the Apes". Without humans, orangutans might really be able to rule the earth!

"Hey, Master Baiyu, look, look, there's a white gorilla!" Alice's eyes lit up, and she pointed to a white gorilla in the corner, "It's the same as in the movie "Revenge Behemoth". That orangutan George seems... so strange, why does he feel lonely?"

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