"It does look a little lonely." Wei Nai nodded in agreement.

"Because the reason why it turns white is because it has a kind of albinism." Hua Ye complained, "People who have albinism will be disgusted, and of course orangutans who have albinism will also be disgusted."

Similar cases include white tigers and white boa constrictors and so on.

So those friends who expect the white snake to repay their favor and get out of the order don't even think about it. They are not white snake fairies, but ordinary snakes with albinism.

Although the orangutan has become a star animal because of albinism, it is clear that George does not like this treatment, and it looks very lonely when it is excluded and isolated by its peers.

Jiaairu stood quietly by the fence. After a moment of silence, she stretched out her right hand, and a ball of holy light flew out, and finally merged into the body of the white orangutan.

The albino orangutan noticed something, raised his head from the corner, and looked around curiously.

"Let's go."

Jiael withdrew her right hand, turned and walked out.The source of the power of faith is human beings, not animals. Unauthorized rewriting of a human's fate will be punished, but there are no strict rules for helping a sick animal.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the last wolf park.

The wolf is a very common gray wolf in zoos. At first glance, it looks like a large dog, but with a pointed mouth, erect ears, fluffy tail, and gray and white hair. In a TV series, a husky was used to pretend to be a wolf. And it has caught the attention of many people.

There are more than a dozen wolves in the wolf garden, sitting or lying down, they don’t look wild to make people frightened, nor do they have any lonely and unruly backs, and they are not even as lively as most of the dogs that are having fun on the street. People are bound to be a little disappointed.

The only thing that caught my eye was a wolf walking on a skateboard along the cement path in the wolf park, causing many people to take pictures.

"It's not as good-looking as my Xiaoqiu..." Alice took two photos and quickly lost interest.

at the same time.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Gabriel raised her face and looked at her sister, with a little fox-like smile on her lips.

"No, it's fine..."

Jiaailu shook her head and looked away, her pretty face under the setting sun was obviously a little pale.

Sister's big battle is the second round, and the weakness is get.

Chapter 822 Lafite is evading taxes

This trip to the zoo came to a successful conclusion.

Except for Jiaairu's slightly pale face, everyone was very happy.

Of course, Gabriel was the happiest person.

"Hahahaha... I finally found my sister's weakness!"

"Cultivators will never be slaves!"

"for freedom!"

It has been a week since this crippled angel was banned from playing games. It was like an old smoker suddenly unable to smoke. He really felt uncomfortable all over his body.

It's a pity that I can't fight, and it's useless to act like a baby. I can only tremble under the power of my sister every day, and then miss the days of galloping in the rivers and lakes and killing all directions in my dreams.

Now it's hard to find my sister's weakness, as long as she hits a critical strike, all the suffering will be gone.

Thinking that after my sister left, drinking coke and eating potato chips by myself, no longer needing to sit or stand, and playing any game I want, this useless angel couldn't help but laugh out loud. Voice.

"Huh?" Jiaailu narrowed her eyes, "Are you happy?"

"Because, because I came to the zoo with everyone, saw cute animals, took beautiful photos, and the key is that I have my sister by my side... so I was so happy that I burst out laughing!"

Happy your sister!

You are simply the smug snigger of a squirrel stealing chestnuts successfully!

The useless angel's acting skills exploded, and he switched to a happy expression in a second, then clasped his hands together in front of his chest, with sparkling lights in his eyes, "Vina sauce, do you also feel this way?"

A row of black lines fell from the top of Wei Nai's head, she closed her eyes, and said with a painful expression: "No, that's right, that's it..."

Wei Nai felt a deep sense of guilt for helping her good friend to "calculate" her long-awaited senior.

"Okay, the zoo is closing, let's go out."

In the sister's big battle plan, besides Jia Baili, the happiest girl was the black-bellied girl. Today's tax evasion went smoothly, and the joy in her eyes was clearly about to overflow.

When everyone walked out of the zoo, it was already half past six in the evening.

As the sun sets, the tired birds return to their nests.

The red sun disappears, only the sunset glow in the sky is like fire, and the vast twilight covers the earth.

"Should we go back after dinner?" Hua Ye threw the empty drink bottle in his hand into the trash can and suggested, "I'm treating you."

There is a reason why many people hate cooking now. First, you have to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and then you have to come back to do preparations such as cleaning, peeling, slicing, etc. These are simple to say, but the odds and ends always cost an hour of your time.Then after eating, I can't lie down on the sofa, because I have to wash the pots and pans. If I don't wash them, no matter how long they are left, there will be no snail girl to help you wash the dishes.I was very happy when I was eating, but the greasy dishes and chopsticks left after the meal really made people unhappy...

Life is already so difficult, don't waste time on cooking.


Except for Wei Nai who gave Hua Ye an angry look, telling him not to be too extravagant, everyone else raised their hands in agreement.

I used the mobile APP to find a restaurant with a good reputation. After entering, I sat down one by one.

Naturally, Gabriel was sitting next to her sister, and Vinai was sitting on the other side of Gail. The two sat guarding each other like maids on the left and right.

Rafael naturally sat down next to Hua Ye.

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