Under the bright street lights, there is a row of claw machines against the wall, where several couples of men and women are catching dolls.

Rafael rolled his eyes and stretched out a slender finger: "I remember that when Sister Gailu came here on the first day, she was holding a very interesting funny pillow in her arms. Sure enough, Sister Gailu also Do you like furry dolls? It’s still early, why don’t we grab some dolls and go home?”


Jiaairu hesitated slightly, but did not refuse immediately.

Girls are naturally irresistible to cute and furry dolls, and she is no exception.

It's just that, as an angel, she can 'stick to herself' that's all.

"Sister, let's grab the doll?" Gabriel observed the words and expressions, and naturally saw the flash of hesitation on her sister's face, so she pulled Jiaailu towards the claw machine.

She is in a good mood at the moment, and naturally everything is pleasing to the eye, "I want to play too, but unfortunately I can't catch it well, this time I have to rely on my sister. ≧▽≦"

"You play, I'll go back first..."

Wei Nai blushed slightly, trying to escape.

the reason is simple.

Because this claw machine is where she and Hua Ye pass by every night when they go home!More than half of the dolls that could hardly fit on the bed were taken from here. It can be said that they are regular customers here. Now that everyone comes here to catch dolls, they clearly feel ashamed of being publicly executed...

"Vina-chan, don't leave, let's play together." Rafael turned around and hugged Wei Nai, not letting her go, "Anyway, you have already asked for leave from the part-time store manager, so let's take a rest and relax today, you Which doll you like, I'll grab it for you."

You don't need to catch it, because Hua Ye has already caught all the dolls that you have looked at twice and put them in the room.

"Then, let's play for a while..."

Wei Nai had no choice but to agree.

While Rafael was grabbing the doll, Wei Nai's eyes turned and she quietly looked at Hua Ye.

Looking at each other, Wei Nai signaled with his eyes: "The matter of catching the doll... don't tell it!"

Hua Ye didn't mean to say it, but seeing Wei Nai feeling so guilty now, he couldn't help coughing lightly: "My knee pillow..."

"No lap pillows."

"No, I want to exchange the lap pillow, or I'll just say it."

"You..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, and suddenly realized that she had lifted a rock and hit her own foot, wanting to cry, "Shameless!"


Compared with Gabriel, a crippled angel, Jiaairu's control over power is obviously much finer. After two attempts, she successfully caught a frog seed doll.

Gabriel was naturally full of admiration: "Wow! My sister is amazing! (> ▽ It's a pity that Jia Ailu just hummed lightly, apparently unmoved by her sister's exaggerated compliments.

"Student Hua Ye, come here." La Feier waved to Hua Ye, "There is something very interesting here."

Hua Ye walked over and took a look, and was immediately shocked. There were super dirty bananas inside the claw machine!

After being anthropomorphized, these bananas have eyes, noses, mouths, hands and feet. Unfortunately, the smiles on their faces are completely incompatible with cuteness. The action is actually two hands peeling off the banana peel, making a gesture of standing up and taking off the pants to reveal the lower body...

Although only the yellow banana flesh is exposed, the posture is still full of bad taste!

"This is the evil Banana Lord who has been very popular recently." La Feier looked at Hua Ye with anticipation on his face, "Student Hua Ye, can you help me catch it?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "I want to catch it myself."


The black-bellied girl puffed up her pink cheeks, moved closer to Hua Ye, and whispered, "I can't catch it myself, and it's your boyfriend's job to catch dolls, right?"

Who said it was about the boyfriend?

It should be up to whoever can catch it!

"Hey, pervert, see for yourself."

Hua Ye turned his head to look around, and was speechless for a moment. There were four couples grabbing dolls nearby, and all of them were men grabbing and women watching.

"So this is Hua Ye's job." The black-bellied girl clasped her hands together and smiled triumphantly, "I will cheer for Hua Ye by the side!"

Catching dolls depends entirely on skill rather than luck, and you don't need to cheer up by your side!

"Ding dong."

Hua Ye tossed a coin and began to grab the doll.

Although the doll inside was replaced by the evil banana that has become popular for some reason, the claw machine has not changed. Hua Ye has already mastered the rules, and easily caught an evil banana.

"Thank you classmate Hua Ye!" Rafael bent down to pick it up, and shook it gently in his hand.

After seeing it, Wei Nai was shocked: "Hey, what is this?"

There is such a nasty banana doll, I won't be able to eat bananas properly in the future!

"It's not a doll, it's the toy Mr. Banana who has been very popular lately." Lafayer explained, "Do you want one for Wei Nai?"

"I do not want……"

Wei Nai was still shaking her head, but Hua Ye had already grabbed another banana and handed it over.

"Give you."


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