Wei Nai bit her lower lip. If the two of them were still alone, she definitely wouldn't want such a dirty thing, but now that Lafite had already asked for one, she was too embarrassed to refuse. After giving Hua Ye a bad look, she silently Reached out and took it.

One was also grabbed, and the other two were also grabbed. Hua Ye grabbed two more bananas and handed them to Gabriel and Jia Ailu.

Jiaairu didn't refuse, but reached out to take it generously.

"What is this?"

After all, it's just a banana. Although the action is a little wretched, it's not to the point of making people blush. Jiaailu holds Banana-kun in her hand and looks up and down curiously, but she doesn't know where her right hand touched. Suddenly, a milky white liquid flowed from the hand...

Chapter 824 Long Live Freedom!

"What is this?"

Looking at the white liquid on her hand, Jiaairu frowned slightly.

Mr. Banana, who took off his pants and stood up, was already very dirty, and now there is milky white sticky liquid flowing from his hand... It is so dirty that there is no lower limit.

"That's shampoo." Raphael stuck out the tip of her tongue and explained in a low voice, "Although the shape is a bit special, it's actually shampoo, not something weird..."

Nonsense, if it was something indescribable, Jiaairu would have exploded by now!

"Sister." Gabriel sent the tissues understandingly, "Here are the wet wipes for you."

"It turned out to be shampoo..."

Wei Nai was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly put Mr. Banana away carefully, lest she accidentally get a white sticky liquid with her hands.

Putting it away and looking up, just in time to see Hua Ye's eyes looking over subtly, her pretty face blushed, she bit her lower lip and said angrily, "It's all your fault!"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, indicating that he was used to lying down with a gun.

Because Jiaailu was 'dirty' by Mr. Banana, everyone lost interest in continuing to catch the dolls. After waving goodbye, they went home.


The next morning.

Gabriel got up early without shouting, picked up her schoolbag, and waved goodbye to Gail, like an early bird, bouncing off to school... To put it simply, she was so happy that she was about to float .

"Hahaha, sister's big battle is finally coming—" Gabriel pointed forward, "Start from here!"

The crippled angel walked to the place where Satania was often cut off and began to guard.

It's a pity that after a few minutes of silence, he raised his face and said, "I'm hungry."

Hua Ye was speechless: "Don't you usually skip breakfast?"

"Today people are in good spirits when they have a happy event. Of course they have to eat when they are happy." The useless angel plausibly said, "Go to the supermarket and buy some bread and milk."

"Go by yourself." Hua Ye said with a disgusted face.

"Tch, didn't fix you these days, did you start to drift?" Gabriel pinched her fingers, "I want you to look good when my sister leaves!"

So in the end who is floating! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻


ten minutes later.

The little red-haired devil with a schoolbag on his back, with his chin up, came from a distance in the posture of a queen patrolling her territory.

"Student Satania, are you here?" Gabriel jumped out of the corner with a friendly smile.

"You, what are you doing?" Silly Meow took a step back, raised his hand to cover his chest, and said vigilantly, "Smiling so terribly... must be thinking about how to bully me?"

"Not really." Gabriel folded her hands together, smiling softly, "Didn't you say you were going to take Xiaobai to play with me today?"

"Laughing is getting more and more terrifying..."

Gabriel squinted her eyes and switched back to the salted fish mode, "Is this how you are used to it?"

"That's right." Satania nodded in agreement, "It looks much more pleasing to the eye."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The useless angel crackled his fingers and used the aggressive method again, "You can't do what you promised yesterday, can you?"

"Hmph, how could I not be able to do it?" Satania raised her chest in reflex.

Although it is a super naive aggressive method, it will always work against Satania.

"That's right, His Royal Highness Satania said the most powerful thing." Rafael appeared behind Satania again in the form of a ghost behind his back, clasped his hands together, "There is nothing in the world that His Royal Highness Satania can't do .”

Satania, who heard the praise, was even more proud, pinching her waist with one hand and saying: "Yes, I am invincible!"


"Damn it! They stole my pineapple/bun again!"

The lackey Xiaobai held the pineapple/bundle in his mouth, shook his tail at Rafael, and prepared to leave.

"Xiaobai, come here."


The lackey of the angel looked up.

Gabriel took out a bag of pineapples from her schoolbag, knelt down and said:

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