"Because even if you leave, you will come back."

Hua Ye could see clearly.

This useless angel finally escaped from his sister's claws, and now he must have been unable to resist returning to the game. How could he go back and face the lonely lamp?

Can't sleep.

Impossible to fall asleep.

If there is no game to soothe the soul, it will die.

The useless angel walked up to Hua Ye, saw that Hua Ye had killed [-] times in a row, and remembered the computer sealed by his sister, and was even more unhappy.

"Get up and let me play for a while."


Hua Ye couldn't get up.

Gabriel let out a 'ha' and raised her eyebrows: "Did you drift off today?"


Hua Ye just picked up a handful of 98K. The useless angel looked at it, and his hands were itchy: "Let me do it, your skills are so good, just watch me play from the side."

As he said that, he lowered his head and burrowed, and sat directly in Hua Ye's arms.

Hua Ye let go of his hand, let Gabriel take the mouse, then hugged the crippled angel's waist, and made her sit still: "There are enemies in the house ahead, and the probability is more than [-]% that it is on the first door on the second floor." Behind the window, don't get up, too much movement will reveal the position..."

"If you want to teach me, it's not like I can't play."

Gabriel hadn't touched a game for a whole week. Now that she was holding the mouse and keyboard, the adrenaline began to soar, and her whole body was pumped up. She forgot to ask Hua Ye to get up and make way for a while.

So Hua Ye's focus quickly shifted from the computer to the useless angel.

A fragrance rushed into the nose.

It smells like green apple shampoo.

The clothes have been changed into a large red thin gown specially for Gabriel. This dress can be used as a skirt on weekdays, but after sitting down, the length is not enough, so the silky smooth milk chocolate-like delicate touch, And the outline of the hips full of elasticity and upright, clearly reflected in Hua Ye's mind.

If it was just like this, Hua Ye wouldn't react.

As a result, this useless angel had unexpectedly good luck today, and was killed by her blind cat and dead mouse...

When people are excited, they always make many body movements unconsciously.

Gabriel is no exception.

As a gamer, he had to control the mouse and keyboard with both hands, so he couldn't move around, so Gabriel subconsciously twisted her buttocks to express her excitement.

Hua Ye's expression quickly became subtle.

Unintentionally achieved Gabriel's achievement of "sit up and move by yourself", really gratifying...Congratulations, congratulations to your sister!

The space-based rail gun has entered the firing state in friction! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Although Gabriel was obsessed with eating chicken, she was not to the point where she could not hear what was going on outside the window. She noticed a sudden indescribable and terrible change under her body, and her body suddenly became stiff.But because she was about to eat chicken, she hesitated for a moment, but she didn't stand up immediately, but gritted her teeth and shouted murderously: "hentai! You're in heat every now and then...you're dead! Hurry up and soften me! "

"If you didn't sit up, you wouldn't be like this at all, would you?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "If you want to soften up, you should get up!"

"It's your blessing to have you as a human chair..." Before she could finish speaking, Gabriel's breath suddenly stopped, and her voice was filled with a tremor that penetrated deep into the soul, "Soul, soul light! Hurry up! Move away... No, or I will really kill you!"

If you have time to speak, you should stand up quickly!

"Wait, wait for me to finish this round..." Gabriel's face was covered with a blush, and even her earlobes turned into pink agate, her breath was full of heat, causing the temperature in the air to rise in a straight line .

But a cultivator is a cultivator, who can't leave the line of fire for minor injuries, and can't leave the keyboard for serious injuries. Even if he is sitting on a scary thing, he still refuses to get up: "Think about Liu Xiahui...you dare to hit me!"

What happened to Liu Xiahui?

I only heard that Liu Xiahui can't be messed up when she sits in her arms, but she didn't say that she can't lift while sitting in her arms!

It's a pity that the game ended quickly, and the useless angel failed to eat chicken in the end.

Following the death of the character, Gabriel pushed the keyboard, jumped up from Hua Ye's arms, gritted her silver teeth, and punched with a murderous fist: "I have endured you for a long time!"

After the fight, Gabriel realized that because of the difference in height, the two of them were actually facing each other at head-to-head, and they could even hear each other's scorching breath... It was a wasteful gesture without kissing.

Noticing that Hua Ye's eyes became subtle, the useless angel was about to back away, but it was a step too late.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and wrapped his arms around Gabriel's slender waist.

"you dare……"

As soon as the words came out, Hua Ye directly blocked his lips.

The scorching lips were burning like flames, as if they were about to set people on fire.

The crippled angel struggled twice, but his waist was hugged so tightly that he couldn't push it at all, so he gave up struggling.

Halfway through the kiss, her lips were suddenly bitten, Gabriel took the opportunity to break free, and then glared at him murderously: "hentai, where were you touching just now?!"

Hua Ye coughed lightly and said:

"Manual breast enhancement, understand?"


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