Chapter 826 Lafite Green

It is unknown when Jia Ailu will make a comeback. Instead of paying the price for Hua Ye to help lift the seal, this useless angel will directly occupy the magpie's nest.

"Go away, I've contracted your computer!"

Whether it is contracting fish ponds or contracting computers, there is a price to pay!

Gabriel confidently pushed Hua Ye away from the chair, "Do you have a drink? I'm dying of thirst."

Hua Ye coughed lightly: "I can..."

"Shut up!" Gabriel didn't turn her head back, "Don't say the rest, hentai!"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, got up and opened the refrigerator, and took two bottles of oolong tea.

"I want to drink Coke, not oolong tea." Gabriel looked disgusted, "It's hard to push away the big/boss of my sister, so I have to drink the drink that my sister forbids."

"There is no fat house happy water." Hua Ye put the oolong tea on the computer desk, "If you want to drink Coke, go downstairs and buy it yourself."

"Forget it." The useless angel shook his head resolutely, unscrewed the bottle cap, took a few sips of 'ton ton ton', then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and let out a sigh of relief, "I want to turn on the mode of cultivating immortals, and I will never drink it again." go out!"

This is not the mode of cultivating immortals, but the mode of dead house!

"Wait..." Gabriel suddenly thought of a question, "Where is your maid Ilya?"

Illya, who was standing on the balcony and used the invisibility spell, walked into the room, bowed and said calmly, "Mistress, please tell me."


Gabriel, who found herself being watched the whole time, was about to explode again, but fortunately, the notification tone of the chat group suddenly sounded.

Wei Nai: "Xiaojia, how is sister Jiaairu?"

Gabriel glared at Hua Ye with a murderous look, and replied, "My sister has already left, but before she left, she actually sealed my computer and PS4. It's really disgusting!"

Wei Nai sent a disgusted expression: "Only you are not qualified to say this!"

Lafei: "Oh, oh, it seems that Sister Jialu has already noticed something when she was at the zoo yesterday."

Satania (furious): "What, she clearly said that she invited me to be a guest, but for some unknown reason, sister Gailu suddenly showed a very scared expression, and after leaving with a 'biu', Gabriel immediately Kicked me out the door...not even a bag of pineapples/buns! Too much!"

Machiko: "By the way, there seems to be a typhoon coming tomorrow. Remember to carry an umbrella when you go out, and be careful..."

"Hey, typhoon?" Gabriel's eyes lit up, "Will the school be on holiday when the typhoon comes?"

Machiko sent a sweaty expression: "We are not in a coastal area, and the typhoon is not that powerful, so we generally don't have holidays..."

Gabriel: "Tch, you can't even make the school holiday, what's the use of this typhoon!"



At night, this crippled angel took Hua Ye's ps4 to play "God of War 4", and finally escaped from his sister's clutches. Naturally, he cultivated immortality all night without sleep.

The next morning, Hua Ye walked to the school alone again.

got windy.

The wind howls from all directions, and blows away recklessly, bringing bursts of refreshing coolness, and at the same time blowing the green trees on the street to sway.

Hua Ye couldn't help but think of what Machiko said in the group yesterday evening: Typhoon is coming.

Typhoon is actually a phenomenon caused by global atmospheric movement. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea and is often hit by typhoons. September and October are the seasons for typhoons in Japan. Basically, there are several typhoons every year.

In the case of typhoons in coastal areas, school and work need to be suspended, and people should stay at home. However, this city is not a seaside. When the typhoon hits, its power has weakened a lot, and it has no impact on production and life.

Walking to the gate of the community, a petite girl wearing a white blindfold can be seen standing there, swaying by the strong wind, even so, a stupid hair on the top of her head is still standing stubbornly, refusing to give in.

"Brave, brave!"

Seeing Hua Ye approaching, Liuhua's eyes lit up, and she covered her skirt with one hand and ran over. Unfortunately, she only used one eye to look at the road, and her balance would inevitably be affected. In addition, the wind was strong at the moment. Big, after running a few steps, his feet became unbalanced. With a "ah meow", he was about to fall to the ground in the posture of falling on the ground.

Hua Ye sighed, and reached out to pick up Liuhua: "Why didn't you stay in bed today?"

"Hee hee." Liuhua raised her face and smiled triumphantly, "Because I have an appointment with Satania, today I am going to capture the Wind Spirit. The brave don't know what the Wind Spirit is?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "I don't want to know at all."

"It's the elf born in the strong wind." Liuhua opened her hands and made a gesture of embracing the strong wind, "Just grab the wind elf and seal it in your right hand, then... ah meow!"

Before he could finish speaking, a gust of wind blew past, blowing and rolling up the skirt.

Liuhua hurriedly covered the hem of her skirt with her hands, and looked at Hua Ye pitifully: "Didn't the brave man see it just now?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I saw it."

"Woo..." Liuhua covered the hem of her skirt with both hands, and let out a cute low cry similar to a cat, "Oops, Oops! The seal has been exposed, and the dark enemy is about to attack..."

Attack on your sister!

Knowing that there will be a typhoon today, don't wear skirts!It’s fine to wear a skirt, but they still wear safety pants inside. Didn’t they know that safety pants are an invention against humanity?

"Chaldea will never surrender! Brave, brave, let's hurry up and find the singularity..."

Hua Ye raised his hand and slapped the middle school girl with a chisel.

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