"Woo..." Liuhua crouched in defense, covering her head, "The brave bully people!"

"Hurry up and go."


I didn't meet Vinai today, but met Satania and Raphael on the road.

"Student Hua Ye, good morning." Lafayette held her silver hair in front of her chest with one hand, with a slightly distressed expression, "Typhoon weather is so troublesome."

Her hair is very long, real waist-length hair, usually simply tied up, but now in such a typhoon weather, she must cover it all the time, otherwise she will become a silver-haired witch, and she may scare the children to cry.

"Good morning."

Before I got to the school, the sky was getting dark, like a landscape painting with splashes of ink, with a dampness that can't be absorbed by cotton, which is clearly a harbinger of the approaching rainstorm.

A gust of cool wind came whistling from all directions, causing the girls on the road to cover their skirts with their hands, and the humidity in the air also increased suddenly. After a while, Hua Ye felt cold, and the big raindrops began to crackle 'It fell, and a thin layer of green smoke quickly formed on the ground.

Typhoon days are characterized by heavy wind and heavy rain, but when the storm passes, it will soon clear up.

"It's raining heavily." La Feier took two quick steps and hid under a big tree. Unfortunately, the wind and rain were blowing obliquely, and the big tree couldn't stop it. "Student Hua Ye, hurry up and hold an umbrella..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "Where's your umbrella?"

Knowing that there is a typhoon recently, it is impossible for you not to bring an umbrella, right?

"I have to carry my bag and pull my hair, so I can't hold an umbrella." The dark-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks and said coquettishly, "Hurry up, Hua Ye."

"Wait—" Satania said suddenly, "Let me do it!"

After Hua Ye and La Feier all looked over, the idiot said "Hi" and pulled out a stick from his schoolbag...

A green onion?

At first glance, it is clearly the kind of green onion that Hatsune is holding and dancing in her hand... So you have not been green, why did you use a green onion to pretend to be Hatsune!

"Eh? Why did you bring green onions out?" Liuhua blinked and asked curiously, "Don't you like chopped green onions?"

I have heard that there is a famous dish in Shandong called "Pancake Rolled Green Onions", which is eaten with raw green onions wrapped in pancakes, but people still roll them with pancakes, it is too scary to eat raw!

"Hmph, this is a prop I bought on the Devil's Shopping TV." Satania raised her chin and introduced triumphantly, "It can be perfectly disguised as a green onion when it's not in use..."

So what's the point of this pretense!It’s okay to walk around the school with a parasol in summer, but if you walk around the school with a green onion, it’s super weird to think about it!

"Hatsune Umbrella, transform!"

It's still called Hatsune Umbrella?

Hearing this name, one is full of malice!

Saying that, Satania raised the 'green onion' in her hand, pushed it away with a 'chi' sound, and then blocked it on top of Raphael's head.


Pit father ah!Is it really an umbrella disguised as green onions?Not a bad idea, but what's up with that weird green light?

Is the green light cover really good?

I didn't see that Rafael's face had already turned green!

"Don't bother Satania, classmate..."

Hunting geese all day long, today he was actually pecked by geese in the eyes, and Rafael's head was full of green light, almost turned into a prairie.

"No trouble, no trouble." Satania didn't notice the corners of Rafael's forced smile at all, and smiled complacently, "Since I bought this hatsune umbrella, it has never been rainy, and it finally comes in handy today... ...And when I bought it, the two show hosts also said that after holding this umbrella, I can understand the true meaning of life!"

"Hey, what is the true meaning of life?" Raphael was a little curious.

"Hmm..." Satania put her hand on her lips, looked up at the sky and thought for a while, "It seems to be 'If you want to live a decent life, you have to have some green on your hair'?"


Your sister, what kind of despair did the two hosts of Devil Realm Radio go through to realize the true meaning of such a terrible life!

This sentence is like "a loss is a blessing" and "endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to broaden the sea and the sky". In fact, they are all self-deprecating failures of the weak!

"Ha, ha ha..."

The corners of Rafael's eyes twitched slightly, and he flashed decisively under Hua Ye's umbrella: "I don't want to know the 'truth of life' at all, and Satania's classmate is just as good as herself..."

Chapter 827 Acacia Tree


At this moment, Liuhua also propped up the "eternal gun" that never leaves her body. The black umbrella, which is usually used as a weapon, has rarely done a good job for a while, but it is a pity that people are small and weak. The umbrella was blown away by the wind, but fortunately Hua Ye grabbed it to avoid the tragedy of being blown away by the wind.

"Liuhua, put away the umbrella and let Satania help you support it." Raphael held her hair with one hand, and hid most of her body behind Hua Ye, suggesting, "It's raining too much now, Let's find a place to hide for a while, and wait for the rain to calm down before going to school?"

It's fine if it rains heavily, but the key is that the wind blows and rolls up, and the rain is naturally erratic. In this case, holding an umbrella is actually useless.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"When Liuhua and I had a great adventure, we found a shrine in front of us. Let's go there?" Satania reached out, hugged Liuhua's shoulders, and put the Hatsune Umbrella on top of Liuhua's head, so the number of people with green heads Multiply by two again.

"Hurry up and go."


Japan is known as the "Eight Million Gods". There are temples and shrines all over the country.

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