A cool and sweet, delicious jelly-like fudge.

One is full of scorching heat, like magma in a volcano.


"Hey, what are you two doing?"

(PS: I finally reached 200 million words, and I didn’t know it, so much water, covering my face... It’s the end of the month, so I’m brazenly begging for blades and monthly tickets here, friends, reward me! (*^▽^* ))

Chapter 828 Marriage Rope

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

Satania's dumbfounded voice sounded suddenly.

Hearing this shout, Rafael thought that her personal affair was exposed, and her pretty face was suddenly flushed with red.

She hurriedly pushed Hua Ye away, thinking about how to smooth things over, when she suddenly realized that something was wrong...

It should be because of the angle that Satania didn't see what the two were doing, otherwise the idiot would definitely shout "You two are kissing" instead of "What are you two doing."

As a result, Hua Ye took the lead and said:

"I'm kissing..."

Before he finished speaking, Lafael covered his mouth, and then replied with a smile as if nothing had happened: "A moment ago, dust flew into my eyes, I just asked classmate Hua Ye to blow it for me..."

As expected of a tax evader, his psychological quality is strong enough. If it was Wei Nai, even if he didn't faint at this moment, he would not be able to speak at all.

"Hey, is that so?" Satania puffed up her cheeks. She really didn't see clearly just now, but she always felt that something was wrong. She lowered her head and looked at the green onion in her hand. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the green onion seemed to be getting stronger Green some.

"But the attendant said that he was kissing..."

"The wind is too strong, you heard it wrong." Rafael smiled gracefully, regaining control of the overall situation.

"But Lafite's face is so red..." Liuhua blinked, the hair on the top of her head was swaying in the wind. She was busy fishing just now, so she really didn't see what happened.

Rafael still smiled: "Because the dust dazzled the eyes, they were flushed."


It's that simple to control the audience.

"You two continue to catch fish. I'll go to the shrine to have a look." The black-bellied girl waved her hand and pulled Hua Ye into the worship hall.

Except for Hua Ye and the others, no one else came to take shelter from the rain. After all, compared to this remote shrine, places like convenience stores are better places to take shelter from the rain.

At this moment, there is only one aunt in the store looking after the stall, which is covered with red marriage ropes and nameplates.

"Student Hua Ye went too far just now!" Rafael puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "Well, you bullied me all of a sudden, what if Liuhua and Satania saw it?"

Why do you bully you, you know it well!

Hua Ye snorted with a straight face: "If you are not convinced, I will bully you again."


"It's too much..." La Feier's cheeks became more puffy, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, "The pervert knows how to bully me."

Hua Ye stepped forward: "Then bully you again."

"No, no, no."

Raphael quickly took a step back, shaking her head.

Once a super thick-skinned boy takes the initiative, it's really scary.

"I'm going to buy a rope to tie my hair up..." The black-bellied girl walked to the booth, bent down and asked, "Auntie, how much is a marriage rope?"

"The marriage rope is five yen, and the nameplate is five hundred yen." The aunt is well-informed, she doesn't care about Hua Ye and Rafael's flirting, she waved her fan and said, "You can use the engraved card over there." You can carve the characters yourself, or let me do it for you, but you will be charged an extra [-] yen."

The price is a bit expensive, but most of the people who come here are couples, and they usually don't care about this little money.

"No, here you are." Rafael took out his wallet, took out a thousand yen and handed it to the aunt, then took the marriage rope and nameplate, turned to look at Hua Ye, "Student Hua Ye, your handwriting is beautiful." , come here to engrave."

Hua Ye took the nameplate and said speechlessly:

"Knowing that it's useless, why are you looking forward to it?"

The acacia tree in the backyard of the shrine is just an ordinary tree, nothing special about it.Although the ancients gave it the good name of the acacia tree, they did not endow it with special abilities. On the contrary, the story of the man who pulled the tree and a pig duel for an acacia tree once became a good story for a while.

"Young man, you can't treat marriage so casually." Before Rafael could speak, the aunt quit first, "The acacia tree in the backyard is alive. Every month, new couples come to my place to thank me. How can you Said it was useless?"

Nonsense, the people who come here to hang the marriage rope must be couples, not strangers. It's normal for couples to get married or something, right?

"Auntie is right." The black-bellied girl turned her head to look at Hua Ye, closed one eye, slightly pursed the corners of her thin lips, and raised a delicate arc upward, "Marriage is destined by the heavens." The biggest."

Aunt is old-fashioned: "It's still this beauty who is sensible."

Hey, your distinction is too obvious!Call me a young man, call me Lafite and you'll be a beauty!

"Tie the marriage rope, and your two names will be connected by a dark red thread, and you will be able to be together forever." The aunt looked at Hua Ye, "Or do you have the confidence to grow old forever?" ?”

"Yeah." Raphael nodded as if pecking at rice, "Look at——"


It's not a question of faith at all!

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