In the marriage vows of Catholics, there is never a lack of the words "from now on, no matter how good or bad the situation is, whether the family is rich or poor, sick or not, we swear to love each other and never separate until death". We made an oath, but we agreed not to separate until death. The divorce rate for foreigners is actually super high!

Naturally, Hua Ye wouldn't argue with an aunt, reached out and took the marriage rope, and beckoned to Raphael, "Come here."

"Eh?" The dark-bellied girl blinked her eyes, a little dazed.

"I won't engrave the nameplate." Hua Ye said calmly, "I'll tie your hair up for you."

The aunt chattered: "This is a marriage rope, not for tying hair..."


It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Rafael already smiled, his eyes sparkling, his bright smile brightened the gloomy sky suddenly, then he bit his thin lips lightly with his white teeth, and turned slightly sideways.

This smile can be said to be extremely touching, even the aunt who sells things was stunned for a moment... Then there was a distressed expression on her face after eating a big bowl of dog food.


Rafael's long hair reached her waist, and her hair was of good quality, as soft and silky as milk chocolate, so it would be no problem for her to be the spokesperson for shampoo.

"Side ponytail, braid, or bun?" Hua Ye asked.

These three hairstyles are more suitable for windy weather in autumn and winter.

"Don't side ponytail." Rafael puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "Those wives in the anime died because of this dangerous hairstyle...Hua Ye is bullying people!"

Shut up!The wife's death has nothing to do with her hairstyle, it's the manga author's fault, okay?And you're not a wife, so what's there to be afraid of!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "The braid?"

Rafael still shook her head: "Don't braid it, it feels very rustic..."

How rustic are braids? The two princesses in Frozen all wear braids!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and began to prick the head of the ball.Although he hadn't practiced it before, this kind of mechanical manual labor is naturally easy for Hua Ye.

Not long after, Hua Ye tied the long hair of the dark-bellied girl into a cute ball head with a marriage rope.

"All right."

"Well, it's very pretty, but it feels like it's a lot younger..." Raphael took out his phone and used it as a mirror. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Hua Ye.


"What are you doing?" Hua Ye made a disgusted face.

"The hairballs are fast and beautiful... How many times has classmate Hua Ye done it for other people behind my back!"


Chapter 829 Tuning/Teaching Lafite

"Rafi, Rafi, I caught a goldfish..."

Satania grabbed a half-palm-sized goldfish and walked in to claim credit. When she looked up, she saw that Rafael, who had always had long hair and shawls, had turned into a ball head. She couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Hey, your hair..."

"It's a ball head." Raphael's ability to control the field is perfect, and she can even be caught and raped when she is kissing, let alone at this moment, she raised her right hand and stroked her hair, and said with a smile , "Student Satania, do you think it looks good?"

"Huh? It's pretty..."

Silly Meow replied subconsciously, with an extremely cute expression on his face.

"It's too windy outside, if you don't tie up your hair, it will block your eyes..."

A fluffy sentence of explanation brought the matter over in one stroke.

"So it's like this..." Although Satania felt that something was wrong, she couldn't tell what went wrong for a while, and she couldn't help showing a distressed and confused expression on her small face.

She looked down at the green onion in her hand, and the Hatsune Umbrella seemed to be a little greener again.

Hua Ye sighed, unknowingly, he was almost played by this black-bellied girl. With the stupid IQ, even if he was pulled out to sell, he would happily help count the money!

"Wow, ball head!" Liuhua also came in from the door at this moment, seeing Rafael who had changed her hairstyle, her eyes lit up immediately, "It's so beautiful, I want to get a piercing too!"

"During the lunch break, can I tie it for you again?" Rafael agreed, and then changed the subject without any trace, "There is a marriage rope here, do you two want to come and have a look?"

While speaking, Rafael raised his hand to stroke his hair, then his eyes turned and he glanced at Hua Ye lightly.

I use the marriage rope as a rope to tie my hair, but I really don't want to share it with others...

At this moment, Satania was dragged by Liuhua to the booth, "Auntie, how do you sell these?"

"[-] yen for the marriage rope, [-] yen for the nameplate, engrave your name on it, and hang it on the acacia tree in the backyard, so that you can be together forever and live forever..." the aunt read like a repeater.

A marriage that can be bought casually with [-] yen is really cheap!With so many marriage ropes tied to the acacia tree, have you ever thought about the feeling of a single tree?

"Actually, girls can also engrave their names." The black-bellied girl made trouble again, stretching out a slender jade finger, "For example, if you engrave the names of you and Liuhua on it, you can live forever under the blessing of magic power." Oh."


Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

The relationship between two girls is called friendship, if it becomes a marriage, is it coming out of the closet?

The aunt shook her cattail fan and did not speak, quietly watching Raphael fooling around.

"Hey, there is such a saying?" Silly Meow was dumbfounded.

"That's right." The black-bellied girl gave a thumbs up, closed one eye, and smiled happily, "For the sake of your friendship with Liuhua, go and engrave your name on the contract!"

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