Shut up, this thing is the same as the Indian suspending technique. It is actually supported by a transparent water pipe in the middle, and the water pump is underneath, so it is held down with pebbles. It is not a miracle at all, okay?

If it is so effective, you two idiots who hang the marriage rope on the tree, wouldn't you want to "knit together forever"!

"It should be supported by transparent water pipes under the faucet, right?" Raphael told the truth. After all, in this technology-side world, it is impossible for something too mysterious to appear. Even if there is, it will not be exposed in public. See.

"I'll try it." Satania and Liuhua ran over and tried it with their hands, and they were really disappointed when they found the water pipe supporting the faucet. "So there is really a water pipe..."

"Is it normal to have water pipes?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "Newton's universal gravitation, let's understand it!"

Satania puffed up her cheeks: "But in his later years, Newton also began to study theology, maybe he discovered the true meaning of the world..."

I can’t remember the law of universal gravitation, but I only remember the absurd things after Newton’s old age, be careful to be thrown back to hell by Newton’s apple!


When we walked to the school gate, the heavy rain had turned into a hazy mist, most of the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and there was actually a rainbow hanging in the sky.

There are still a few minutes before class, and many people are breathing fresh air in the corridor.

"Master White Feather!"

Alice ran over like a whirlwind, her twin ponytails swaying behind her back, her already big eyes widened, "Wow, Lord Baiyu with meatball hair is so cute!"

"Rafi, why is your hair tied up like this?" Wei Nai was on duty this morning, so she came early, and she was looking at the rainbow in the corridor at the moment, and she was also surprised when she saw Rafael's ball head asked.

"It was very windy on the way here, and my hair always blocked my eyes, so I tied my hair up..."

For some reason, this dark-bellied girl didn't untie her hair, but she attracted a lot of attention along the way.

"Hey, what do you think of Wei Nai-chan?"

"Huh?" Wei Nai blinked, "It's very nice, it looks very professional..."

(Hmm! Mr. Facial Paralyzed has never pierced Wei Nai's head!)

Rafael rolled his eyes, grabbed Machiko who was sneaking past, and said with a smile, "Machiko-chan, how is my new hairstyle?"

Machiko replied pitifully: "Student Lafite's discovery is very beautiful..."

"That's okay." The black-bellied girl waved her hand, raised her chin in a good mood, and smiled brightly, "Machiko-chan, go back to the classroom!"



Today's first class is physics class.

The physics teacher is a tall and thin middle-aged man. Although he did not hold a wolfberry thermos, he did not escape the fate of premature baldness. Perhaps this is the career future of educators.

Because of excessive use of the brain, they have been bald at an early age!

Compared with the boring Newton's three laws, the experimental class is more interesting. Before the class bell rang, everyone changed their shoe covers one after another and walked into the physics laboratory. Unfortunately, the most conspicuous thing in the laboratory is a pair of Newton's pendulum. Brings back horrible memories of failing a physics exam no matter what.

"Today's experiment class is about potato power generation and common circuit maintenance..." The physics teacher briefly explained the steps of the experiment, and then asked everyone to form a team to do the experiment and write an experiment report.

Wei Nai is usually on the same team as Gabriel, and the useless angel didn't come today, so she and Hua Ye took care of the two idiots, Satania and Liuhua, by the way.

Due to the limitation of the experimental table, this kind of experimental class is usually divided into two groups. There are a total of thirty people in the class, which happens to be in two groups. It is a pity that Jia Baili missed class today, and naturally someone will be placed alone...

That's right, it's Haruka Kitano, the fringe girl in the class.

The bob-haired girl stood alone in the corner, with a slightly gloomy expression on her face.

Hua Ye glanced at her, and said:

"come here."

"Ah... oh."

Haruka Kitano took a step subconsciously, then looked at Wei Nai hesitantly.

There is nothing to be afraid of, Wei Nai is the most helpful existence in the class, if she doesn't help you, no one will help you!

"Student Kitano, come here." Wei Nai saw Haruka Kitano in the corner and waved, "Shall we form a team?"

"Thank you, classmate Hua Ye, thank you classmate Wei Nette..." The Bob Boss came over, and whispered his thanks in a low voice.

"You're welcome." Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled.

In fact, she and Kitano Haruka don’t have many interactions, because this bob-haired girl hardly participates in club activities, she will leave school to work after school, and she rarely takes the initiative to talk to others in the class, but everyone is a classmate and can be assigned to a class Here is fate, there is something that can help Wei Nai naturally will not sit idly by.

"Potato power is mostly made of zinc, copper electrodes and cooked potato slices... Shall we prepare it?"

Kitano Haruka nodded slightly: "Yes."

"You do the experiment." Hua Ye picked up the report book and carbon pen, "I'm in charge of writing the report."

Wei Nai came over angrily, "You're being lazy again."


Hua Ye refused to admit it.

Wei Nai looked disgusted: "You said the same thing last time."

"You were not with me last time."

"Is it okay to be next to you?"

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