
Seeing Wei Nai and Hua Ye talking cordially, Kitano Haruka secretly glanced at Machiko's direction: "Squad, the squad leader is so pitiful...how does it feel like everyone is in the green squad leader..."

Chapter 831

Not long after class, the physics teacher answered the phone, then walked out of the laboratory to make a phone call.

Everyone relaxes quickly.

The experiment of potato power generation was not interesting at all. These melon-eating girls started to play their own things one after another. For example, Liuhua and Silly Meow next to them started a journey of death.

"Liuhua, let me show you the Coca-Cola fountain." Satania raised her chin, triumphantly, "This is a powerful skill I recently learned."

"Hey, what is the Coke fountain?" Liuhua dropped the potato in his hand, tilted his head and looked curiously.

On the way to the laboratory, this idiot bought a bottle of Coke from the vending machine, drank a small half of it now, and there was more than half left. She unscrewed the bottle and straightened it, then took out a bottle A blue candy, solemnly said: "Hmm, it's time to witness a miracle!"

"Satania?" Wei Nai turned her head to look, and couldn't help asking, "What are you going to do?"

Coke fountain or something, I always feel that I will deceive others and myself.

"You'll know it after reading it."

This idiot threw the candy in his hand into the half bottle of Coke. The moment the candy and the Coke came into contact, the originally peaceful half bottle of Coke immediately had a strong reaction visible to the naked eye. A large number of fine bubbles emerged violently, and then "boomed" A bang erupted from the Coke bottle, and it was a full meter high.


Hua Ye immediately understood that the so-called Coke fountain was simply a prank made with Mentos!

There is a lot of carbon dioxide in the fat house happy water. After unscrewing the bottle cap, these carbon dioxide will not escape in an instant, but will disappear slowly. Due to the structure of the candy itself and the special ingredients inside, Mentos candy can promote The rapid release of carbon dioxide in a short period of time creates a geyser phenomenon.

However, generally a dozen Mentos candies can create a half-meter-high fountain. You can actually create this phenomenon with just one candy. You must have bought props from that messy shopping TV station again!

Stop watching those shopping shows that always buy cheating props, such as the Hatsune Umbrella this morning, I didn’t notice that you two were looked at with pity all the way!


Satania's experimental table was right next to Hua Ye and Wei Nai. Haruka Kitano heard the conversation, and although she didn't participate in the discussion, she looked over there curiously. As a result, the moment the Coke spewed out, she didn't have time to react, so she directly It became Luo Tang Ji!

The bob-haired girl blinked her eyes blankly, then hurriedly hugged her wet chest, biting her lips tightly, almost crying.


With black lines all over Wei Nai's face, she gritted her teeth and shouted.

She was also sprayed with Coke, although not much, but it was sticky and uncomfortable.

"I, I don't know if it will be sprayed on people..." Silly Miao hurriedly shook her head, fearing that Wei Nai's magical light would bombard her.

Wei Nai took a deep breath and turned to look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye understood, took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it over.

"Student Kitano, let's go to the classroom and change clothes?" Wei Nai took out a tissue and helped Kitano Haruka wipe the Coke off her face, "I'll punish Satania when I come back..."


Kitano Haruka folded her hands on her chest and nodded aggrievedly.

"I'll go too..." Hua Ye coughed lightly.

"what are you going to do?"

Wei Nai looked over with disgust.

"Go to help you watch the door?"

"I don't want you to help watch the door..." Wei Nai blushed pretty, and bit her lower lip, "We're going to the locker room to change... Remember to finish the experiment and write the report. I'll check it when I come back!"


When Wei Nai left, she looked up like a quail and said, "Vinette was so fierce just now."

Nonsense, the Buddha also has fire, and the clothes are sprayed wet for no reason, the one who is not angry is the face man!

The scar is gone and the pain is forgotten, this idiot quickly put the accident behind him, pulled Liuhua and muttered: "In addition to the Coke fountain, there are other ways to play, I heard that if you eat it together, you will enjoy the explosion What a thrill!"

your sister!Drinking Mentos and Coca-Cola together will not cause any problems, but it will make your stomach very uncomfortable. If you make trouble with Mentos produced in hell, it might really explode!

"Bring it."

"Eh?" Satania was a little dazed, "What does the attendant want?"

"That candy." Hua Ye said with a straight face, "I confiscated it."


The idiot rolled his eyes, threw the candy into his mouth, picked up the rest of the Coke and was about to drink it, but Hua Ye slapped it on his forehead.

Satania puffed up her cheeks, "The servant, the servant actually committed the crime?"

This is also called following offense?

Push you down on the experimental table, and you are so weak to resist that you are called the next criminal! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


It was noon in a blink of an eye.

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