Chapter 833 The Correct Way to Eat Litchi

supermarket door.

Machiko shook off the rainwater from the umbrella, put the umbrella away in the storage area, and then looked at Hua Ye expectantly: "It's getting late, Hua Ye, should you go back after dinner?"

Hua Ye thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with going back, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay."

"Then let's go buy some ingredients first, and then go to buy water tape?" Machiko raised the corners of her lips slightly, and her steps became obviously cheerful, "By the way, what would student Hua Ye want to eat tonight?"

Hua Ye turned his head and looked: "Did you contract the cooking for the evening?"

"I, I'll just help out..." Machiko hurriedly shook her head.

Although I am very confident in my cooking skills, but there is a gap in cooking skills, I just need to start and learn by the way.

The two walked into the supermarket while talking. Hua Ye pushed a shopping cart and started shopping.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

When passing through the department store, Machiko suddenly blushed and called Hua Ye to stop.

"what happened?"

"No, nothing..."

The pretty girl with long black and straight face flushed, and took a bag of brown sugar from the shelf and put it in the shopping cart.


Ah, I remembered...

Now Kankan is in the middle of the month again, that is to say, has your good relative come to visit again!No wonder you were a little pale before, and you also wore a jacket with a zipper. It turns out that you are not feeling well!

Having said that, since the night I spent the summer vacation on the island, I brought you sanitary napkins, and I have never been absent every time my good relatives visit after that!

"Go, let's go!" Seeing that Hua Ye seemed to have something to say, Machiko hurriedly interrupted, begging in a pitiful whisper, "I'll talk about it when I have something to say..."


After shopping in the supermarket for [-] minutes, Hua Ye and Machiko walked towards the cashier. When they passed by a crane machine, Machiko looked at the piggy bank of the faceless man inside the crane machine. The intentional light flashed.

"You like this?" Hua Ye stopped walking.

"Eh?" Machiko came back to her senses and shook her head quickly, "No, I don't like it, I just think it's very special..."

Hua Ye remembered a sentence he saw on the Internet: Girls are always duplicity animals, when you can't tell whether what she says is true or false, just buy, buy, buy is absolutely right.

"Catch it before you go." Hua Ye walked to the claw machine.


Machiko was weak, or rather gentle, seeing that Hua Ye had already made a decision, she didn't say anything, but followed Hua Ye step by step.

"Are you going to catch it or should I catch it?" Hua Ye turned his head and asked.

"Catch Hua Ye." Machiko shook her head in frustration, looking at the piggy bank of the Faceless Man inside the crane machine, "I'm very unlucky, I'm sure I won't be able to catch it..."

Catching dolls mainly depends on skills, not luck, otherwise those who have wiped out the claw machines on the street, what kind of dolls are still catching, and bought lottery tickets would have made a fortune long ago!

Under Machiko's nervous and expectant gaze, Hua Ye grabbed the Faceless Man's piggy bank for the second time.

"Here you are." Hua Ye handed the piggy bank to Machiko.

"Thank you Hua Ye!"

A smile of surprise appeared on the face of the black, long and straight girl, and she took it with both hands, happily hugging the Faceless Man's piggy bank in her arms.

On the way to the cashier, Machiko walked happily: "When I was young, I went to the movie theater with my parents and watched Spirited Away, and I was very impressed by the faceless man...I didn't expect it to be made into a piggy bank. It looks like a piggy bank. so cute."

How cute is this silly monster with facial paralysis!

Of course, Hua Ye would not say this.

The correct answer at this time is...

"As long as you like it."


After paying the bill and walking out of the supermarket, the rain outside was still falling. Although it was much lighter, it was lingering until the end of the world.

Although it was not yet six o'clock in the evening, due to the continuous rain, the twilight seemed quite deep. There was a thin mist rising at the end of the street, and even the lights of the street lamps seemed to be wobbly.

Usually in this kind of weather, walking alone in the cold evening rain, a literary girl will always feel a little melancholy and sad, but today with Hua Ye by her side, there is no chance of sadness at all.

Hua Ye opened the umbrella and looked at Machiko: "Come here quickly."


The black, long, straight girl blinked her eyes, blushed and obediently walked under Hua Ye's umbrella.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar. It is very nervous to do it the first time, but it will naturally relax a lot the second time.

After getting home.

Hua Ye took out tools and quickly repaired the leaking water pipe.

"Thank you Hua Ye." Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, "Go to the living room and watch TV for a while..."

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