After putting away the toolbox, Machiko sat on the sofa next to Hua Ye, unwrapped the outer packaging of the Faceless Man's piggy bank, and said expectantly, "I've seen this kind of piggy bank in the news, I thought it was so fun…”

"Didn't you say you didn't like it before?" Hua Ye complained.

Machiko blushed slightly: "I, I like it again now..."

The straight black girl opened the wallet, took out a [-] yen coin from it, and put it on the tray in the hands of the faceless man. Then the faceless man opened his mouth and slowly swallowed the coin into his mouth. Then he returned to the paralyzed look holding the tray in his hand and waiting for alms... Anyway, Hua Ye didn't see what was so fun about it. This thing obviously relies on weight as a sensor, and it can only swallow coins, not banknotes!

Machiko let the Faceless Man 'eat' the few remaining coins in the wallet, and then reluctantly put away the wallet: "Student Hua Ye, are you thirsty?"

"Not thirsty." Hua Ye shook his head.

"Then I'll peel the lychees for you to eat..."

Machiko took a lychee, and peeled off the red lychee shell with her snow-white slender fingers, revealing the white flesh inside.

Feeding is impossible to feed, the skin is not that thick.

The girl with long black and straight face blushed slightly, and handed over a bamboo stick like a maid: "It's finished, student Hua Ye poked it with a bamboo stick and ate it?"

So don't be shy at every turn!

You will definitely be bullied if you are so thin-skinned. Let me give you a preview now.

"You feed me."

"Ehhh?!" Machiko opened her eyes wide, thinking she was having auditory hallucinations, "What did Hua, Hua Ye say just now?"

Hua Ye said solemnly:

"The lychee water is sticky and uncomfortable in your hands, and I heard that the lychees fed by others are sweeter, so you feed me."


It was obvious that Machiko's pretty face was flushed with red clouds, she opened her mouth, but hesitated to speak.

So don't just blush, you just say no, it's not that difficult to learn how to say no!

It's a pity that Hua Ye still didn't wait to refuse. The black, long and straight girl hesitated for a moment, and finally poked a peeled lychee with a bamboo stick, holding her other hand under it, and whispered shyly: "Then, That classmate Hua Ye opened his mouth..."

Chapter 834 Knead Again

Under the 'serving' of Machiko, Hua Ye ate a lychee, and only felt that the flesh was sweet, tender and juicy, much better than the taste of apples.

"Spit the lychee core into my hand..."

Machiko stretched out her left hand, with a napkin in her palm, and whispered shyly.

Maid power max.

Hua Ye spat out the brown lychee core, not embarrassed, but accepted the service with peace of mind: "Eat one yourself, it tastes good."

"Hmm..." Machiko nodded blushing, "I can't eat fruit right now."

"can not eat?"

After Hua Ye was stunned, he soon came to his senses. When girls come to visit their relatives, they seem to be unable to eat food that is too cold, or they will have a stomachache. Some people have a grumpy temper, but some people will be overwhelmed with pain.

There is a girl in the class who is absent for one day every month. Hua Ye didn't care about it before, but now that I think about it, it's probably because of a good relative.

"Does your stomach hurt now?" Hua Ye sat up straight.

"Eh?" I don't know why Hua Ye suddenly asked this, Machiko blushed, hesitated for a moment, and said timidly, "It may be because of the bad weather in the past few days, yes, there is a little pain..."

If you can say that it hurts a little bit, it is more painful.

Hua Ye found that the scene in front of him was very familiar, because it happened once during the summer vacation: "May I rub it for you again?"


The air was suddenly silent.

You can see water vapor rising from the top of Machiko's head, and her pretty face is so red that it explodes, obviously remembering what happened that evening during the summer vacation.

Machiko lowered her head and didn't respond for a while. Just when Hua Ye thought she was going to refuse, the black, long, straight girl actually agreed, but her voice trembled: "Yes, yes..."

After finishing speaking, Machiko fled into the bathroom:

"I'm going to wash my hands first..."

He said to wash his hands, but it took a long time for Machiko to come out, probably to cool down and dissipate heat, and there was still wet steam on his face.

The black long straight girl walked over, sat on the other end of the sofa, hugged a pillow, her long eyelashes trembling slightly: "Wash, wash..."

So it's not like you haven't rubbed it before, what are you doing so frightened!It was agreed that the first time is raw and the second time is familiar!

Hua Ye ordered: "You unzip the jacket first."


Machiko responded with a low voice, and dropped her right hand to the zipper on her chest, pulling down the zipper at a very slow speed, like a small beast that was stretching its neck to kill, or like a fish thrown on a chopping board.

How slow is it?

It's slower than the faceless man's piggy bank swallowing money!At this rate, it may not be possible to solve it tomorrow morning!

"I'll still come."

Hua Ye squinted, got up and sat next to Machiko, took over the control of the zipper, and then pulled the zipper of the sweater to the end.

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