I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die...!

How to do?

In the end how to do?

My cousin said that it would be fine to just hand it over to a boy at this time, but it's still super embarrassing...

Sure enough, it would be better to die!

Since elementary school, Machiko has been the monitor of the class, and now, many people have taken "the monitor" as her nickname. As the head of the first class, Machiko is basically "the closest person to the teacher", not much different from ordinary The experience of getting along with boys, I know more about the experience of getting along with men and women taught by the unreliable cousin... So it finally became the current scene.


It was as if standing in the scorching summer of [-] degrees, being tormented by the scorching heat and thirst, and would be unable to hold on the next moment and pass out.

But the strange numbness coming from the chest came in waves, making it impossible for people to faint.

Machiko could only grab Hua Ye's sleeve in vain, like a flat boat floating on the sea, carrying ups and downs.

(That's weird... I've touched my chest before when I was taking a bath or sleeping, but I didn't feel like that at all...)

(Are boys' hands magical, as the book says?)

(And, and why is student Hua Ye so proficient?)

What made the girl with long straight black feel ashamed and scared was that Hua Ye seemed a little dissatisfied with the status quo, and stretched out his other hand, as if to...

Unbutton the corset at the back?

Although the corset is a little tight, and I feel short of breath when I wear it, but I can unbutton it or something...


This speed is too fast!I'm still on my period today!

Just when Machiko plucked up her courage and was about to beg Hua Ye in a low voice not to continue, she suddenly felt the hand that was making trouble on her body leave quickly, and straightened her messy clothes.

"Hua, classmate Hua Ye?" Machiko timidly opened her eyes and looked at Hua Ye in surprise.A pair of eyes have become extremely moist, as if the continuous autumn rain outside the house is full of watery moisture.

Hua Ye sat upright and said, "Your mother is back."

"Oh..." Machiko suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Ehhh?!"

She hurriedly turned her head to look in the direction of the entrance, and she saw that the door was pushed open a gap.

"Mom, mom is back?"

Strength gushed out of her limp body from nowhere, and Machiko stood up abruptly, and ran to the bathroom in a panic.

If my mother saw me like this, I wouldn't be able to clean myself up by jumping into the Yellow River, right?

Although, although there is nothing to wash away...

But last time I was caught and raped by my mother on the sofa, if my mother catches me again this time... I will die!Must die!


The bathroom door slammed shut.

at the same time.

Machiko's mother, Hashimoto Qingyin, also walked in. Although she has entered middle age, she looks unexpectedly young. It is more appropriate to say that she is a sister.

Hashimoto Qingyin was wearing a small black suit and hip-wrapping skirt, her hair was pulled up high, and she was wearing flesh-colored stockings and red high-heeled shoes. However, she didn't have a feminine aura on her body, but looked quite elegant and indifferent.

"Xiao Ye, good evening." Hashimoto Qingyin greeted Hua Ye lightly while changing her slippers at the entrance.

Not bad at all!

You will show up at every critical moment, no wonder Machiko catches rape, it turns out it's all your inheritance!

Even if you don't come back to catch the rape, you will stop soon. It is absolutely impossible for your daughter to fight bloody during her menstrual period! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hashimoto Qingyin changed her slippers, walked into the living room, and asked lightly:

"What were Xiaoye and Machiko doing just now?"

"Nothing." Hua Ye said with a poker face.

It wasn't that Hua Ye was guilty, but that he really didn't do anything, he just rubbed his stomach and enlarged his breasts by hand, and he didn't even have time to unbutton his bra.

"Really?" Hashimoto Qingyin stretched out a finger and tapped his lips, "But Machiko was so scared that she even dropped one of her slippers."


Hua Ye looked down and was speechless immediately.

Machiko was so frightened that she ran into the bathroom, only to drop a slipper in her haste!

"Did I disturb you?" Hashimoto Qingyin put down the briefcase, reached out to untie her hair, her voice was still light and full of indifference, "If so, I can go out again."

If you say go out, then don't untie your hair!

The bathroom door was gently pushed open, and Machiko poked her head out, pretending to be innocent and said, "Mom, are you back?"

After all, she was worried that Hua Ye was alone in the living room talking to her mother. Machiko simply wiped her face with a towel soaked in cold water to lower the temperature of her face to avoid the possibility of fainting from the heat, and then hurried out.

"Mom, didn't you say that you have to work overtime until late today before you can come back?" Machiko asked, biting her lip.

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