"Yeah." Hashimoto Qingyin nodded lightly, her voice calm and calm, "But it's the same when I come back to do some work."

Machiko puffed up her cheeks: "How could Mom be like this..."

"Put on your slippers before you talk." Hashimoto Qingyin broke down Machiko's futile resistance with one sentence, "You will have a stomachache if you catch a cold."


Machiko's pretty face blushed again, and she looked down at her feet, only to realize that she had forgotten to wear slippers. Fortunately, she was wearing stockings, and the room wasn't very cold, so there was no need to worry about catching cold.

"Give you."

Hua Ye threw the slippers in front of Machiko.

Machiko put on her slippers with a blushing face, knowing that Hashimoto Qingyin had probably seen through everything, so she could only murmur, "Mom, classmate Hua Ye and I have already repaired the leaking pipe... If it's okay, let's go to the kitchen to cook. ?”

"Well, you go." Hashimoto Qingyin obviously became the boss at home, reached out to pick up a peeled lychee and ate it, looked at Hua Ye, "Xiao Ye, don't be nervous, just treat it as if you are at home."

Who is nervous!It's your daughter who is nervous!Even if you push Machiko down in front of you, you won't feel nervous at all!

Go into the kitchen.

The air suddenly became silent.

Just rubbing it to treat stomach pain turned into manual breast enlargement in the end. No matter how thick-skinned Hua Ye was, he felt a bit of embarrassment at this moment.

"How about we..."

Hua Ye coughed lightly and opened his mouth to break the silence.

"No, don't!" Machiko hurriedly shook her head, begging pitifully in a low voice, "Don't do that kind of thing in the kitchen... Mom is outside!"


Chapter 836 Fuck and Sacrifice

"No, don't be here!" Machiko begged with eyes, as if a poor little beast that was eager to kill, "The kitchen, the kitchen is not allowed..."


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines.

What do you think I'm going to do to you in the kitchen!Do you want to continue the manual breast augmentation in the living room, or go a step further and fight bloody battles!

What kind of beast is it that you don't even close the kitchen door and insist on bullying you in front of your mother!


"You think too much!" Hua Ye gritted his teeth and said.

"Then, what did student Hua Ye want to say?"

Machiko raised her pretty face and looked timidly through her bangs, like a shivering hamster under a cat's paw, praying that Hua Ye would be merciful.

"Didn't you say you want to cook?" Hua Ye raised his hand to cover his forehead, "Then start preparing."

After walking into the kitchen, I stood there with my head down, as motionless as a primary school student being reprimanded by the teacher. What about cooking?


Only then did Machiko realize that she had made a mistake, her face that had just cooled down was blushing again, and she let out a cute cry of a little beast, she hurriedly lowered her head, and hurriedly turned around: "I'm going to wash..."

As a result, the action was too hasty, and his left foot accidentally stepped on the slippers of his right foot. With a "meow", he almost fell to the ground, but was fortunately hugged by Hua Ye.

A pleasant fragrance rushed into the nose, and a few strands of hair brushed past the tip of the nose, a little itchy.

The girl's slender waist is held in her arms, and it feels soft and plump, which makes people love it.

"Be careful." Hua Ye lowered his head and said.

Machiko leaned into Hua Ye's arms, and responded with a weak mosquito's voice: "Mmm..."

The response sound was too weak, but it was overwhelmed by the sound of "click, click". If it weren't for Hua Ye's good ears, he wouldn't be able to hear it clearly.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and looked up at Hashimoto Qingyin who was eating an apple at the door.

So don't appear quietly at the door to eat apples, others are melon-eating girls, you are already a melon-eating woman!

"I'm just here to see if there's anything I can help with." Hashimoto Qingyin said in a light voice, completely unable to see that she was trying to catch someone else, "If you need help, just say it."

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

When Machiko heard the voice, she hurriedly stood up from Hua Ye's arms, her pretty face flushed, and she stammered, "Just now, it was just a misunderstanding!"

"Well, I know, although in the light novels that my mother is in charge of, there are many similar plots, young teenagers and girls accidentally fall in the kitchen, bathroom, roof, etc., and then various welfare incidents occur. "Hashimoto Qingyin continued to eat apples, "Kacha Kacha", "But my mother will not misunderstand that her daughter wants to give me benefits."


Don't get me wrong, don't say it!Didn't see that the top of Machiko's head started to emit steam again!

Hua Ye said with a dark face:

"You don't need your help, it's enough to have me and Machiko here."

"Okay." The corners of Hashimoto Qingyin's lips rose slightly for a moment, his eyes passed over Machiko, and he turned and walked away lightly, "Then you go ahead, I won't bother you."

"Thank you Hua Ye..." Machiko raised her head when Hashimoto Qingyin's footsteps had gone away, probably because she was afraid that Huaye would not have a good impression of Hashimoto Qingyin, so she explained in a low voice, "Mom usually talks to other people. , is this kind of unhurried way... However, the light novel authors she manages seem to be in this way. Occasionally, when someone delays the manuscript, my mother will call and say a few words with a light smile. The manuscript will be handed in soon..."

Because your mother is super scary!If your father cheated outside, there is a great possibility that your mother will make him into a wax figure!And when making the wax figure, the smile on the face is still very gentle!

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