"Don't be like your mother." Hua Ye bowed his head, "It's fine now."

"Eh?" Machiko looked up at Hua Ye, then hurriedly lowered her head, pinching the corner of her clothes shyly, "I, I see..."

The entire dinner was spent in a super eccentric atmosphere.

"I'm done." Hua Ye put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up decisively.

"It's still raining outside." Hashimoto Qingyin raised her hand and pulled a strand of hair from her ear, and said, "Why don't Xiaoye just stay here overnight?"

Stay with your sister!In a room with two bedrooms and one living room, should you stay in your master bedroom or in Machiko's second bedroom?

"No need." Hua Ye raised his hand to refuse, "Farewell!"


Fast forward to Friday.

At half past seven this morning, a "bang bang" knock on the door broke the tranquility of the morning, but it was Gabriel's door next door.

"Xiao Jia, open the door quickly!" Wei Nai stood outside the door and knocked on the door and shouted, the sun fell on the tip of her hair, shining brightly, the freshness and softness of the girl was accompanied by a touch of heroism.

Gabriel's door didn't open, but Hua Ye's door opened quickly. Ilya, who was dressed in a maid outfit, walked out and bowed to Wei Nai: "Mother, good morning."

"I-I told you it's not the mistress!" Wei Nai's pretty face blushed immediately, and she was angry at Hua Ye who came out from behind.

Hua Ye has long been used to being angry, so he said casually:

"Let's go together?"

"I'm here to call Xiaojia to school..." Wei Nai shook her head, "We'll talk about it when Xiaojia gets up."

While speaking, Gabriel's room door finally opened.

This useless angel's hair was a bit messy, a small stump stood straight up, and he was wearing a large home shirt. He looked over sleepily, "Vina? Why are you knocking on the door so early..."

"It's not too early, the sun is drying my ass!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "Hurry up, wash up and tidy up, and go to school with me!"

"Huh?" The useless angel rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Go to school?"

"Otherwise?" Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead angrily, only feeling her temples throbbing, "You haven't been to school for three days since Sister Jiaairu was scared away by you! Today, no matter what, I have to talk to you." Go to school!"

Seeing that Wei Nai's killing intent has been decided, Gabriel tried to get away with it: "Well... You see, it's already Friday, and it doesn't matter if it's one day away... Why don't I go to school next week?"

"Don't even think about it!" Wei Nai raised her eyebrows, "Yesterday you swore to me that you would go to school today. If I don't come, you will definitely miss another day of class, right?"

"Anyway, there's nothing to learn..." the crippled angel muttered, "I just need to recite the key points of the circle before the exam. Anyway, the score will definitely be higher than that of Satania..."

"Satania is the bottom one in the class, okay!" Wei Nai was furious, "You only dare to compare yourself with Satania now!"

Wei Nai took a deep breath, frowned and said:

"Didn't you say that the computer and PS4 were sealed by Sister Jiaairu? Why do you still stay up late every day playing games?"

Gabriel didn't speak, but turned to look at Hua Ye, obviously trying to bring trouble to the east.

"Student Hua Ye?" Wei Nai looked over with reproachful eyes, and said with a pretty face, "It's wrong for you to indulge Xiaojia without any bottom line like this!"


Who has no bottom line!

Why do you think this useless angel can take the PS4 from me?

Because she has already sacrificed her own morals and relatives!

(PS: Ask for a monthly pass! Today is the last day of May. For the sake of my staying up late yesterday, please vote for me if you have a monthly pass!)

Chapter 837 Autumn Camping (Second update! Ask for a monthly pass!)

Wei Nai pushed Gabriel to the room: "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth, and then comb your hair neatly. It's already half past seven, how long do you want to sleep?"

"But I'm so sleepy now..." The crippled angel wanted to continue for a second, "I didn't say good night to this city until four o'clock in the morning..."

"Good night, sister!" Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead angrily, "Is it something worth showing off to stay up until four o'clock in the morning?"

Of course it's something worth showing off. I didn't die suddenly when I went to bed at four o'clock in the morning. My body is super good, okay?

"Hurry up and wash up, I don't think Sister Jiaeru will just let you go..."

Walking into the room, seeing the messy room again, Wei Nai couldn't help but sighed, picked up the garbage bag and started cleaning.

"Don't lend your PS4 to Xiao Jia to play with next time." Wei Nai yelled at Hua Ye while cleaning, "Anyway, it's too much not to go to class for three days..."

Hua Ye shook his head, expressing that he would not take the blame: "I didn't."


"She snatched it."



In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

in the community room.

"Master Baiyu, Lord Baiyu!" Alice's eyes sparkled, "The weather has cleared up!"

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