"Well, today's weather is very good." Rafael is sitting by the window reading a book, the bright sunlight shines in from the window, forming a dividing line between light and dark on her body, when she is not doing anything, the silver-haired girl is extraordinarily elegant Tranquility, "What's wrong?"

Alice raised her face, her eyes full of expectation:

"Master Baiyu, do you still remember the Pegasus meteor shower I mentioned last week?"

"Is it the Draconid meteor shower?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining.

Pegasus Meteor Fist and Pegasus Meteor Shower are completely two concepts, okay, don't confuse them!

The Draconid meteor shower is originally an unknown meteor shower, but there were two outbursts of thousands of meteors in the last century, thus becoming the most brilliant meteor shower in the [-]th century. can be observed.

"Hmph, I just made a slip of the tongue!" The little bean turned his head and snorted, with his twin ponytails dangling behind his back, "Master Baiyu, experts say that tomorrow night is the best time to watch the meteor shower. It's gone, I didn't expect the weather to suddenly clear up now...so let's watch the meteor shower together tomorrow night, shall we?"

"Hey, meteor shower?" Wei Nai looked over with great interest, "I haven't seen a meteor shower before."

"I want to watch it too!" Liuhua was dozing off little by little, but when he heard this, he suddenly became energetic, and the hair on the top of his head swayed from side to side, "It is said that meteor showers have mysterious power..."

There is no mysterious power, okay? Meteor showers are just small meteorites flying through the earth's atmosphere, burning embers after rapid friction!If there is a choice, those meteorite fragments will not burn themselves to please others!

"Draco Meteor Shower?" Raphael closed the book in his hand, smiled and nodded lightly, "Then let's watch it together."

Seeing that Raphael nodded and agreed, Alice raised her face and chirped, "Although the light in the city is very good, there will be various light pollution at night, which will affect our viewing of meteor showers...so tomorrow we will Go camping in the wild, and then watch the meteor shower in the wild at night?"

"Huh? Camping in the wild?"

The eyes of several girls all lit up.

The campus life of going to class and leaving get out of class every day is actually a bit boring, so it is more necessary to adjust life.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, hesitated and said:

"Time is too tight, too late to prepare?"

Camping in the wild sounds very interesting, but you need to prepare a lot of things, such as sleeping bags against mosquitoes and frost at night, field first aid manuals, some bandages, medicines, food and so on.

It's not that simple to travel as soon as you say go.

"It's okay." Alice waved her hand, "Let's go to a special campsite. Don't worry about safety. I have a lot of sleeping bags at home. If two of you sleep in one, it's enough."


Traveling as soon as you say go is actually very simple.

But there must be a prerequisite - rich and self-willed.

The girl with two ponytails said and glanced at Hua Ye: "Hmph, let this pervert sleep on a big tree to help keep watch?"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and looked.

Alice hurriedly hid behind Rafael and made faces at Hua Ye.

The seemingly troublesome preliminary preparations were just a matter of one sentence for Alice, Wei Nai thought for a while and said: "By the way, I remember that there is a camping club in the school, should I ask about my camping experience? "

"No need?" Rafael shook her finger lightly, her eyes flicked across Hua Ye's face, and then said with a smile, "There are only three girls in the camping club, and they don't seem to understand... In the afternoon, I'll go buy a manual for camping in the wild."

"Then it's settled?" Alice was the happiest, because going camping with Hua Ye was within the scope of her mother's tacit approval. Otherwise, she would have to attend various cram schools throughout the weekend, dancing, piano, etc. , tea ceremony, illustrations, etc., just thinking about it makes people feel dizzy, "I will inform the class monitor later and ask her to prepare..."

Machiko couldn't help but blush when she saw Hua Ye because of the "water pipe repair incident" last night. In order to avoid being caught by Lafei, she didn't come to the club activity room to rest.

Alice said again: "By the way, there is also Kang Nachan. If she also goes to play, let's gather together tomorrow morning."

The world's cutest Kangna sauce is super popular. She is a fragrant and soft little girl. She is neither noisy nor noisy. As long as she is fed, she can enjoy the benefits of pinching her face. It is super comfortable to hold in her soft arms.

Wei Nai's eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at Hua Ye with sparkling eyes: "Will you ask Cousin Xiaolin's opinion later?"


In fact, there is no need to ask, that blue-eyed baby dragon looks like a young girl, but you two together are no match for her, okay?Xiao Lin has never had to worry about safety issues!

Hua Ye said helplessly:

"it is good."

"Then why don't you send a message to ask now?"


After the discussion, Wei Nai turned to look at Gabriel: "Xiao Jia, where are you going?"

The useless angel had tiptoed to the door, turned his head and pretended to be dazed, and said cutely: "I'm going to the bathroom..."

"Gather at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Unmoved, Wei Nai said with a straight face, "I will call you when the time comes."

"How can this be?" Gabriel froze immediately, "There are a lot of mosquitoes in autumn, so you must be bitten a lot, right?"

"There are toilet water and cooling oil."

"But the weather is also hot..."

"There's peppermint toner."


Chapter 838 Tapu Sauce Reappears (Third Change! Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

After a rainy day, the sun is shining brightly today.

The sky is blue and clear, except for a few cotton candy-like white clouds floating gently in the sky.

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