Hua Ye: "..."

Although I really want to say that what you just sat on was not a mobile phone, but a space-based rail gun, but this junior girl of Gabriel is as pure as a small white flower, not to mention the old driver on Qiuming Mountain, even if it is She couldn't even sit on the school bus to the kindergarten.


Hua Ye shook his head and said.

"Senior, let's check it now." Tapliss held the door with one hand, his eyes turned left and right, and he still didn't dare to meet Hua Ye's eyes. He only blushed and whispered, "If it breaks, I, I will be responsible for the compensation..."

You are extraordinarily responsible, you are more like a real angel than that diligent, immortal, Gabriel, and immoral, tax-evading, Raphael.

The question is how can I take off my pants for inspection in front of you!

Doing that is not checking, but playing hooligans!

"It wasn't a mobile phone just now..."

"Huh?" Tapless blinked. "Not a cell phone? What is that?"

Hua Ye complained expressionlessly:

"Have you ever heard the saying 'A gentleman hides everything in his body'?"

"No." The idiot school girl shook her head and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Hua Ye waved his hand away: "Go back and ask Gabriel, she knows how to explain this sentence..."

Chapter 845

Silent all night.

At half past six the next morning, a sudden knock on the door broke the tranquility of the morning.

Ilya opened the door, pressed the skirt of the maid's dress with both hands, bowed and saluted: "Mistress, morning."

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, she looked at the corridor with some guilt, and hurriedly shook her head and said, "Just call me by my name, don't call me this..."

"Master never asked me to change my mouth." Ilya replied calmly.

Wei Nai's pretty face turned even redder, she could only bite her lower lip and asked, "Has classmate Hua Ye woke up?"


"Then go call him..."

"When does the master wake up? It's not the maid's business to ask."

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead: "Then I'll call him."

Walking into the room, seeing that Hua Ye had opened his eyes, Wei Nai couldn't help but put on a pretty face, and said, "Get up quickly when you wake up."

Hua Ye looked at the time, then shook his head: "I'm sorry."

After the typhoon, the summer heat has been completely dissipated, and now it is a serious autumn morning, no wonder many people stay up in bed.

"The sun is already rising, you have the nerve to stay in bed?" Wei Nai looked disgusted.

Hua Ye's face was indestructible: "Sorry."

Because she is going to go camping in the wild, Wei Nai will naturally not wear a skirt, but jeans and a jacket that are easy to move, a pair of blue flat canvas shoes on her feet, and a commonly used travel backpack on her shoulders, which looks very travel-friendly Girlish demeanor.

Hua Ye remembered the game Rafael recommended some time ago, and asked casually, "Are you still playing Traveling Frog?"

"Let's play." Wei Nai replied as a matter of course, "It's not a waste of time, just look at it every night before going to bed. Yesterday the frog sent me back a landscape painting of camping under Mount Fuji."

What makes Wei Nai log in to a long-forgotten game every day?

It's a real angel's heart.

"That's the son of a quack."

"That's not true, the game producer said it was her husband." Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a sharp look, "Don't change the subject, get up quickly, you have to pick up Kang Na."

Hua Ye complained:

"It's not that she doesn't know the way, so she doesn't have to run over to pick it up."

As a dragon clan standing at the top of the food chain, even if it is just a blue-eyed young dragon, it is still a dominant existence, okay?

"Go as soon as I tell you to go." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "Otherwise you go and wake Xiao Jia up."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said decisively:

"I'll pick up Connor."

The good-for-nothing angel next door was already angry about getting up, and the anger probably hasn't subsided last night, so calling her to get up would inevitably result in a lot of stares.

While speaking, Hua Ye sat up from the bed, revealing his well-proportioned and perfect upper body like a marble sculpture.

"You, why aren't you wearing pajamas?"

Wei Nai blushed slightly, subconsciously raised her hand to cover her eyes.

So what is there to cover up!You’ve seen it many times while on vacation by the sea!

"It's uncomfortable to wear clothes to sleep." Hua Ye replied naturally, "And there are no outsiders."

Wear pajamas or fruit sleep in your own home, it's all up to your preference, as long as you don't cause trouble to others.

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