Wei Nai half turned around, with a disgusted expression: "It's not good to be seen by Illya!"

Don't use human aesthetics to measure Illya, otherwise she wouldn't have directly released her fighting form behind the stage!

If I told you that the head maid made many special cosplay suits, such as doctors, teachers, nurses, stewardesses, cat-eared girls, and even the cheating husky suits...you will definitely doubt your life!

"She will only wait for me outside the door, and will not enter the bedroom." Hua Ye said as he lifted the quilt, got up and got out of bed.

Wei Nai glanced subconsciously across Hua Ye's body, and when she saw the strange silhouette on the underwear, she immediately blushed, turned and walked out: "You... nasty!"


Hua Ye got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, just in time to see Wei Nai knocking on Gabriel's door next door.

The knock on the door was very clear in the quiet morning.

After a while, the door opened with a "click".

"Hmm, Senior Vernay...?" Taplis blinked his sleepy eyes, and quickly regained his senses, "Really, Senior Vernay, good morning!"

The last time Taplis came to the world to look for Gabriel, he was hit hard because his beloved senior fell into an abandoned house. Coincidentally, he was helped by Vernay and a thoughtful gift from Vernay. Er has already regarded Wei Nai as the senior she yearns for.

"Tap sauce, good morning." Wei Nai raised her hand and rolled up a lock of hair beside her ear, also very happy, "Did you sleep well at Xiaojia's place last night?"

"very good……"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Hua Ye walking out. Taplis, who was still full of joy, opened his eyes wide in an instant, his face flushed twice at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then...

Then he raised his hands to cover his face in a panic, turned around and entered the room, without even yelling "Senior".

Walking inside, he stopped again, quietly opened his fingers, and looked at Hua Ye with his blue eyes, with a gesture of "walking in shame, leaning on the door and looking back, but sniffing the green plum"...

No wonder!

Obviously, after reading the book, I feel ashamed to meet people!

"Hey, Tap Sauce?"

Wei Nai yelled, her bright eyes turned to Hua Ye, her pretty face was already serious.


"It has nothing to do with me!"

Hua Ye shook his head resolutely, and he will never take the blame: "You go in and ask Gabriel, and you will naturally know the cause and effect."



Twenty minutes later.

Outside Kobayashi's apartment.

The doorbell had just rang twice, and the door opened with a "click". Thor, who was dressed in a maid outfit that has never changed for thousands of years, and a lace maid headdress, jumped out. His little canine teeth glistened in the sun: "Little Ye, good morning."

The energetic and crisp shouts wafted through the corridor, seeming to brighten the lazy morning light.

"Well, good morning."

Hua Ye nodded in response.

"Come in." Thor opened the door and chirped, "You are a little late, Xiaolin just finished breakfast and went to work...Kangna is still sleeping, I will wake her up later."

Programmers never have weekends, and when to rest depends on business.

"Don't worry." Hua Ye shook his head, "The meeting time is eight o'clock in the morning."

"Camping is such an interesting thing, I really want to go." Thor blinked his eyes and puffed up his cheeks and said, "But Xiaoye didn't even invite me..."

What fun is camping in the wild!

If there is no wifi and traffic, at least [-]% of those who go camping will flee!And you, a giant dragon who has lived in the deep mountains and old forests for thousands of years, why are you interested in camping in the wild!

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said:

"I invite you to go camping now, will you go?"

Thor looked up at the sky and thought for a while, but he still shook his head and refused: "No, Xiaolin is still working overtime, how can we leave her alone?"

"When Xiaolin is on vacation next time, I will go to live in seclusion in the mountains with Xiaolin..."

your sister!Feelings don't want to camp in the wild, but to prepare for two people to live in seclusion in the mountains!

Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "Don't even think about it, it's impossible."

Kobayashi obviously dies without the Internet. If he doesn’t have a signal for half a day, he will fidget. If he doesn’t have a signal for a day, he will scratch his head. If he doesn’t have a signal for three days, his brain will suffer irreversible and permanent damage. what!

Well, it seems that the vast majority of modern people are star people who will die without the Internet.

There used to be a challenge in foreign countries. Whoever can last three days in a small black room can get a prize of one million dollars. For a while, the contestants signed up enthusiastically, but in the end, very few people could get the prize.

After talking to Hua Ye again, Thor walked to the bedroom: "You sit on the sofa for a while, and I'll wake Kang Na up..."

Walking into the second bedroom, he called out Kang Na who was still sleeping late, and Thor went to the kitchen to wash an apple and some cherries, cut them into a fruit platter and brought them to Hua Ye: "Little Ye, eat some fruit."

It's a pity that when this dragon maid bends down and looks up, she always makes some disturbing 'noises' of "puyo puyo".

"By the way, Xiaoye, Xiaolin asked me to tell you something." Thor sat down next to Huaye, took a cherry and put it in his mouth. There were pale jade fingers, lips as delicate as cherry blossoms, and red cherry blossoms. The cherries clearly form a very pleasing picture.

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