Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, feeling that the Dragon Maid's eyes were narrowed: "What's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal." Thor sighed, resting his chin in one hand and said, "It's Kobayashi who told you not to be taken care of by Elma..."


Take care of your sister!Do you all know the feelings!It's nothing more than being taken care of by a rich woman, but pretending to be a rich woman to take care of male high school students without money, how dare you say it!

"Kobayashi said, 'Because you are only a high school student and Elma is already at work, the two people's life and social circles are too different, it is impossible to be together', if you want to fall in love, you can find it in school ..."

These are all excuses, whether it's a long-distance relationship or another relationship, the real reason why we can't be together is poverty!

Thor looked regretful and sighed:

"It's a pity, if Xiao Ye is taken care of by Alma, she won't come to share with Xiao Lin..."

Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore and said: "It's a pity your sister! If you want to take care of me, I will take care of you, okay?"

"Hey?" Thor crossed his arms and made a backward evasive movement, "Don't make up my mind, or even if you are Xiaolin's cousin, I will say it angrily."

It's me who should be angry now!In order to prevent Elma from coming to share your "favor", would you be ashamed to sell me? Maybe that foodie dragon girl suddenly offered to take care of me, and you are also contributing to the flames inside!

While talking, the door of the second bedroom finally opened, and the sleepy-eyed Kang Na came out from inside.

This blue-eyed young dragon is wearing a cute pink and white cartoon pajamas. It seems that he has not woken up yet. There is a mist in his eyes, which are bluer than the sky, and he looks more dull and cute than usual.

Hua Ye looked at the pair of small thick legs a little more, and Thor saw it, and hurriedly said: "You can't play Kang Na's idea, be careful to start in three years!"


Chapter 846

"Master Thor."

Kang Na yelled softly, then walked over with bare feet, rubbing her eyes, her white fluffy ball-like tail hadn't been retracted, and it was gently swaying in the air.

It's not yet seven in the morning, and it's a weekend with a moderate temperature. Except for poor social animals like Xiao Lin, most of the people probably haven't gotten up yet.

It's super rare for a child like this to get up obediently with just a yell without getting up at all.

Kang Na blinked, then turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her voice was still soft and sticky, like some kind of pink and white cotton candy: "Good morning."

After speaking, he opened a pair of big eyes bluer than the sky, and looked at the cherry in Hua Ye's hand without blinking.

Hey, you don't wash your face or brush your teeth after you wake up, the first thing you want to do is eat!Although for the giant dragon, it doesn't matter whether you brush your teeth or not.

Hua Ye raised the cherry in his hand and said:

"Want to eat?"

The blue-eyed young dragon did not answer, but proved his intention with practical actions.

There was a coffee table between her and Hua Ye, she didn't come over, but raised her face and opened her mouth: "Ah——"

Your sister, if you want to eat, come and get it yourself, do you want me to feed you!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It's done."

After speaking, he flicked his fingers, and with the sound of "biu", the cherry in his hand flew out. It was a matter of food, and with the reaction speed of this blue-eyed young dragon, of course it was impossible to fail.


Kang Na caught the cherry in one bite, and her baby-fat face suddenly swelled up, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts.

Swallowing the fruit in its mouth, the blue-eyed young dragon said, "I still want to eat."

It is agreed that the visitor is a guest, but you are not welcome at all!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, flicked his fingers again, and a cherry flew into the air.


One person throws, one person eats, the atmosphere is extraordinarily harmonious.

"Konna likes you very much." Thor propped his chin with one hand and said with a grin.

How do you like it? When she was at school, she never refused the snacks that others gave her!

It's just that during the feeding process, the skirt of the pajamas fluttered with the wind, which made Hua Ye see a pink cartoon fat...

"Don't look!" A hand stretched out in front of Hua Ye, smelling the aroma, Thor hurriedly approached, and the sound of "puyo puyo" filled his ears again, "Kangna is still a child, feeding her cherries is not a problem. That's all, you absolutely can't feed her weird things!"

Go to your uncle!What the hell is that weird thing, those small white teeth that look like shells are not only beautiful, but to be honest, they are sharper than the teeth of the ship's mother, okay?The ship's mother can only eat steel and aluminum, but this blue-eyed dragon can "click" the battleship to pieces!

After eating the fruit, Kang Na went to the bathroom in a happy mood. The evidence is that the tail that looks like a fluffy ball on the back obviously wags more cheerfully.

"By the way, Xiao Ye, I have something to ask you."

When Kang Na went to wash her face and brush her teeth, Thor said another thing here: "Isn't it rainy a few days ago? Xiao Lin came back very late one night, probably because he caught a cold on the way and developed a low fever when he got home... ..."

To be able to say it casually at this moment must have recovered, and it's just a cold and fever, it's really not a big deal.

However, Hua Ye continued casually:

"and then?"

"Then I went out and bought anti-fever medicine for Xiao Lin to take. Xiao Lin took the medicine and fell asleep drowsily. He frowned from time to time when he fell asleep, looking very uncomfortable." Thor stretched out a finger and continued Said, "I couldn't sleep and stayed by the side, so I used my mobile phone to check what to do if I had a fever and felt uncomfortable."

"Accidentally saw a post, and it was also asking 'My girlfriend has a fever and feels uncomfortable, what should I do'?"

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