"Kangna sauce, do you want to eat?" Wei Nai raised the chocolate beans in her hand.

Kang Na blinked her eyes, she naturally understood the reason for cannibalism. If she ate chocolate beans, she would definitely be pinched in the face, but the blue-eyed baby dragon nodded quickly and said, "I want to eat it."

For snacks, being pinched in the face is naturally acceptable.

After hearing the reply, Wei Nai couldn't stop raising the corners of her lips, and said in a super gentle tone: "Hey, open your mouth, ah..."

She is a giant dragon that has lived for thousands of years, so there is no need to take care of her like a kindergarten teacher!

It's a pity that Kang Na didn't have the self-consciousness of thousands of years of dragons at all, so she quickly raised her face and opened her mouth: "Ah——"

After feeding Kangna two chocolate beans, when Kangna's cheeks were bulging, Wei Nai really stretched out the devil's hand, pinched Kangna's face, and began to rub it.

It is said that when a woman is happy, her IQ will drop rapidly, and it is true.

At this moment, Wei Nai was only focusing on pinching her face to feed Kang Na, but forgot to cover her chest, so she revealed a white and delicate neck, delicate collarbone, and even a seductive ravine, all of which made Hua Ye see clearly .

After being stared at by Hua Ye several times, Wei Nai reacted belatedly, her pretty face blushed, she quickly raised her hand to cover her chest, and looked shyly with her pretty face: "What are you peeking at?"

If it was an ordinary person, it would be embarrassing to look away at this moment. Unfortunately, Hua Ye has a very thick skin and is not shy at all. Instead, he said seriously: "I didn't peek, I was looking at it openly."

"You... nasty!" Wei Nai was ashamed and annoyed, biting her cherry-colored lower lip, angrily chasing her away, "Don't disturb my conversation with Kang Na here, just go."


Just as Hua Ye walked to the side of the car, a dog barked: "Wow."

The Akita dog that used to come over for snacks with Alice's underwear in its mouth swooped over and wagged its tail happily at Huaye. It had been a while since he hadn't seen him, but he looked more rounded.

Akita Inu and Shiba Inu are both common dogs in Japan. They look similar in appearance, but Akita Inu is a medium-sized dog with a height of up to [-] centimeters, while Shiba Inu is much smaller, such as the dog in the movie Eight Kilometers It's an Akita dog.

Hua Ye looked down, and his eyes fell on the leather collar on the neck of this Akita dog. The collar looked very familiar...

"What are you looking at?!"

Alice's face flushed red, and her ponytails were dangling behind her back. She was obviously reminded of Hua Ye's dog leash that night when she was on vacation at the seaside: "The face is paralyzed..."

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "The improved version of the tortoise shell tie, let me know?"

"You you you you you... big pervert!"

Alice's face turned red, and she was about to lead the dog away, but Xiao Qiu leaned towards Hua Ye's side, and even lay on the ground, showing her belly to Hua Ye.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, get up quickly!"

It's just that Alice is short and weak, and can't pull it for a while, so she is very angry.

Fortunately, Wei Nai pulled Kang Na over at this moment, and Xiao Qiu, who was still having fun, noticed Kang Na's breath, turned over and jumped up, tucked her tail behind her buttocks, and then slammed under Alice's skirt. a drill.

Alice staggered and almost tripped over the dog leash, but was picked up by Hua Ye.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, what are you doing!"

The short bean was shy and angry, and wanted to pull Xiao Qiu out of her skirt: "Kangna sauce is so cute, why are you so afraid of her?"

Because this dog has discovered a trace of dragon power leaking from Kang Na, under the pressure of the food chain, of course it will be scared. If Kang Na shows her real body, you might be scared like this Akita dog. Get under Raphael's skirt.

In the rumor "Kangna's Daily Life", Oborozuka Primary School raised a rabbit named Inaba. Because of the discovery of Kangna's true identity, she was also terrified and trembling.

Wei Nai naturally knew why Xiaoqiu was afraid of Kang Na, and led her to the side: "By the way, the monitor just sent me a message, saying that she will arrive in five minutes, but I don't know about Satania, why don't you?" Haven't come here yet..."

There is a bench under the tree for people to rest. Gabriel, who is diligent in cultivating immortals, Raphael, who is evasive and tax-evading, and a foolish schoolgirl are sitting on the bench talking. Seeing Hua Ye approaching, Raphael smiled brightly. He waved his hand and said hello: "Student Hua Ye, good morning."

Taplis's face was flushed, and he stammered and whispered: "Student, senior, good morning!"

The expression on his face was extremely embarrassing, and he didn't know if it was because of the notebook or because he was moving around in Hua Ye's arms.


Rafael's eyes fluttered, and he took Taplis's strangeness into his eyes, and said with a smile: "Tap is still a child."

Nonsense, of course I know she is just a middle school student!Not only is he a child, but even the driving skills of kindergarten students can't match it!

"last night……"

Hua Ye was about to explain, and he didn't take the blame, but Gabriel soon interrupted: "Hey, help me carry my bag, I'm dead again."

Although this useless angel combed its hair neatly and dressed meticulously, it couldn't hide the smell of salted fish on its body.

Hua Ye reached out to take the backpack, only to feel that it was a little heavy, and knew that there must be another computer in it, so he couldn't help but said, "Don't bring a computer if you think it's too heavy."

"Only this is absolutely not acceptable!" Gabriel clenched her silver teeth, clenched her fists and accused her sister's brutality, "Since you can't play games at night, you have to make up for it during the day!"

While speaking, Alice shouted sharply: "The squad leader is here."

Hua Ye looked up and saw Machiko trotting over from across the road, just as the wind was blowing by, her black waterfall-like hair was fluttering in the wind, she looked like a literary girl.

"Sorry, I'm late." Machiko jogged over, a little out of breath, with sweat dripping from the tip of her nose.

"It's okay, it's not the agreed time to meet up, and you live the farthest, so it's normal to come later." Wei Nai handed over a tissue and asked Machiko to wipe off her sweat, "Satania hasn't arrived yet. "

"Well, thank you Wei Nai..."

Machiko took the tissue, met Hua Ye's gaze, and hurriedly looked away guiltily, but two blushes had already appeared on her face. The incident of 'repairing the water pipe' has only passed a few days, and now she is naturally ashamed to see Hua Ye Embarrassed, but fortunately she had just come running, and she was blushing and panting, but no one noticed anything unusual.

After a while, Satania finally appeared.

"Satania, you are the only one missing." Wei Nai was speechless, "Why are you here so late today? Didn't you oversleep?"

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