"I didn't oversleep!" Satania raised her chin, her wheat-colored skin glowed with healthy vitality under the sun, and triumphantly lifted her backpack to her chest, "I bought this on the shopping channel last night. Props, if they hadn’t been waiting for the courier, they would have arrived long ago!”

Wei Nai squinted her eyes: "I have a bad feeling."

Machiko nodded in agreement: "Me too."

Alice: "Support the monitor."

Gabriel: "Just drag it down and kill me."

Satania often buys some messy props to tease people, but unfortunately most of the time she teases herself.

"What?" Satania puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "The props this time must be very interesting!"

"Satania's props are very powerful." Liuhua raised her hand in support of Satania.

"But she says that every time." Wei Nai complained with squinted eyes, "Now the ominous premonition is stronger."

"Okay, okay, let's interrogate Satania when we get to the campsite."

"Why are you interrogating me!"

Satania didn't use the self-consciousness of pig teammates at all.

Rafael raised his hand to cover his forehead, and looked at Alice: "Now everyone is here, shall we go?"

"Yeah, autumn camping! Let's go!"

Chapter 848 Campsite

Just when all the staff arrived and were about to board the car and set off, a new problem reappeared.

"Master Baiyu." Alice was a little embarrassed, "I can't seem to sit down..."

The driver's seat is removed from an ordinary car, and there are only three seats. The extended Maybach under the tree has a lot of seats, but there are more girls. The last time I went to the beach for vacation, I let Connor sit in Vinay's On the legs, but this time with the addition of the stupid school girl Taplis, the result is a complete overload.

"It's very simple." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, glanced at Taplis, and then suggested with a smile, "Just let Tapu sit on other people's laps... ..."

Taplis was feeling ashamed of causing trouble for others at the moment, when he heard this sentence, he shook his head quickly, his mouth turned into wavy lines of grievance: "No, don't! I don't want to sit in the arms of the senior again. inside!"


All eyes immediately turned to Hua Ye. Although he didn't speak, the disdain in his eyes was exactly the same.

"Found a scumbag."

"I found a scumbag."

"Actually attacking a school girl who has only met twice, is this something human can do!"

With a black line on Hua Ye's face, he couldn't help but say:

"last night……"


Gabriel punched Hua Ye on the arm and told him to shut up. After all, the embarrassing incident of the school girl reading the book is very bad. Maybe he will have to have a caesarean section for the sake of "famous festival".

"Well, how about letting Kang Na sit on classmate Hua Ye's lap?"

Machiko suggested.

She didn't know Kang Na's real identity, she only thought of her as Hua Ye's cousin, since she had such a relationship, and she was a third-grade elementary school student, it would be fine if she hugged her once in a while.

"Kangna..." Wei Nai was a little hesitant. First, she wanted to hug the world's cutest young girl, Her Highness, and pinch her face openly. Second, although Kangna was a young girl, she was even more of a giant dragon. Let her do whatever she wanted. Sitting in someone else's arms casually, she may not agree, so she lowered her head and asked, "Kangna sauce, what do you mean?"

The blue-eyed young dragon nodded, and said in a soft voice, "Oni-chan let me sit on his lap this morning..."


The air is quiet again.

All of them looked at Hua Ye in unison. Just now they were full of contempt, but this time they were murderous.

"Asshole, it's all right to attack the school girl, but you don't even let Kang Na go?"

"Konna is still a child!"

"Lolicons must die!"

"Pull him out and shoot him for ten minutes!"

Hua Ye has already despaired of this face-seeking world, she was the one who took the initiative to sit on it, why is she responsible for all the blame? Could it be that being cute is enough to do whatever she wants!

"Student Hua Ye, please start your explanation." Wei Nai put on a pretty face.

"That's right, that's right." Silly Meow nodded, unaware of the imminent disaster, "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. If you refuse to explain, the chrysanthemum will explode."

Now that you have made up your mind, then wait for nothing!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said:

"When I helped her braid her hair in the morning, I asked her to move a stool to sit on, but she didn't move the stool, but sat on my lap... Forget it, you guys go, I will go by car."

As soon as the words came out, the girls looked at each other, thinking that Hua Ye was angry, and for a while you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally Gabriel let out a sigh, and said with disgust in his eyes: "Say a few words about you, why don't you Angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Hua Ye was speechless. "There are not enough cars to sit here. Instead of arguing here, solving the problem is a serious matter... So you go first, and I will be there later."

"Big, everyone, stop talking!" Taplis said suddenly, and seeing everyone looking at him, this idiot school girl's face was flushed red, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Dayi said in a dignified tone, "The Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..."

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