"No, no motion sickness medicine." Under everyone's stares, Machiko almost pushed her head to her chest, and replied in a low voice, "Maybe it's because I didn't have a good rest last night..."

Alice changed her position, "If you get motion sickness, it's better to sit in the front... Would the squad leader stop and move to the front?"

"No, no need." Machiko hurriedly shook her head, naturally unwilling to cause trouble for everyone, "Student Hua Ye's medical skills are super powerful, and now I don't feel much..."


Machiko's tax evasion incident has come to an end for the time being.

"What does motion sickness feel like? Ask curiously." Satania blinked his eyes, "I heard that it is easy to get motion sickness when you stare at your phone while driving in a car. How about we try motion sickness?"

"Okay, okay." Liuhua nodded and agreed, not afraid of the challenge.


"Liuhua, hey, what's wrong with you, Liuhua?" Satania's panicked voice sounded again.

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw that Liuhua's hair on the top of her head was all wilted, her small face was pale, there was a fine line of cold sweat on her forehead, and circles in her eyes kept turning.

"It's not good, Liuhua is dead!"

No, your sister, it's just motion sickness, don't say it like you're about to die!

"Is Liuhua motion sick too?" Gabriel put down the phone, this useless angel was especially favored, not only did she not suffer from motion sickness, but she could also play The Legend of Zelda there.

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and sighed, her tone seemed a bit resentful:

"Let Liuhua sit next to classmate Hua Ye..."


When it was almost noon, everyone finally arrived outside the campsite in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Looking from a distance, you can clearly see the snow-capped Mount Fuji across the lake, the blue sky, and the white clouds like cotton candy, which makes people feel relieved.

It is worth mentioning that Mount Fuji is the largest active volcano in Japan. There have been movies where nuclear weapons were thrown into the crater of Mount Fuji, causing a major volcanic eruption, which in turn destroyed the island structure of the four islands of Japan, causing the entire land of Japan to sink... Although there is no How much practical operation is possible, but it is more reliable than the "dig the soil from the west side of the island and fill it to the east side, and then go back and forth until the whole island is moved to the side of Big Brother America" ​​by a certain island pro-American.

Hua Ye was sitting by the car door, waiting for the car to stop, he was naturally the first to push the door and get off.

Alice and Rafael sat in the second row next to the door, followed Hua Ye and pushed the door down, probably sitting on Rafi's lap for too long, resulting in numbness in the legs and feet, after Alice got out of the car, her feet went limp , almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, Hua Ye picked up the back of his neck.

"Damn it!" Not only did the little bean not appreciate it, but puffed up his cheeks, "Don't pick me up like a cat next time, Alice is an adult now!"

Wearing a white dress, double ponytails, and panda knee socks, you don't look like an adult!If you say you are Kang Na's classmate, some people will believe it!

"Huh~~" Machiko raised her hand and wiped her forehead, "It's finally here."

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Taplis got out of the car, looked at the blue sky in front of him, and the snow-capped Mount Fuji in the distance, his eyes lit up, and his mouth turned into a happy triangle.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiaoqiu wagged her tail and dragged Alice around.

In the end, it was Wei Nai who presided over the overall situation: "Everyone gather, first go to the camping management department to register, choose our camping spot, and then go to have lunch..."

Chapter 850 Another Encounter

"Autumn camping, here I come!"

Satania jumped out of the car, saw the blue sky, white clouds and snow-capped mountains in front of her, and soon began to run happily, the sports idiot would never stop.

Although Liuhua thought she was motion sick, fortunately, Hua Ye did not fall into the sequelae of depression, and now ran around behind Satania.

Alice was pulled by the Akita dog and ran around involuntarily. For a while, she didn't know whether it was a person walking the dog or a dog walking a person.

"I'm so tired..."

Gabriel was the last to get out of the car, her movements were slow and weak, and those who didn't know it thought she was the one who got motion sickness.

The idiot junior was curious about everything, but she was a little shy, and stood timidly behind Gabriel, looking at the surrounding environment with bright eyes.

The cutest little girl in the world, Kang Na, is obedient and obedient as always. She follows Wei Nai and perfectly interprets what it means to be pitiful, weak and helpless, but edible...

Seeing this messy scene, Wei Nai couldn't help raising her hand to cover her forehead.

No wonder people say that when getting married, it is best to go on a wedding trip in advance, and there is even a special word "Narita Breakup", which refers to those newlyweds who return to Narita Airport and get divorced directly after their honeymoon trip. For example, now, Seeing all the idiots running around without carrying their backpacks or tidying up their things, Wei Nai expressed that she really wanted to hit someone.

"Fortress Besieged" also said that the relationship between marriage and honeymoon travel is reversed. If a trip can last for a while, then the marriage will probably be able to survive...

Thinking of this, Wei Nai subconsciously turned to look at Hua Ye.

It happened that Hua Ye was also looking at her, and his eyes met. Hua Ye asked:


Wei Nai blushed, looked away and said, "You and Lafite go to the campsite management office to register information..."

"Leave it to me and classmate Hua Ye." Rafael nodded and agreed with a smile.

Wei Nai raised her hands and rolled up the hair around her ears as a cover, and said to Machiko: "Squad leader, let's take out the things in the trunk of the car and tidy them up?"

"Okay, okay!" Machiko nodded quickly.

Holding Hua Ye's hand in the car before was tantamount to evading taxes in full view. It can be said to be quite bold. While Machiko was ashamed, she was also a little uneasy. Fortunately, no one seemed to care about this matter. joke...

Not to mention how Wei Nai and Machiko formed a team, Hua Ye and Rafael quickly found the location of the campsite management office. When they entered the door, they saw a man and a woman coming out of it.

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