The boy looks sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a white shirt and jeans, clean and fresh, the girl has big eyes, short hair, an old red knot tied on her hand, and a white shirt for lovers.

Seeing Hua Ye and Raphael walk in, the boy was taken aback for a moment, as if he recognized the two who had met once, so he smiled at Huaye and Raphael, but he didn't come over to talk, Just go out with the girls and leave.

"It's the person we met on the top of the crater that day. I didn't expect to meet him again here. It feels so amazing..." Rafael retracted his gaze and said softly, "The two of them are wearing couple outfits. Are we together?"

Hua Ye shrugged: "Maybe it's just a bump in the shirt?"

"Student Hua Ye is too much." The black-bellied girl puffed up her pink cheeks, "We are walking together hand in hand, how could we be ordinary friends?"

"That's not necessarily true." Hua Ye complained, "I saw on the Internet the day before yesterday that a girl left her boyfriend and her boyfriend to go on a trip, and the two slept in the same room at night."

"It's too much." Rafael's cheeks became more puffy, and he reached out to poke Hua Ye's waist, "If you try again, I'll bite you."

Just talk when you speak, don't stand on tiptoe and blow in your ear!Do you want to bite someone or bite your ear?

Rafael bit his ear and said: "Speaking of which, it was only that day that I found out that my boyfriend Jun was very handsome and said..."

Why do you change your titles randomly when you have nothing to do, Mr. Facial Paralyzed, Mr. Pervert, Mr. Boyfriend, etc. are in rotation, what is the law in it!

"Don't hug me." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"Don't." The black-bellied girl hugged Hua Ye's arm even tighter, "You can't leave without hugging."

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes: "Then do you want to kiss before you get up?"



The two of them made a simple information registration in the office, and took a few precautions for the camping site by the way. Emergency avoidance and so on.

Back at the parking place, all the foldable travel bags in the trunk of the car have been taken out. This is a specially bought travel suit, and paper towels, wet wipes, gloves, quick-drying clothes, towels, fingers, etc. have been placed in different categories. Beizheng, outdoor knives, lighters, medical kits, road ropes, ground cloth and other items.

"Vina sauce, my classmate Hua Ye and I have registered for everyone."

"It's almost the same here." Vinai shouted, "Satania, come and pick up your backpack."

As he said that, he looked at Taplis and Gabriel beside him, and handed over a large backpack: "Tap-chan, this is your and Xiaojia's belongings."

Taplis took it in a hurry, holding his hands in his arms: "Thank you, Senior Wei Nai."

After allocating, it was past eleven o'clock, and Wei Nai suggested: "Let's go to the restaurant for dinner first, and then go to the campsite after eating..."

"Hey, didn't you cook the hot pot yourself?" Satania looked disappointed, "I bought a small hot pot specially!"

"No!" Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "If you want to cook hot pot, at least wait until you have memorized the camping precautions."

"How can this be possible!" Silly Meow suddenly showed a 'sky is falling' expression on his face, "I'm most afraid of endorsement!"

"I'm still afraid of your dark dishes!"


When he walked near the restaurant, Hua Ye suddenly saw a Kumamon dangling at the door of a fruit supermarket to greet customers. Although Hua Ye couldn't see how cute this black and white Kumamon was, he couldn't stand the girl Like it, the girls who were planning to go to the restaurant walked into the fruit supermarket in a blink of an eye.

Hua Ye was idle and bored, so he walked into the supermarket and found that next to each fruit, there were actually cute characters in emoji. For example, in front of a pile of apples near the entrance, it was written that "Newton was hit by an apple, so he studied the law of gravity. Keep eating apples, maybe you will be the next Isaac Newton."

Go to your uncle, learn about the four famous lies in the history of science! "Newton's Apple", "Galileo's Leaning Tower", "Watt's Teapot" and "Einstein's Bench" are all fake, okay?

For example, the most famous "Newton's Apple", however, in all Newton's manuscripts, there is no mention of being hit by an apple on the head. Anecdotes about celebrities.

Even in primary school textbooks, there are many fabricated chicken soup. For example, the Great Wall can be seen with the naked eye in space, but it can’t be seen. The principle supports the doctor to finish appendicitis and save mother's life... However, when the world's first appendicitis operation happened, Edison was already in his [-]s or [-]s, okay?

It can only be said that there are too many routines in the world, and it is impossible to guard against.

Chapter 851

"Don't buy too much fruit, just buy a little bit of what you want to eat..."

The big butler, Wei Nai, is so earnest, but unfortunately, whether it is useful or not is another matter.

"Hua Ye, come here." Rafael stood in front of a fruit counter and waved to Hua Ye, "This looks delicious."

Hua Ye walked over and took a look, and found that these are purple plums among plums, the kind of fruit with purple-black skin that looks very appetizing.

There is nothing wrong with the plums, the problem is the pictures and explanations on the blackboard next to it!

Facing him is a bust of an old man with a clear belt on his back. The old man puts one hand behind his back and gives a thumbs up with the other hand. He has a standard smile on his face, and there is a text next to it: "Li Shizhen eats Say it all."

Hello sister!Li Shizhen doesn't even have your planner skin! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Li Shizhen is from the Ming Dynasty, can he travel through time and space to praise your plums!

Moreover, Li Shizhen is not the image of a benevolent and kind-hearted grandfather at all. According to various official documents, Li Shizhen has a fierce appearance, a bearded face, and a tall and burly figure... Can't be combined into an accurate image?

Just think about Mang Zhang Fei and Hei Li Kui.

"To eat."

A soft and waxy voice sounded, and Hua Ye's trousers were gently pulled by Kang Na.

Hua Ye looked down with disgust in his eyes:



Kang Na didn't speak, and activated the gaze of the skill "Blue-Eyed Young Dragon".

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