Before Hua Ye got the trick, Wei Nai had already fallen into the skills, walked over to hold Kang Na, and said softly, "If you want to eat, buy some."

Said it was a little bit, but in a blink of an eye, seven or eight purple plums were already packed.

"Are you only going to buy a little?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "That's too much!"

Wei Nai said confidently: "Kangna sauce likes to eat, so it doesn't hurt to buy more!"


Everyone bought some fruits, then walked out of the fruit supermarket and walked to a nearby restaurant.

After all, this campground has been in operation for many years. Although it is not very famous, the surrounding supporting facilities are quite complete. There are Internet cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, hotels and other buildings. However, in order to fit the environment, the buildings here are not very good. High, even if it is a hotel, it only has three or four floors.

The main consumers of the restaurant are camping tourists from outside, so most of them sell set meals with various tastes. The advantage of this is that it can save time.

It's a pity that Hua Ye feels very bad.

Naturally, it is impossible for Hua Ye and his party to be the only ones in the restaurant, but as the only boy among a group of girls, Hua Ye received a lot of envious and jealous eyes from the moment he walked into the restaurant. If there is an emotion collector, You can probably see words like "envy +1" jumping out of the top of these people's heads, faster than the speed of jumping money.

"Master Baiyu, I'm going to buy a drink."

Alice stood up, her ponytails swaying back and forth, and ran to the drink counter to fetch two drinks.

Hua Ye glanced over, and suddenly found that the girl with ponytails actually bought two bottles of Fat House Happy Water.

"Master Baiyu, this is the transparent Coca-Cola that has just been launched recently, and it claims to have zero calories." Alice put a bottle of Coca-Cola in front of Rafael, raised her face to ask for credit, "Taste how it tastes."

Hua Ye has never drunk this kind of transparent cola, but he has read related news. The price of a bottle of transparent cola is 240 yen, and the biggest selling point is 'zero calories'.

So this is not true at all!

What about the Fat House Happy Water that was promised? Coke without carbon dioxide and calories can’t be fun at all!

Hua Ye couldn't help complaining: "It's Coke, but it's Sprite anyway?"

"Hmph, Coke and Sprite are almost the same." Alice turned her head arrogantly, "Didn't you see that in supermarkets or vending machines, Coke and Sprite are sold together?"


Kang Na, who was sitting quietly eating the children's meal, looked up: "I want to drink."

This blue-eyed young dragon has a special small book, which records the taste and taste of many foods. It can be said to be an alternative recipe. Now that I see the new calorie-free cola, I am naturally curious.


Alice also likes Kangna very much, because in front of Kangna, she can gain a little advantage in height and milk volume, and can evolve from a "short bean" to a big sister, so she naturally responds to Kangna's requests for food , "Don't drink too much at once, I'll pour some for you to taste."

The short bean took the transparent glass and poured half a glass of Coke for Kanna. He said it was Coke, but unfortunately the color was as transparent as boiled water, and there were few foams formed by carbon dioxide in it.


Alice handed the quilt in front of Kang Na, with a clear expression of joy on the face of eating cats and dogs.

"Thank you Alice."

Connor thanked softly, then picked up the cup, raised her head and drank the Coke in one gulp, looking like a young girl in the field drinking vodka.

"How does it taste?" Alice asked curiously.

The blue-eyed baby dragon licked its lips with the tip of its pink tongue, then tilted its head to comment: "Lemon soda?"


the other side.

"Xiao Jia, put down the phone and eat quickly!"

Looking at Gabriel who was sitting across from her, holding the phone while eating, the cross tendons on Wei Nai's forehead twitched.

"Vina is too much."

"Are I going too far, or are you going too far!"

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "Eating and playing games is like eating and watching videos. It's just a way of eating. You don't need to understand it, but try to accept it..."

"There is no such way of eating!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "You are sick, you need to be cured!"


Gabriel opened her eyes wide: "It's just playing games, why did it become sick?"

"What do you think?" Wei Nai put on a pretty face and said solemnly, "The World Health Organization issued a statement some time ago, identifying "game dependence" as a disease. The specific screening method is that the game time cannot be controlled by the person. I always put games first in my daily activities, even if various problems occur, I still refuse to give up games..."

Wei Nai's eyes looked disgusted, and she looked down at a crippled angel condescendingly: "How many do you think you got hit?"


A drop of cold sweat fell on the top of Gabriel's head, and all the above selections were selected.

So it was just a matter of playing games, why suddenly it became a disease!Is the World Health Organization so leisurely? The people of Haiti are still living in poverty, but you are going to spread love and warmth!

"Hey, is Gabriel-senpai sick?"

Taplis sat next to Gabriel and ate mapo tofu. Unfortunately, the taste of these set meals was too ordinary, and it was completely incomparable with the dishes made by Hua Ye. The younger sister could only swallow in aggrieved manner.

"Sickness must be cured..." Taplis swallowed the food in his mouth, and said with a cute expression, "I will tell Master Gailu after I go back, and let Master Gailu come down to help..."

Before he finished speaking, Gabriel blocked his mouth with a sausage: "Shut up, eat!"

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