Chapter 852

After a lively lunch, everyone picked up their travel backpacks and set off to the campsite.

As he went deeper into the forest, the surrounding environment quickly became quieter, as if the hustle and bustle had gone away, only birds chirping and the wind singing.

"Wow! It's a maple leaf! A real red maple leaf!" Taplis's eyes sparkled. Naturally, there are no maple trees in the heavens. Now that he suddenly saw this uncanny natural beauty, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Okay Beautiful! O v O”

Hua Ye didn't think these maple leaves were so beautiful, it was just the interaction between chlorophyll and the seasons, but Taplis's shocked face was quite interesting.

Looking around, there are many maple trees on both sides of the road, and the colorful maple leaves are distinct in the sun.It's a pity that the terrain here is flat. It is said that it is a mountain forest, but it is actually just some low and gentle mounds.

"so beautiful……"

Machiko's eyes also lit up. As a literary girl, there was a time when the maple leaves were falling all over the sky, wandering alone on the mountain path, and then picked up the fiery red maple leaves on the roadside, and went back to the little girl who stuck them in the book as bookmarks. Fantasia, if it wasn't a little embarrassing, it would probably have bent over to pick up maple leaves by now.

"Hey, the maple leaf is turning red now?" Alice blinked and asked curiously, "Is it a bit too fast?"

"No, maple leaves are originally red from mid-October to December." Raphael picked up a fiery red maple leaf at his feet, and shook it gently in his hand, "Because maple trees are not evergreen trees, in winter , the leaves have already fallen."

It is already mid-to-late October, and the typhoon a few days ago brought a large temperature difference, which provided both internal and external factors for the maple leaves to turn red. Hua Ye and others were lucky to see the beautiful scenery of the colorful maple forest.

The black-bellied girl rolled her eyes, stretched out a slender finger and said, "Seeing such a beautiful scenery, should everyone express their thoughts?"

"Huh?" Alice raised her small face, her expression was a little cute, "Fenglin is beautiful?"

Simple and rude answer.

It's as if the noble AC Princess Ji was bought by the upstart Doi Yuan in a wave. It is false to say that she is soft and easy to overthrow, and a sentence of "very beautiful" is enough.

Gabriel said weakly, "The team battle is as picturesque as it is?"

Don't worry about team battles at this time, anyway, when you are in a team, you are always a marginal OB role!

Even Kang Na said softly, "Maple donuts? Maple ice cream?"

Mr. Shuren once said that when you see a white arm, you think of a fruit body. Do you think of maple syrup when you see a maple tree?Unfortunately, the maple trees that produce maple sugar are generally 'sugar maples', and the maple trees here do not produce maple sugar.

Seeing everyone answering one after another, Machiko also whispered: "Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves?"

As expected of a literary girl, it sounds much more comfortable than the simple and crude "beautiful".

Rafael turned his eyes, looked at Hua Ye, and narrowed his eyes: "Student Hua Ye, what do you think?"


"I think you're skinny again!"


Before we knew it, we had already walked to the side of a lake.

The lake is clear and transparent, with no waves, just like a sapphire mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. Standing by the lake and looking far away, you can just see Mount Fuji in the distance, which is refreshing.

So everyone unanimously decided to camp by the lake.

"That's it?" Wei Nai put down the travel bag, and handed out another candy to Kang Na, "By the way, everyone knows how to set up tents, right?"

Satania raised her chin and said triumphantly, "Of course, I learned how to set up a tent on the Internet yesterday."

Liuhua nodded, and the dumb hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side: "I can also learn to speak."

Alice raised her hand: "I've pitched tents with my mother before."

Anyway, I would never say that in order to avoid making a fool of myself, I practiced setting up a tent at home last night.

"Then let's get started." Wei Nai turned her eyes and looked at Taplis, "Tapu sauce, are you sleeping with Xiao Jia at night? If you don't know how to set up a tent, come and help after I set up a tent." you……"

"Thank you, Senior Wei Nai." Taplis thanked gratefully, then stretched out two slender fingers, and nodded hesitantly on his chest.

The acting talent of the idiot school girl was not tapped at all, and the thought of "have something to say" was completely written on her face.

Wei Nai blinked: "Tap-chan, do you want to do it yourself?"

"That, that, it looks very interesting to set up a tent." The idiot school girl Qiqi Ai whispered, "So I want to try it too..."

"Then let's try to build it." Wei Nai laughed, "If Tap-chan can build it by himself, it will definitely be more fulfilling."


As for the crippled angel Gabriel standing next to her... Anyway, she can't be counted on, so it's useless to say.

The location of the camping tent should not be chosen on the top of the mountain, because in the event of a thunderstorm, it may be struck by lightning. Don’t be afraid of [-], just in case. Also don’t choose beside a valley or stream. During heavy rain, tents are likely to be submerged by flash floods.

Fortunately, everyone has read the weather forecast yesterday, and the weather will be sunny and clear for the next period of time, so there is no need to worry about the threat of heavy rain and mountain torrents.

The lakeside has obviously been cleaned up by the staff of the Camping Authority, and there are almost no stones and weeds, which again saves a lot of trouble.

Although the tent is not big, it is not a problem to sleep two or three people. After all, I am here for camping in the wild, not staying at a Holiday Inn, so the requirements should not be too high.

Wei Nai slept with the class monitor and Kang Na, Alice and Raphael shared a tent, Gabriel and the idiot juniors slept together, then Satania and Liuhua, and Hua Ye slept alone.


Everyone enthusiastically started to set up the tent.

Three minutes later...

"Satania, Liuhua." Wei Nai's face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help but want to hit someone, "What are you two doing? We agreed to set up a tent!"

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