Silly Meow and Liuhua are already lying on the blue tent at this moment, with their hands open, looking up at the sky together, they look like cats whose balls have been plucked on the operating table, with lifeless faces all over their faces. Lovely.

Satania: "No, the tent can't be set up well..."

Liuhua: "I can't do it either, my magic power has been exhausted..."

Wei Nai gritted her silver teeth and covered her forehead with one hand: "Didn't you two say that you watched a video of someone else setting up a tent last night?"

"I've really seen it." Satania felt aggrieved, "But now I forgot..."

"It's not that I forgot, it's just that I didn't learn it at all!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "What do you call this? Talking about war on paper?"

Hua Ye continued: "It should be an online discussion."

Talking about wars on paper is outdated, now is the era of talking on the Internet.

What is online chatter?

To give a simple example, some people see other players showing extreme wonderful operations on the Internet, instead of being amazed by them, they will say "daily operations, I can do it myself", "It looks very simple, just do it casually." Once you learn it, you will be able to learn it", but the facts have proved that it is not enough for them to go online, and these people are talking online.

(PS: I suddenly found out that the college entrance examination is today, and I don’t know if there are any friends who are in the third year of high school to read books... I wish you all the best for the college entrance examination and strive for the best results! Don’t be nervous during the exam. The mentality is very important. Same, not at all cowardly.)

Chapter 853 Yan Yi Girl Tap Sauce

Satania and Liuhua, who only know how to talk about wars on the Internet, have obviously given up on treatment, but Taplis here is seriously looking through the instruction manual.

After reading it over and over, Taplis closed the instruction manual with confidence, and then took out all the props for setting up the tent.

"Do you understand?" Gabriel couldn't help asking, always thinking that the junior girl Tapu would talk about it on paper.

"Don't worry, Gabriel-senpai!" Taplis clenched his fists, full of confidence, "I've already understood it! ≧▽≦"


There's no after that.

Facts have proved that understanding the instruction manual does not mean that you will be able to set up a tent. Holding the support pole in your hand, dizzy stars soon floated above the head of the idiot schoolgirl.

"Okay, it's so difficult..."

"Why is it so difficult?"

"It's clearly stated in the instruction manual, could it be that I'm too stupid?"


Taplis blinked, and looked at Gabriel for help. Unfortunately, this useless angel has been diagnosed as a patient with "game addiction". It is impossible to expect her to set up a tent.

Turning his gaze, Taplis suddenly saw that a beautiful blue tent had been set up quietly, and Hua Ye was standing beside the tent, quietly playing with his mobile phone.

"Eh eh?"

The idiot school girl opened her eyes wide, with a super shocked look on her face: "Senior is so amazing! ⊙▽⊙"


How amazing!Just set up a tent according to the instructions, it is a fool's teaching at all, why your shocked expression seems to have witnessed the invention of the tent!

Although Taplis was a bit dumb, he was diligent and eager to learn, and he was not ashamed to ask: "Senior, teach me how to set up a tent?"

Hua Ye pointed to the instruction manual in Taplis's hand: "Isn't the steps clearly written on it?"

One sentence made Taplis languid, the school girl looked down at her toes, her mouth turned into wavy lines of grievance: "But, maybe I'm stupid, I can't understand it at all..."

I can't understand such a simple instruction manual, it seems really stupid.

Hua Ye sighed: "I'll teach you."

"Okay, okay." Taplis regained his energy in an instant, "Senior is indeed a good person!"

Hey, don't send good person cards to others at every turn!Do you know that you will be slapped like this!There are only three things, and if you send another good person card, you will be smashed!

Putting up a tent is actually not a difficult task. If someone is around to show you how to do it, it's easy to get started. It's a pity that Hua Ye forgot one thing, this idiot junior is still the descendant of a hundred thousand whys.

"Senior, senior, is this a support rod? How should I connect it?"

"It turned out to be like this... The senior is so amazing!"

"Senior, senior, is this a ground nail? Where should it be nailed?"

"The senior is amazing!"

Don't talk about how powerful it is, it's just a tent, it has nothing to do with being powerful!

Taplis's voice is quite recognizable, between a girl and a lolita, with a natural cuteness and cuteness, a sentence or two is nothing, and now he is circling around Hua Ye , chirping non-stop like a lark, and as a result, Hua Ye received a lot of contemptuous glances again.

Fortunately, not long after, a beautiful blue and white tent appeared on the spot.

"Thanks to the senior, I was able to set up the tent..."

Taplis raised her face, her eyes were shining with admiration. After all, this was the tent she and Hua Ye had set up together, so it naturally felt more fulfilling.

There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, but a ding-dong notification sounded in his ear: "Friendship +1, favorability +1..."

Of course, it's more of a "contempt value +1, contempt value +1..." prompt.


After setting up the tent, Hua Ye took out the inflatable recliner from the travel bag, inflated it with a portable inflator, and unfolded it into a giraffe-shaped recliner.

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