"It's reasonable for you to move your feet first." Hua Ye said with a blank expression, "Fight poison with fire, let's understand."



It's a pity that before I could fight poison with poison, the phone rang.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone, it was Machiko calling.

"Hello, monitor."

"Hua, students Hua Ye...can you come over?"

His voice trembled slightly, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Hua Ye asked, "What's wrong?"

"I, I seem to have encountered a snake!"


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and got up decisively. There are no large carnivores in this forest, but there will definitely be snakes, insects, rats and ants: "I'll be there soon."

Hua Ye put away his mobile phone, crossed a low hill, and soon saw where Machiko was, a tall and straight girl standing under a maple tree, holding a dead branch in her hand, looking at the girl in front of her vigilantly. Grass.

"Squad leader."

"Student Hua Ye!" Seeing Hua Ye, Machiko couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly walked up to him.

Hua Ye asked: "What snake? Did you get bitten?"

"No, no." Machiko shook her head, her pretty face turned pale, "I came here to pick up some maple leaves and take them back as bookmarks, but when I came here, I suddenly saw a four-leaf clover..."

If you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade.At first, Machiko just wanted to find a few beautiful maple leaves as bookmarks, but she found a four-leaf clover, which represents happiness, and was naturally very happy.

But when she was about to pull out the four-leaf clover, she suddenly found that there seemed to be colorful things moving under the grass, and she was shocked. After all, this is the wild, so she immediately thought of the poisonous snake.

Except for the foodie Long Kangna, no girl has a good impression of this cold and slippery long insect, and Machiko is even more frightened. If it wasn't for the four-leaf clover, she would have already run away.

"I'll see if there are any snakes."

Hua Ye walked towards the maple tree.

"Wait, wait a minute..." Machiko hurriedly grabbed Hua Ye's clothes, hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Why don't you forget it, what if you are bitten by a snake?"

How could you be bitten? Are you the Serpent of Eden that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

"Don't worry." Hua Ye shook his head, "People are afraid of snakes, and snakes are even more afraid of people. Even if there were snakes, they would have already run away."

In nature, the division of the food chain is closely related to body size. In the eyes of a snake tens of centimeters long, humans are equivalent to giants. Generally, when seeing humans, most snakes will run away in a hurry, that is, silly spores, and will stop. I looked carefully in situ.

In fact, even in ancient times, human beings did not exist at the bottom of the food chain. Although they did not have the agility of leopards or the strength of bears, their weight and endurance far surpassed ordinary small predators. Once the tools were unlocked, the level of the food chain was even higher. rise.

Machiko was still a little worried, hesitated for a moment, and handed over the branch in his hand: "I'll go there with you...Student Hua Ye use this?"


Looking at the twig that Machiko handed over, Hua Ye was quite speechless.

This branch is not as thick as Machiko's little finger, and it's still rotten wood. Let alone hitting a snake, if you use a little force, it will snap with a snap!

In those knight-errant novels, although there are often disciples of beggar gangs who travel around with dog-beating sticks, those dog-beating sticks are at least as thick as eggs, because for an adult, sticks the size of eggs feel best in the hand , next time I will show you what a stick with the thickness of an egg is!

Although Hua Ye wanted to shake his head and refuse, but seeing Machiko's worried eyes, he nodded and agreed: "Then let's go."


Hua Ye took the branch and opened the way first, Machiko followed cautiously behind, never leaving a single step.

Soon after walking under the maple tree, Hua Ye pushed aside the grass, took a closer look, and said, "The snake has already run away."

"That's good……"

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward, wrapped one hand around the hem of the skirt, squatted down slightly, and then gathered her hair to her chest: "The clover we saw just now is here..."

It's a pity that there is a big piece of clover under the tree. I am eager to find it, but where can I find it?

"I'm not mistaken, there must be..."

Machiko bit her lip, anxious.

"Is it this one?"

Hua Ye pointed to an inconspicuous four-leaf clover.

"That's right, it's this clover." Machiko's eyes lit up, and she pulled it up carefully, then raised her face to look at Hua Ye, her eyes sparkling, "Thank you, classmate Hua Ye."

(I'm probably a good luck insulator... I can't get a lottery on weekdays, I can't fall in love, and the game is so popular... I didn't expect to find the clover now. It must be because I am with classmate Hua Ye?)

(The clover represents happiness, and it is the clover that I found with Hua Ye... Is this a sign?)

(Should be, should it be?)

Machiko squatted on the spot, holding the clover in her hand, her thoughts began to drift away.

(If my mother said before that if you like it, you can get engaged directly...how can you get engaged so quickly when you are still a high school student.)

(But what if?)

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