(If I am so unlucky, I can find a four-leaf clover that represents happiness. What if I get engaged?)

(The auditorium, the wedding dress, the priest, holding a large bouquet of flowers by himself...)

"what are you thinking about?"

Hua Ye looked down at Machiko, speechless.

Why did you squat there without speaking for a long time after you took the four-leaf clover? If it wasn't for sure that you were holding an ordinary four-leaf clover, you would have thought that you had inhaled hallucinogenic mushrooms and fell into hallucinations!


Machiko replied subconsciously.

Hua Ye was puzzled: "Name? What name?"


Machiko finally came back to her senses, her pretty face flushed red suddenly, and water vapor came out from the top of her head, she raised her hand to cover her face, and shook her head violently.

Hey, are you a mimosa!

Don't be shy and blush every now and then, it's okay to blush when you rub your stomach, what's wrong with blushing now!What the hell did you think about the brain hole related to the name just now!

"Wh, nothing!" Machiko was so ashamed and angry that he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get down, "Student Hua Ye got it wrong!"

How could it be possible to admit that I was naming the child just now!

Will die!

He must die because of embarrassment!

Blade Bounty!

That's right, I have the audacity to offer a bounty again.

The college entrance examination is over, it's time to celebrate with a wave of explosive updates, or two basic updates per day, 200 blades plus one update.

Those friends who say that I have the audacity to beg the blade not to update, at least look at how much I updated last month.

Obviously pitiful, weak and helpless, you still wronged me.


Super wronged.

If you have a blade and a monthly pass, but you haven't decided who to vote for, just vote for me.


Chapter 856 The Day of Misfortune

"I just heard you say 'name'..."

"No, don't say it!"

Machiko shook her head like a rattle, her pretty face was stained with red, resisting the shame that she almost fainted, she raised her face and begged pitifully, "Shall we go back?"

If I wanted to name my child just now, I wouldn't be able to say it even if I was killed!

"Then go back."

Hua Ye nodded. Since Machiko refused to speak, he naturally wouldn't force her to ask.

"I'll get up now..."

Machiko carefully held the clover in the palm of her hand and was about to stand up quickly. However, she squatted for a long time before, and her legs and feet were inevitably numb. Now she was anxious to get up. In Hua Ye's arms.


It is said that girls with big breasts will fall on the ground when they walk. Your breasts are not very big, so you often walk unsteadily!

"Are you okay?"

Hua Ye reached out and grabbed Machiko's shoulder, ready to lift her up.

"No, it's fine..."

The voice of the girl with long and straight black was particularly embarrassing. She was about to straighten her back when she suddenly groaned in pain and hurriedly said, "Student Hua Ye, wait, wait a minute..."

Wait a moment?

Why did you suddenly say wait?

This pose will be uncomfortable, right?

"Head, hair..." Machiko was so wronged that she was about to cry, and said in a shy voice, "The hair is stuck!"

When she fell down just now, the clover in her hand accidentally dropped on the ground. Naturally, she bent down to pick it up subconsciously, but when she got up, she was horrified to find that a strand of hair was stuck in a super bad place...

"Hair stuck?"

Hua Ye was startled, looked down, and was speechless immediately.

Your sister, is your hair stuck in the zipper of your jeans?The probability of this kind of thing happening is much smaller than the dead buckle of shoelaces!It seems that instead of bringing you good luck, the clover has drained all your luck!

To make matters worse, because her hair got stuck on the zipper of her jeans, Machiko couldn't stand up for a while, and her legs and feet were a little weak, so she could only squat down again aggrieved, and then...

Then the face was facing the position below Hua Ye's abdomen!

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