The posture is so bad that there is no need to describe it with words!

"Hua, Hua Ye, what should we do?"

Machiko resisted the shame of fainting and asked in a low voice, with a hint of crying in her voice.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said with empty eyes:

"What should I do? Of course, untie the entangled hair!"

Otherwise, what else can we do?

Do you want to reach out and hold Machiko's head in order to avoid wasting this excellent posture, and do dirty and violent things to her! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"I know, I know..."

Compared with Hua Ye's thick skin, Machiko's skin is extremely thin, how thin is it?

For example, she often goes to a wagashi shop to buy snacks, and occasionally goes to the store next door to this wagashi shop, and feels guilty and embarrassed like cheating.

Now I have no choice but to untie the hair caught by the zipper, but I dare not look straight at it, and I dare not put my hands on Hua Ye's pants, so I can only pull the hair helplessly, but the more anxious I am, the more I can't untie it, but it is still entangled. It's even tighter!

"What are you doing?"

Hua Ye looked down and looked at the squad leader who turned his face to the side and pulled his hair weakly and helplessly, and said with black lines all over his face: "Since the hair is stuck, you should unzip the zipper, it is useless to keep pulling the hair Bar?"


Machiko naturally knows that pulling hair is useless, but asking her to unzip the boy's jeans... It's too shameful to think about that kind of thing!

However, she has always had no opinions on major matters, and now she was panicked and anxious. Hearing Hua Ye's urging, she could only respond aggrievedly, and then stretched out her hand to pull Hua Ye's zipper blushing.

Hua Ye suddenly thought of a question.

If a boy unzips a girl's jeans, he will definitely be taken to the police station by passers-by as hooligans.

But if a girl pulls a boy's zipper, instead of being sent to the police station, there is a high chance of getting envious and jealous looks from passers-by.

What about equality between men and women?

Why is there no equality in this kind of thing!

"I, I can't solve it..."

Machiko's voice trembled, almost crying.

Hua Ye sighed and said:

"If you didn't shake your hands, it would have been untied a long time ago."


It's just an ordinary jeans zipper, why are you so nervous that you turn on the vibration mode!Fortunately, your job is not a bomb disposal expert, otherwise the hostages would not be rescued, and instead they would be killed in anger!

Do you know that there is a saying that "every major event needs to be calm", the more tense the situation, the more you need to be calm, panic will not help, but will lead to bad things!


The black, long straight girl felt wronged and apologized, "Why don't you come as classmate Hua Ye?"

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "If I could see it, I would have come by myself."

"Then, let me try again..."

Machiko had no choice but to continue to fight against the zipper that was entangled in her hair, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

The scorching breath spewed onto the jeans, and there was a strange feeling of warmth.

Hua Ye looked down, and because of the angle, he could only see Machiko's snow-white neck, the waterfall-like hair cascading from the left side of her shoulder, and the delicate whiteness that belonged to a girl in the open neckline. The refreshing scent of Lime Lemon Shampoo...

Fragments of sunlight passed through the treetops and fell on the two of them. Hua Ye suddenly felt his body heat up.

The most obvious external manifestation is that the space-based rail gun has begun to activate!

It would be fine if it was other slacks. The problem is that he is wearing blue jeans at the moment. Once the space-based rail gun is ready to go, it will instantly become very conspicuous!


The air was suddenly silent.

Machiko opened her eyes wide and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise. She threw away the zipper in her hand as if she was electrocuted, and then looked up and back. The problem is that her hair is still entangled in the zipper at this moment, and the pain of pulling her hair back makes her Under the conditioned reflex, he involuntarily rushed forward again.


Machiko's eyes were blank, and she just felt that the whole person was not well.

(I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die...)

(I actually, unexpectedly bumped into classmate Hua Ye just now!)

(Obviously found the clover, should have good luck, why, why did this happen!)

"Don't squat still, continue to untangle." Hua Ye also had black lines on his face, and couldn't help complaining, "Do you have to wait for others to come and help!"

Thin skin is also a disease, next time I will introduce Thor to you as a teacher, and let her teach you thick-skinned self-cultivation, what's "catch a strong man", what "a bird heals a person", I will show you how to drive every minute!

Chapter 857

"Hey, call someone for help?!"

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