Machiko suddenly came back to her senses, and then remembered that this is a campsite, not an apartment where the two of them are alone, and a few wild monsters would spawn passing by at some point.

Compared to bumping into Hua Ye, being seen by passers-by is a more terrifying thing. The current posture of the two of them is really bad enough. If they are seen by others, they will definitely be misunderstood as doing such a thing, right?

Thinking of this, the long, straight black girl who was eager to find a crack in the ground suddenly came to her senses: "Don't call anyone! I, I will untie it soon!"

Machiko suppressed her embarrassment and continued to undo the zipper that was entangled in her hair. Her only hope now was to avoid being seen by everyone before she untied the zipper.

Unfortunately, the reality is never so beautiful.

Although I found a clover, today is obviously not Machiko's lucky day, but a day of misery.

Not long after, a familiar barking came.

"No, it can't be such a coincidence, right?!" Machiko trembled all over, and muttered to herself, "Alice and Lafite obviously went in another direction..."

As he spoke, he raised his face, as if a drowning man grasped at the last straw, and looked pitifully at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye shook his head and sighed, "You guessed it right this time."


The barking of dogs approached quickly.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, be honest with me, don't run around..." Alice's voice echoed in the mountains and forests, but she stopped abruptly in the middle of her words.

Machiko closed her eyes in despair.

"You, you..." After a brief silence, an unbelievably horrified cry cut through the forest, "What are you two doing?"


Alice and Raphael did go in another direction to look for clover, but there were only about one clover in five thousand, so how could they find it easily?

After searching for a while, Alice lost her enthusiasm, and simply took Xiaoqiu, who was whining, to plot the territory, but she saw a scene that stunned her

Hua Ye was standing under a maple tree, squatting in front of him was a girl with long black straight hair, who was obviously the squad leader by looking at her clothes.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that the distance between the two is too close!

If it was Taplis, an idiot schoolgirl, she would most likely ask with a cute face, "What are you two doing?"

Maybe Hua Ye could use the excuse of "eating a lollipop" to fool him, or even fool the idiot school girl over to eat a lollipop together.

But Alice, who often haunts various comic exhibitions and has a pile of notebooks at home, suddenly thought of something extremely bad.

"You're dazzled? It must be dazzled, right? The squad leader can't be such a casual person..."

Alice muttered to herself, and even raised her hand and rubbed her eyes in a daze.

However, the 'illusion' in front of me has not dissipated, and it is still extremely clear.


Alice, who had only seen similar plots in comics, after confirming the authenticity of the scene in front of her, her face flushed suddenly, as if she had been struck by a thunderbolt, and she suddenly felt ill.

(Are the two of them doing that, that kind of thing?)

(Otherwise, why would it be such an obscene posture!)

(But this is a campsite, right? And it’s still broad daylight, so you’re not afraid of being seen!)

(It's scary, it's scary, it's scary, it's scary...)

Machiko didn't even have the strength to speak at the moment, Hua Ye had no choice but to find another foreign aid and said, "Come here."

"What, what?"

Alice's eyes widened, and she took a step back in horror.

It's fine if you don't separate quickly, but you still have the nerve to let yourself go?

What did you do in the past?

At this moment, the contents of those evil books that I had seen before flooded into my mind.

Do you want to let yourself watch you do that kind of thing!


Super pervert!

To have such a horrible habit of disgusting!

"Okay, so scary!" Alice shook her head violently, her ponytails swayed violently behind her back, drawing two brilliant golden arcs, "I won't even pass if I'm killed...I'll tell Lord Baiyu right away!"

The little bean was almost scared to death by himself, and turned around to escape from this place of right and wrong.

It's a pity that Hua Ye won't let her go, because with Machiko's thin skin, even if it's just a misunderstanding, she will explode in embarrassment!

Hua Ye looked down at Akita Dog Xiaoqiu, opened his mouth and whistled.

"Wang Wang~~"

After receiving the order, Xiaoqiu immediately stood up from her squatting position, and ran towards Hua Ye wagging her tail.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, stop now!"

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