Alice exclaimed and wanted to pull the dog's leash, but unfortunately she was short and weak, so Xiao Qiu led her to run over.

Soon approaching, Alice stopped panting, put her left hand on her chest, and said vigilantly: "You, you, don't want to do that kind of thing to me!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Machiko who was still squatting in front of Hua Ye, and then hurriedly looked away guiltily, but doubts arose in his heart: "Squad leader is usually so thin-skinned, why can't he get up? That's right, the squad leader must have been forced to Yes... this facial-paralyzed pervert has evolved into a terrifying zombie tyrannosaurus!"

"Shut up." Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said expressionlessly, "Speak clearly after seeing clearly."

"Ju, you really want me to watch you do that kind of thing?" Alice's eyes widened, terrified, "When did you become so perverted!"


Pervert your sister!What do you think it is for you to see!Even if you let you watch it carefully, you won't feel any pleasure at all, okay?

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he couldn't help roaring:

"I just asked you to come over and help untie the zipper, don't think about messy things for me!"

"Alice, don't get me wrong, this, this is really an accident..."

Machiko's voice of shame and anger finally sounded.

"Can this kind of thing be an accident?"

Alice didn't believe it at all.

Even in those comics, there will only be scenes where boys and girls fall down and then kiss their chests, what kind of accidents will make you fall into such a bad posture!

and many more……

"Hey, monitor, can you still talk now?" Alice's eyes widened in surprise.

Nonsense, and there is nothing to cover Machiko's mouth, why can't she speak!The reason why you only speak now is because you caught the rape too soon!

Machiko took a deep breath, resisting the emotion of being ashamed and angry, and said with tears in her voice: "I found a four-leaf clover here just now, but my legs and feet became numb after squatting for too long, and I accidentally bumped into classmate Hua Ye. body, and hair got caught in the zipper of his trousers..."

Hua Ye said with a blank expression beside him, "That's it, you can see clearly when you get closer."

"There is such a coincidence?" Alice blinked her eyes, her eyes were still vigilant, and said suspiciously, "You don't mean to trick me on purpose, do you?"

"There's no need to lie to you." Hua Ye said blankly, "I'm not interested in a short Douding like you, and if I really want to do something to you, you won't be able to run away at all."

"Damn it!" Alice clenched her fists and argued loudly angrily, "I'm not Shorty Bean! Now that I'm an adult, I don't even have a problem getting married!"

Machiko felt aggrieved and said, "Alice, can you come and help me first?"

Although it's a little inappropriate to ask Alice to help with this kind of help, but after the ups and downs of the body, there is really no strength.

"Okay, okay..."

Alice hesitated for a moment, and walked over in a small step, afraid of seeing something terrible that could not be described.

After turning half a circle slowly, Alice finally breathed a sigh of relief as she didn't see anything indescribably ugly out of the corner of her eye.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

The girl with twin tails squatted next to Machiko, only to scream the next moment.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye said speechlessly.

"You, you have the nerve to say it!"

Alice raised her hand to cover her eyes, wishing to let the dog bite someone. Although Hua Ye did not take off his pants to do nasty things, but the jeans have a scary silhouette, okay?

Hua Ye pondered for two seconds: "You read it wrong, it's a mobile phone..."

"Nonsense! A mobile phone wouldn't be in this shape!"

It was only after blurting out this sentence that Alice realized her 'gaffe'.

This short bean opened its mouth, misty mist welled up in its eyes: "You, you bullied me..."

"Why did I bully you?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help complaining, "You have bought so many books at the comic exhibition, why are you embarrassed!"

"Hmph, I never bought a notebook!"

Alice turned her head arrogantly, refusing to admit it.

Hua Ye said with a stern face, "Let's help Machiko untie the entangled hair first."

Alice hesitated, the terrifying outline just now was still imprinted in her mind: "But, but it's so disgusting..."

Your sister, how disgusting!You have read so many books, you have seen every pose, right?

"Hurry up and help, or I'll use the dog leash." Hua Ye threatened.

Alice quickly understood what Hua Ye meant, and couldn't help humming: "You, you dare! Master Bai Yu will definitely not spare you!"

Your Master Bai Yu came here to buy one and get one free. She has become more and more skinny recently, so she happened to be trained/taught together!

"Hurry up." Hua Ye urged, "Maybe someone will pass by."

Of course, with Hua Ye's thick skin, even if someone passed by, he wouldn't care. The problem is that Machiko's whole body is not well at the moment. If she is seen by a stranger again, she doubts whether she will because of the temperature of her brain's CPU. Too high and crash ah!

"Let me take a look..."

Alice put down half of her hands covering her face, looked this way again, then turned her head with a flushed face, and only looked at this side from the corner of her eyes: "I have had the experience of getting my hair caught by the zipper of the windbreaker. , the hair got caught in the zipper of the trousers, this is the first time I have seen..."

Machiko sniffled, trying not to let the tears fall: "Yes, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

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