Santania stretched out her hand and pointed back, and soon saw Liuhua running out of a forest. Because she was wearing a blindfold, her balance would inevitably be affected, making people worry about running It fell to the ground with a "plop".

Hua Ye looked at Silly Meow, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter with your mouth?"

There was a smear of purple at the corner of the fool's mouth that looked like the juice of some berries.

"Eh? Is there something?" Satania blinked, raised her hand to wipe her mouth, and a smear of purple appeared in her palm, "This is a wild fruit that Liuhua and I discovered. The taste of purple is sweet. , the blue ones are really unpalatable, but it's not easy to find..."

your sister!Feelings, did the two of you come here looking for wild fruits? You agreed to look for clover, forget it all!

Liuhua just now ran in front of Hua Ye, and there were also traces of purple juice on her mouth.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "What are you eating?"

"do not know."

The two idiots shook their heads in unison.

Machiko became anxious: "How can you eat something you don't know in the wild?"

Although this kind of well-developed campsite should have no dangerous things, otherwise it will definitely be stated in the previous tourist brochure, but it is not afraid of [-], just in case, just like the water in the wild should not be drunk, and the things in the wild must not be drunk. Do not eat indiscriminately.

"This is it."

Liuhua opened her hand, and in the white and tender palm were a few purple-black berries, which were bigger than mung beans, and the whole body was black and purple.

"This is the fruit condensed by the power of darkness." Liuhua put his right hand on the blindfold, and said nonsense in a serious manner, "After eating, you can quickly replenish your magic power..."

"Don't touch the blindfold with your hands, it will stain it."


Liuhua hurriedly put down her right hand. If the hair on the top of her head is her first body, the blindfold is her second body, so there is no room for loss.

Machiko looked at the berries carefully, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "So the wild fruit you are talking about is this, this is nightshade, I used to eat it at my grandmother's house when I was young..."

Solanum nigrum here refers to the annual herbaceous Solanaceae plant, not a red and blue girl with split personality. After ripening, there will be black and purple spherical berries with a sweet and sour taste. There are many nicknames, such as wild spicy tiger, dipaozi, Feitian Dragons, etc., are distributed in fields, wasteland villages, etc. Children who have lived in the countryside must have a deep impression.

"Brave, I'll eat for you."

Liuhua Xianbao seemed to raise his hand.

Hua Ye wanted to refuse at first, but when he saw the expectant eyes of this second-year girl, he still didn't speak in the end. He reached out to take the berries, gave a few to Machiko, and said, "You guys go back."

"Not going back." Satania shook her head hurriedly.


"It's boring to go back." The idiot puffed up his cheeks and complained, "I thought it was fun at first, but there are only trees here, and it will be boring if you look at it too much."

Your sister, the purpose of camping in the wild is to let you get close to nature and cleanse your soul. If you want to have fun, go to the amusement park!


ten minutes later.

Hua Ye and Machiko walked to the campsite with the two idiots.

Although there are no swimming pools and hot springs here, there are special bathhouses, which are the so-called 'men's bath' and 'female bath'.

Islanders seem to love to take a bath. Business cooperation can be discussed not only at the dining table, but also in the bathhouse... Anyway, Hua Ye can't understand what's the point of a group of men sitting naked in the bathtub. Don't you feel embarrassed?

If you meet some "talented" Europeans and Americans who come to take a bath, maybe you will leave a psychological shadow!

In front of the bathhouse is a small square, with a sculpture of Manneken Pis in the middle, gurgling water out, obviously imitating the classic Manneken Pis in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

"Hey, so small..."

Satania walked up to Manneken Pis, pinched her waist with one hand, and commented.

Shyness is naturally not shy. There are also nude sculptures of David in history books, the goddess Venus with a broken arm without clothes, and even the goddess in the famous painting "Liberty Leading the People" also bares half of her chest. !

There is nothing wrong with placing such a statue of Manneken Pis, whose height is no more than fifty centimeters, and Xiao Douding is only two centimeters.

"Hey, what's so small?" Machiko asked curiously.

Silly Meow pointed to the place where Manneken Pis came out of the water, and said carelessly, "Ding Ding is much smaller than the attendant."


The air was suddenly silent.

Machiko glanced at Hua Ye, and quickly looked away, but her pretty face was already flushed, obviously recalling Hua Ye's feat of "walking birds in public" during the first swimming class last semester.

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "Didn't you say you don't remember?"

Satania quickly shook her head: "I, I seem to recall something terrible just now, but now I forgot it..."

"Then let me help you recall!"

Chapter 861

Walking outside the female bath door, Machiko asked, "Rikka, Satania, do you want to go in and take a bath together?"

"Hey, but Liuhua and I didn't bring a change of underwear..."

A look of hesitation appeared on Satania's face. She and Liuhua ran around, also sweating, and naturally wanted to take a bath.

"It's okay, I didn't bring any underwear." Machiko pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "Usually there are disposable panties and underwear for sale in the bathhouse, and the price is not expensive. We can go in and buy them again."

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