Machiko's pretty face was flushed, and the shame of being bumped into by strangers for doing bad things is obviously different from the shame of being bumped into by acquaintances: "It was all a misunderstanding just now, I can explain..."

"No need to explain!"


The pink-haired girl waved her hand, her smiling face was full of vigor: "Alice has already explained it, and I believe that the class leader will definitely not do such a thing."

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, you helped me last time." Nadeko looked at Alice, "By the way, can I pet the dog?"

"There is also an Akita in my hometown. I named it Xiaoba. When it gets old, I will call it Hachiko. Hahaha... Xiaoba is super cute, and he can go fishing in the river... Nadeko raised his hands and gestured, "A fish that big and long, I have never caught such a big fish..."

This pink-haired girl is obviously a very lively girl, chirping like a lark: "But after coming to school here, I haven't seen Xiaoba for a long time, and I don't know how he is doing now , like rubbing a dog's head."

Alice beckoned: "Xiao Qiu, come here and let Nadeshiko touch her head."


Xiao Qiu looked up at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "Go there."

Xiaoqiu stood up, wagging her tail and was about to run over.

Hua Ye said again, "Bite on the leash."

Xiao Qiu obediently lowered her head and bit the dog's leash, then trotted all the way to Alice's side.

"Eh?" Nadeko opened his eyes wide, looking at Hua Ye with sparkling eyes, "Are you the legendary animal trainer?"

Beast tamer is not a legendary hidden profession, okay?Those who tame tigers and lions in the circus are animal trainers, and those who tame dolphins and elephants in the zoo are also animal tamers!

To expand the scope a little bit, the poop shoveler who teases cats with catnip can also be called an animal trainer, because catnip is also used to appease a violent tiger in the circus!

That's right, tigers suck catnip too.

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "Not an animal trainer."

"That's amazing!" Nadeko clasped her hands in front of her chest, her eyes shining with admiration, "Can you tell me how to make the dog so obedient?"

In all fairness, this pink-haired girl is quite cute, and she has the potential of beauty similar to that of an idiot schoolgirl, but Hua Ye is unmoved at all: "I can't."


Nadeko put her arms around her knees, squatted down to a corner and drew a circle.

After talking for a while, the two sides exchanged contact information, and Nadeko waved goodbye to everyone.

"Squad leader, shall we go back to the lake?"

Alice was just walking the dog everywhere, but when she encountered this kind of thing, her mood went up and down and then returned to calm, but her body was inevitably a little tired.

"You and classmate Hua Ye should go back first." Machiko hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I want to go to the campsite to take a shower..."

Although the crisis has been resolved, Machiko is already sweating because of nervousness and shame. At this moment, the white shirt is stuck to her body, outlining the girl's slightly green and exquisite curves. Although it is very eye-catching, it is sticky. It's really uncomfortable, especially for Machiko who has a slight cleanliness, it's even more unbearable.

Hua Ye looked at Machiko: "I'll go with you."

When Machiko spoke just now, although he only had a quick glance, there was clearly a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Alright then, I'll go back first."

Alice yawned, and led the dog away first.

The forest fell silent again.

Machiko lowered her head, stared at her toes, and gently pinched the corners of her clothes with both hands, still unable to recover from the previous shame.

Hua Ye said, "Let's go."


Machiko responded, and followed Hua Ye in small steps like a daughter-in-law.

Not long after the two had left, a voice suddenly came along the wind: "Servant, servant!"

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw Satania running over like a gust of wind. There was sweat on the forehead of this idiot, and the slightly wheat-colored skin shone with health and vitality. The small canine teeth at the corners of his mouth were surprisingly is cute.

"Hi... yeah!"

This idiot ran up to Hua Ye, put his legs together, and jumped off a boulder, ignoring the fact that his skirt was fluttering in the wind, and landed in front of Hua Ye with a "plop".

Hua Ye glanced away, and a white thing came into view.

Well, it's not the fat times who are gone, but a pair of anti-human safety pants.

Satania blinked: "Aide, where are you and the squad leader going?"

"Go to the campsite to take a shower." Hua Ye said, "Why are you here?"

"Liuhua and I were looking for clover." Satania looked up at the sky, "Then we found this place all the way."

This is the opposite direction from where you started, how did you find it here!

"Hey, where is Liuhua?" Machiko asked curiously.

"Liuhua is behind."

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