Xiaoqiu ran to exchange snacks with her underwear with her mouth in her mouth. How could she say something so embarrassing.

"I'm leaving!"

Alice waved her hand, turned around and ran over to pick up the paper shopping bag. Not long after, she saw the pink-haired girl and the three-no girl walking back.

"Your things have been dropped." Alice handed over the paper bag, "I helped pick it up."

"terribly sorry……"

The pink-haired girl subconsciously apologized, then stopped hesitantly, not daring to go forward.

"You two misunderstood just now, it's not what you thought." Before the two girls could speak, Alice explained, "It was the squad leader who accidentally got his hair stuck in the jeans with the paralyzed face when he was looking for the four-leaf clover. The zipper is on and it's really not doing anything weird!"

For the sake of the reputation of myself and the squad leader, I must explain clearly as soon as possible. As for the facial-paralyzed pervert?

Don't be shy at all, okay?

"Is...is that so?" The pink-haired girl was dubious.

"Otherwise?" Alice blurted out a sentence, "This is a campsite where people come and go, even if you shoot [beep——], it's impossible to shoot in such a place!"


The air was suddenly silent.

Alice raised her hand to cover her mouth, her little face flushed, and she suddenly wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip down.

"So it is."

The pink-haired girl blinked her eyes, with a vigorous smile on her face again, and turned to look at the three-no girl next to her: "Let me just say, it's impossible for someone to do such a terrible thing in a place like this."

"Hmm." Alice felt aggrieved, "Then you won't say it?"

"Don't worry, Rin-chan and I will keep our mouths shut!" The pink-haired girl raised her hand and patted her chest, gave a thumbs-up, and smiled brightly, "Rin-chan, right?"

The three-no girl nodded lightly: "Yes."


The crisis was resolved, and Alice proved that she was a student of the same school as the other party. The last trace of doubts finally dissipated. The pink-haired girl came over and hugged the shopping bag, and raised her hand to touch the back of her head: "My name is Kagamihara Nadeko, call me Nadeko will be fine..."

As he spoke, he put his face close to the face of the girl next to him, stretched out his hand and made a gesture, with a bright smile on his face: "This is Rin-chan, I'm here with Rin-chan for camping this time (*^▽^*)."

The three-none girl seemed a little unaccustomed to the enthusiasm of the pink hair, and turned her face slightly: "My name is Shimo Rin."

The three of them walked back while talking.

However, as soon as he turned around a corner of the jungle, Nadeko's energetic voice stopped abruptly, and her face flushed suddenly.

"How do you..."

Before she finished speaking, Alice also petrified in place.

Standing on her tiptoes, she could see Machiko supporting the tree with her right hand and covering her mouth with the other hand, as if trying to endure something terrible.

Behind her, Hua Ye's right hand has already reached into Machiko's clothes...

Although because of the angle, it's hard to see what the two of them are doing, but how bad is this posture!

Could it be because of the incident just now that he suddenly became angry, and couldn't help but want to take a shot at the squad leader!

"Damn it!" Alice blushed and couldn't help shouting angrily, "What are you doing!"

Hua Ye turned his head, his expression was still calm, let alone the panic of being caught and raped, there was not even a trace of embarrassment or embarrassment: "I'm catching bugs."

"Is there someone like you who catches bugs!"

Alice gritted her silver teeth: "Is there any bug that the squad leader can't catch by himself? You need to help with this kind of thing?"

Whether you will catch it is one question, but whether you dare to catch it is another question!

Hua Ye's poker face: "Come here and ask the monitor yourself."

Said and walked aside.

Fuko had already raised her hand to cover her eyes, and when she heard the movement, she quietly opened her fingers, revealing a pair of big eyes, and she saw that Machiko's skirt was neat and tidy, but her shirt was a little messy, then she turned her eyes and subconsciously He looked at Hua Ye's jeans, and then covered his eyes in panic.

Alice ran over: "Where are the bugs?"

"Here." Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, revealing a very ordinary seven-star ladybug.


Machiko raised her hands and rolled up her hair around her ears to cover up the pink lingering charm on her face, and apologized again: "When I was helping the tree just now, a bug crawled from my neck to my back. I didn't dare to catch it, so I asked Hua Ye help……"

Alice looked at the ladybug in Hua Ye's hand and pouted, "It's just a seven-star ladybug. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Then put the bug behind your back and try?" Hua Ye raised his hand.

"I don't want it!" Alice hugged her arms subconsciously, took a step back, turned her head and hummed, "You...I don't want the bugs you touched!"

Don't talk about it, but the body is very honest!If you're not afraid of bugs, don't run away!

Chapter 860 There Are Too Many Attendants (Third)

"Hey!" The pink-haired girl Nadeko finally saw Machiko clearly, her eyes widened, "Sir?"

She just submitted the application for joining the 'Wild Work Department' a few days ago, and it happened that Machiko was in charge.

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