Wei Nai was ashamed and struggled quickly, but after seeing Hua Ye's eyes of "cooperating with the performance", she hesitated for a moment, stopped struggling, and turned her face to the side with a pretty face flushed.

"I found a girlfriend so quickly," Lolita with two ponytails was extremely excited, "You really helped Oni-chan break the spell, right?"

"That's right." Hua Ye looked down, "You can go buy drinks now."

"Goodbye, Naoni-chan."

The two lolis waved their hands and ran into the convenience store.

"What were you doing just now!" Arriving outside the convenience store, Wei Nai immediately put on a pretty face, expressing that she was very angry.

"The two children I met before were more annoying."

Hua Ye briefly explained what the curse of "the older you get, the less you can get a girlfriend" is, and then said: "In order to avoid being taken away by the gendarmerie for tea, we must get rid of her as soon as possible."

"Then you can't talk nonsense..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, girl, girlfriend or something, she didn't promise at all, right?

Hua Ye looked seriously: "If you agree now, it's not a nonsense."

"You..." Wei Nai's pretty face flushed suddenly, she hurriedly avoided Hua Ye's sight, turned and ran outside, "I don't want to talk to you!"



Walking out of the convenience store, Taplis had just folded the paper airplane, but it was obvious that the manual work was not good enough, and the paper airplane fell off before flying too far, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"Tap sauce, let's play later." Wei Nai handed over a matcha matcha, "Eat this first, or it will melt."

"Thank you, Senior Wei Nai."

The idiot schoolgirl thanked politely, then took it with both hands, tore open the package and took a bite, instantly conquered by the cheese-like texture and sweetness of raw chocolate, stars lit up in her eyes, and her expression was super happy: "Super, super delicious! Senior Wei Nai, what is this?"

Vinay said, "It's raw chocolate."


Taplis froze, eyes frightened and said: "Qiao, chocolate? Isn't chocolate black?"

"This is matcha makes perfect, of course it's green." Wei Nai tilted her head and asked, "What's wrong? Can't Tapu sauce eat chocolate?"

I only know that dogs cannot eat chocolate, because the theobromine in it will cause serious harm to dogs, but it is definitely no problem for angels to eat chocolate, because Gabriel often eats it on weekdays.

Taplis blushed, and stammered: "I, I heard from seniors that chocolate is an aphrodisiac food, and if you eat it, you will become weird..."

Wei Nai's face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help complaining: "So who is your senior!"

Chocolate can also be aphrodisiac?

This is simply a rumor, okay?

Chocolate does contain exciting ingredients such as caffeine and theobromine, but the content is extremely low, and it is almost useless. It can actually make you fat.

There are countless aphrodisiacs in history, let alone tomatoes. In ancient Rome, people even believed that the sweat of gladiators had a similar effect, so the sweat scraped from the champions in the ancient arena was more expensive than gold... Yes For those who suffer from cleanliness, thinking about it will make them feel uncomfortable!

"Chocolate doesn't have that side effect." Wei Nai couldn't laugh or cry, "You can eat it with confidence."

"Is, really, nothing will happen?" Taplis was still a little worried.

Hua Ye said beside him, "I'll take you to eat oysters tonight, and you'll know after comparing them."

"Don't talk nonsense." Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a sharp look, then opened her mouth and took a bite, "Look, I'm fine after eating, don't worry."

"Understood, thank you Senior Wei Nai..."

Only then did Taplis feel relieved. It seemed that the health knowledge education of the idiot schoolgirl still had a long way to go.

Although Kang Na was pitiful, weak and helpless, she could eat it, so she finished the chocolate without making a sound, went to the nearby tap to wash her hands, and set her eyes on the piano on the street.

Wei Nai walked over: "Does Kang Nachan want to play the piano?"

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded slightly, her voice was soft and sticky, like cotton candy, "When Xiaolin suffers from insomnia, he often listens to piano music."

This is a free piano on the side of the road. It looks a little old, but it is very clean.

"If Kanna-chan likes it, just play it?" Wei Nai took out her phone, "Just let me take two photos..."

What cat slaves like most is to use the camera to record the daily life of the master, and Wei Nai also likes to take photos of Kang Na for collection.

As a result, Kang Na shook her head: "I can't play."


Wei Nai turned her eyes and looked at Hua Ye: "Come here and teach Kang Na how to play the piano."

Although Hua Ye only played the piano once in the school's auditorium, it sounded super nice and belonged to the piano sound that can make people's ears pregnant. Later, a teacher came to Hua Ye and asked him to represent the school to participate in the piano competition. Obviously, the level of playing the piano is very good, teaching Kang Na should not be a problem.

Hua Ye nodded and agreed, "I want a reward."


Wei Nai's pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she yelled at Hua Ye in embarrassment and anger.

The so-called 'reward' is simply to want to do that kind of nasty thing!

Just glanced at His Royal Highness Kang Na, the cutest young girl in the world, and Wei Nai suddenly fell into hesitation, and finally looked away, and agreed: "I, I promise you..."

Did you really agree?

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