A cat slave will do everything for his master, and you can also make great sacrifices for Kang Na.

Weakness GTE, I will use Kang Na as a bait in the future to make you sign all kinds of treaties that forfeit power and humiliate the country!

Hua Ye walked to the piano and sat down: "What do you want to hear?"

Kang Na sat next to Hua Ye, her two thick legs swayed slightly: "It sounds good."

Your uncle, there are so many good piano songs, if you are a patient with difficulty in choosing, you will be slapped for answering like this!

Wei Nai rolled up a strand of hair blown by the wind, thought for a while and said, "How about "Summer of Kikujiro"? I think this is actually the end of summer..."


Hua Ye responded, and brushed his ten fingers over the keys, and suddenly the sound of the piano flowing from the clear spring flowed from his fingers, drifting into the distance with the wind.

"Hey, senior can play the piano?"

Taplis's eyes widened as the paper airplanes circled above her head: "It sounds so good!"

Wei Nai was holding the phone and was about to take a picture when a voice suddenly came: "Vina sauce, wait a minute!"

Several girls on bicycles roared over and rode directly behind Hua Ye. Satania stretched out two fingers and smiled brightly: "Now you can take pictures."


Under the blue sky and white clouds, a paper airplane hovering above the head, Hua Ye playing the piano, a girl riding a bicycle, an Akita dog sitting on the ground wagging its tail, a blue-eyed young girl showing half a small face, a sunny day under the eaves swaying with the wind The dolls, and those bright smiling faces, freeze the picture.

(PS: I recommend a friend's book, "After Becoming a Licorice Son", a funny and unscrupulous type, if you like it, please bookmark it~~)

Chapter 874 Shun Mao is Not Bullying (Part [-])

After spending half a day at the campsite, the sky was full of sunset and the sun was dim in the blink of an eye.

"Vina, Vinai, I'm hungry."

"Vina, what are you having for dinner?"

"Vina, I want to sleep."


Seeing that it was getting late, a group of girls gathered in front of Wei Nai when they encountered a problem.

"For dinner, there are special restaurants and cafeterias here. If you want to eat, you can go there." Wei Nai obviously had a plan, and said methodically, "Besides, you can also buy some ingredients, and then go back to the camping spot by the lake Barbecue by yourself... how to eat, everyone votes."

"Of course I choose barbecue!"

The choices of these girls are neat and consistent. Canteens and restaurants can be eaten every day, but it is the first time for camping. Of course, it is worthwhile to choose barbecue.

Wei Nai nodded: "Then act quickly, go buy some ingredients first, and then go back to the camping spot by the lake..."

"I'll go and buy!"

"give it to me."

Satania and Liuhua hurriedly raised their hands.

"You two don't need to go." Wei Nai shook her head resolutely, saying that it's a barbecue, and it's better to keep it as simple as possible at night. Let these two idiots go, they will definitely buy a lot of messy ingredients, right?

"It's fine for me to go with the monitor and Lafite."

Satania puffed up her cheeks: "Then what shall we do?"

"You?" Wei Nai swept over Hua Ye and Gabriel, "You guys just wait here."


After the three of Wei Nai walked into the supermarket, Gabriel's eyes flashed, and she handed the shopping bag in front of Hua Ye: "Hey, hold it for me."

Hua Ye reached out to take the bag, opened it, and was speechless immediately: "Why are you buying so many games? Can't you just buy them again when you go back?"

"To put it lightly, who will go out again when they go back?" The crippled angel said weakly, "For players cultivating immortals, going out and socializing are useless activities that kill time. If you can't go out, you will never go out."

Hua Ye pointed out straight to the point: "However, you have to go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening now, and you are no longer a player who cultivates immortals."

"Don't mention this!"

Gabriel suddenly became ill, her cheeks swelled up, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts: "Next time, I must buy a super-realistic dog toy, and let my sister know what fear is!"

Hua Ye was expressionless: "Your sister can hear it."

"Ehhh?" Gabriel hurriedly raised the bracelet in front of her face, "You think sister can hear it?"

"En." Hua Ye nodded, "Your sister's strength is average, and you have to take back the ray of soul stored in the bracelet every once in a while, and every time you take it back, you will feed back the collected information to your sister. "

The crippled angel bit his finger, and said decisively, "Then what should I do?"

"Physical amnesia..."


"By the way, you seem to have bullied Taplis again before?" Gabriel looked ferociously.

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

How can it be considered bullying?

I often follow your hair, and I never heard you say that I was bullied.

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