"Even a raccoon needs to be exploited, you are not qualified to say that!"

"That's right!" Gabriel's eyes lit up, "I saw a piece of news last night that a raccoon climbing a twenty-five-story building suddenly became a star on the Internet... Train him so that this raccoon can walk from the sky every day." Climbing along the wall to my room to wash things, and then climbing down, isn't it considered a pet?"

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and took a deep breath: "You..."

"Stop!" Gabriel stretched out her right hand to stop Wei Nai, "You have complained enough today, if you keep complaining, no one else will have a chance to talk!"

Chapter 879

"The raccoon is so cute, and it's so clean, I'll raise one when I go back."

Alice held the phone, her eyes sparkling.

"However, it doesn't like to be clean." Hua Ye punctured the girl's fantasy mercilessly, "Raccoons usually appear at night where there is a water source, but their eyes are very bad. There is no distinction between men and women five meters away. The front paws prey on fish and shrimp, and the reason for washing things is just to maintain the sensitivity of the paws... If you don't understand, you can understand it as a hamster grinding its teeth."

"What?" Alice puffed her mouth, feeling unhappy, "After hearing you say that, the little raccoon is no longer cute!"

Raccoons are not cute, are they?

At the end of the last century, there was a program called "Rogue Raccoon" in the island country. After the program was broadcast, many people thought that raccoons were too cute, so they introduced thousands of raccoons from the Americas.

It turns out that raccoons don’t distinguish between dirty water and sewage, and they always like to “steal things”. They can be said to be the most primitive bear children. Therefore, many raccoons were released back to the forest after the freshness period. Since there are no natural enemies , These raccoons have multiplied in large numbers, not only destroying [-]% of temples in Japan, but also causing major damage to crops, and have been identified as invasive alien species.

"Raccoons or something, I've only seen raccoon crispy noodles in the supermarket." Satania stood on tiptoe and looked with wide eyes, "It doesn't look like..."

Of course not!On the packaging of the raccoon noodles, the animal is actually a 'little panda'!

Rafael stretched out a slender finger: "Beast Mother Zoo, let's find out."

Liuhua raised her hand: "Raccoon biscuits, you can eat them too."

"and many more……"

Wei Nai took two steps forward, and finally saw clearly what the raccoon was scrubbing, her pretty face blushed: "It, why is it washing fat times?!"

"Ha, fat time?" Gabriel made a guess, "Could it be ours?"


This sentence startled Wei Nai and the others, and the girls went back to check the packages one after another, and they were relieved to find that no one's fat times had been lost.

Then came the problem.

"It's not ours...whose fat one belongs to?"

Machiko thought for a while and said, "Maybe the raccoon stole it from other tourists?"

Raccoons are the famous "thieves" in the animal world. After all, even if someone litters, it is impossible to litter Fatty.

"What do we do now?" Wei Nai asked.

These girls looked at Hua Ye in unison.


Hey, you all look at what's going on here!We agreed to find Wei Nai in case of indecision!

"If it's a stolen fat time, the master will definitely be very anxious when he finds out..." Wei Nai raised her hand and pulled up a strand of hair next to her ear, averted her eyes slightly, and did not meet Hua Ye's eyes, "Anyway, Let’s grab that fat piece first and then talk about it.”

"Yes, yes."


Rafael smiled happily: "Student Hua Ye, I'm counting on you."

Please sister!Since your analysis is clear and clear, then do it yourself!Snatch fat times from the hands of a raccoon, how shameful it is to spread the word!

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "It's better to beat him to death."


"Catch it and make it into a barbecue."

Kang Na raised her small face: "I want to eat."


"No raccoons!"

Hua Ye's proposal was unanimously rejected by the girls, and as for Kang Na's "want to eat", they subconsciously ignored it.

Relying on Wei Nai's side, Alice raised her face and said, "You want to eat such a cute raccoon, won't your conscience ache?"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked over. The girl with ponytails quickly shrank her head and hid behind Wei Nai.

"It doesn't hurt at all."

Raccoons are not cherished and protected animals. Like the kangaroos that are flooding in Australia, they are a kind of food that can be served on the table!There is even a special "raccoon dinner" party in a certain state of the United States. Although I don't know if raccoon meat is chicken-flavored and crunchy, it should be similar to beef.

"Senior, don't eat raccoons." Taplis also summoned up his courage and whispered, "This is wrong..."

Besides, if you say something like "You can't go to heaven like this", believe it or not, it will make you conceive!

The raccoon, who was still squatting by the lake and diligently washing his fat, seemed to have sensed it. He stopped what he was doing, sat on the ground and turned his head to look left and right.

"Wow! Damn thief!" The girl's angry voice came from a distance, "Give me back Fat Time!"

Following the prestige, I saw a pink-haired girl and her companions looking for her here.

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