Alice opened her eyes wide: "Eh, Nadeko?"


"Is that fat one yours?"

Nadeko waved his hand: "Did you see it? Where, where?"

"That raccoon is washing up by the lake."


Although the fat-washed raccoon has poor eyesight, its ears are quite sensitive. Hearing Nadeko's yelling "A mere raccoon, don't dare to be presumptuous", his ears trembled, and he quickly turned around and ran away. Forgot to grab the half-washed fat times.

"Don't run, return the underwear!" Alice yelled.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiao Qiu leaned over and wanted to pounce, tugged on the dog's leash, and barked loudly.

But when you think about the golden retriever you met during your beach vacation last time, you know that this dog is playing tricks on others.

The raccoon was startled by the sudden barking of the dog, quickly dropped the fat one in his hand, and quickly ran under a tree with an agility that didn't fit the round figure, then grabbed the tree and climbed up. quickly disappeared into the canopy.

"Wang Wang."

Xiao Qiu ran over to pick up the half-washed pink pannier, then wagged her tail and ran to Hua Ye to claim credit.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, what are you doing!"

Alice's face was flushed, and she became angry with embarrassment. She clenched her fist and knocked on Xiao Qiu's head, obviously recalling the various incidents of Xiao Qiu's "vendor begging for glory".

"Squad leader, are we here?" Nadeko hesitated and stopped.

Machiko nodded: "Well, you two come here."

Islanders always value privacy, and they don't want to invade other people's space, nor do they want others to intrude into their own space. Now that they suddenly see so many people, of course they will be a little hesitant.

"We are a club activity." Machiko explained, "Because there is a meteor shower tonight, everyone decided to camp here."

"So that's how it is." The pink-haired girl touched her hair with a bright smile, which seemed to brighten the twilight for a moment, "My name is Kakamihara Nadeko, please give me your advice."

The three-no girl whispered, "Zhimo Rin."

After a brief meeting, the atmosphere quickly became lively. He was originally from a school. Although he hadn't said anything, his face was familiar. Moreover, he was a teenage girl, so it was easy to make friends.

"Ah! My fat times!"

Fenmao Fuzi suddenly caught a glimpse of Pangji in Xiaoqiu's mouth, exclaimed, ran over with a whiz, grabbed Pangji and hid it behind his back with a blushing face, his mouth turned into an inverted triangle of grievance. The potential of a beautiful girl.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Wei Nai coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Nadeko, why did your underwear get to the raccoon?"

As he spoke, he gave Hua Ye an angry look.

Hua Ye sighed.

Obviously it was Xiaoqiu who took the initiative to bring Fatty over to invite rewards, you should stare at it if you want to, it wasn't my instigation, okay?

Nadeko glanced at Hua Ye quickly, then looked away, puffed up her mouth and said, "That raccoon is a vicious thief, I fed it peanuts, but it actually stole my underwear, hey, how angry! "

After listening to it for a while, everyone realized that Nadeko had met that raccoon looking for food before. He thought it was cute and fed some peanuts. Then, there were mosquitoes biting people by the water in the evening, and the pink-haired girl took it out of her backpack. During the mosquito repellent water, the raccoon suddenly grabbed the fat and ran away...

"Hi! How angry!" Fenmao Nadeko clenched her fists, "I still want to take it home as a pet, but it's too much to steal my fat!"

Did you actually think of going with Gabriel, that useless angel? It's a pity that wild raccoons are hard to tame, so they can't be kept as pets, okay?

"Nadeko, put your underwear in a bag." Machiko walked back and handed over a shopping bag.

"Thank you, Captain."

Nadeko thanked politely, reached out to take the shopping bag, turned sideways to block Hua Ye's sight, blushed and packed the bag, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Fat times take it back and wear it or not, it's a shame to keep holding it in your hand.

"Nadeko, shall we go back?" the three-no girl whispered.

Shima Rin used to camp alone, but Nadeko suddenly got the news and ran over today, so he felt a little headache, and now meeting so many people, it is really hard to adapt.


Nadeko responded, and was about to wave away when she suddenly saw Kang Na with half of her face protruding from behind Hua Ye, and stars lit up in her eyes: "Wow! So cute!"

Girls have never been resistant to cute creatures, and Nadeshiko is obviously even more so. After discovering Kangna, the pink-haired girl instantly turned into a star-chaser girl. With sparkling eyes, she leaned in front of Hua Ye and bent over to face Kangna. Looking forward: "I feel like I've been healed!"

Even the three-no girl Rin-chan, who was eager to leave, couldn't look away when she saw Kang Na.

"Little Lin Kangna." Wei Nai said, "It's the child of Hua Ye's classmate's cousin's family."

Alice shouted: "Kangna-chan is the cutest in the world!"

(Suddenly discovered that 'Xiaolin' turned out to be a surname, and I didn't know what Xiaolin's full name was for so long...)

Nadeko put her hands on her knees, bent down to look at Kanna, and said expectantly, "Kangna-chan, Kanna-chan, can I pinch my face?"

Kang Na shook her head, said with disgust, "Don't pinch your face."

If you want to pinch your face without giving snacks, don't even think about it.

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