"Woo..." Nadeko raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, pretending to cry, "I was rejected by the cute little loli, so sad! X﹏X"

Hey, your acting skills are too bad, even Thor is better than you, go back and read about the actor's self-cultivation!And don't move so big, be careful to get rid of it!

Chapter 880 Meteor Shower

"Nadeko Nadeko, give me snacks." Alice generously took out a bag of pistachios, and whispered in the ear of the pink-haired girl, "Without snacks, Kanna-chan won't let you pinch your face."

"Hey, so this is the way to do it?" Nadeko nodded suddenly, "It's like touching a cat, you have to use small dried fish..."

However, stray cats will not let you touch your dried fish after eating it.

The pink-haired girl took the pistachios and walked up to Kang Na again.

Kang Na seemed a little shy, and hid behind Hua Ye, grabbing the corners of Hua Ye's clothes with two small hands, only showing a pair of big eyes bluer than the sky and looking over.

Hey, you are not really a "poor, weak and helpless" young girl, why are you afraid of a mere Nadeko!

"Kana-chan, I'm coming!"

The other girl, Rin, seemed to be a relatively introverted person, she seldom spoke, just stood beside Nadeko and looked at Kang Na, without any intention of stretching out her hand to pinch her face.

Nadeko squatted down, took out a pistachio and peeled it open: "Kangna-chan, do you want to eat?"

Kang Na shook her head: "No."

Poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, wealth and honor cannot be promiscuous, and a mere pistachio will definitely not agree, but Nadeshiko touched his pocket and actually took out two strawberry jelly: "Kangna sauce, do you want jelly?"


Kang Na is caught in a dilemma.

"Student Hua Ye, come over and continue cooking the barbecue." Wei Nai shouted.


Hua Ye responded, leaving the blue-eyed baby dragon to face Nadeshiko alone, without any psychological burden at all... If she doesn't want to be pinched in the face, no one can force her.

"Eh?" Nadeko opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "Boys can also cook?"

"Why not? And it's super delicious!" Alice was speechless, "Chefs are mostly men!"

Nadeko blushed a little: "But I only know how to make omelet rice..."

"Omurice is the first dish in the home economics class, so it's strange if you don't know how to make it!"

"So Alice can cook a lot?"

"One, it's so-so." Alice turned her head and looked to the side, her twin ponytails dangling behind her back, and replied guiltily, "It's not a lot..."

"Alice is amazing!"


Shimo Rin expressed that he wanted to touch his forehead and sigh.

It's obviously the second meeting, why can I get along with others so quickly.

She originally wanted to go back to the camping site, face the hazy Mount Fuji in the twilight, and sit on a folding chair to read a book for a while, but after all, she was worried that Nadeko would be here alone.

Time passed quietly.

Not long after, an incomparably alluring aroma came to the nostrils.

"Well, it smells so good!" Fenmao Fuzi pricked up her ears, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, "It smells so good?"

Alice raised her chin, nodded proudly and said, "It's been said that he is good at cooking."

While speaking, Kang Na had already ran to Hua Ye's side, raised her face, and looked at the barbecue with sparkling eyes.

"Kangna-chan, wait a second."

Wei Nai said softly while helping to brush the sauce.

At the beginning, seasoning only needed to sprinkle some salt on the surface of the barbecue, but that was a rough method limited by conditions. If you want to pursue a more delicious taste, of course you still need to use various sauces.

It's just that the barbecue sauce sold in the supermarket has only one flavor, so Wei Nai bought some seasonings in the supermarket and asked Hua Ye to be in charge of the sauce.

Hua Ye just mixed some black pepper sauce, orange sauce, teriyaki sauce, ginger radish puree sauce, and now the barbecue is about to be roasted, Hua Ye takes care of the heat and temperature, Wei Nai and Machiko are responsible for brushing the ingredients, sauces Mixed with the aroma of barbecue, a chemical reaction of one plus one is greater than two, the fragrance in the air is particularly attractive.

"Senior is amazing! (≧▽≦)"

Taplis walked up to Hua Ye expectantly, although he didn't say anything like "I'll help you taste it," but the anticipation in his eyes was clearly overflowing.

Hua Ye sighed, and gave her a piece of roasted dried incense: "Here you are."

"Huh?" The idiot school girl looked surprised, but stretched out two fingers and tapped her chest lightly, and wanted to be reserved, "Is this not good?"

If you know it's not good to do so, don't look at it with the eyes of a puppy begging its owner to feed it!

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Forget it."

Taplis shook his head quickly: "I, I will help to taste whether it is done!"



These girls played wildly for the whole afternoon, and they were already hungry at the moment, and they all watched eagerly, making people think of the dogs queuing up to get food with bowls in their mouths for no reason.

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