For a prey that can't even handle its mouth, two front paws are not enough to see!

Liuhua raised her hand: "Is it for tickling?"

"T-Rex's forelimbs were too short to reach the chin or the back."

Tapless said, "Could it be for food?"

However, the forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus rex are too short to touch the mouth at all, and there are only two claws on the forelimbs. The structure of the claws is the same as that of cats and dogs, so they can't hold things at all, okay?

Satania was whimsical: "Is it the prototype of the hands that evolved like an ape?"

Only this is absolutely impossible!

You know, the evolution of creatures pays attention to proportion and coordination. The average height of Tyrannosaurus rex is [-] meters, but the forelimbs are only as long as human arms. If Tyrannosaurus rex is regarded as human beings, it is similar to a person growing two ten centimeter long arms , No matter how you look at it, it's useless!Not to mention the arm, [beep——] it's so small, it's too embarrassing to go to the public bath!

"Ah, I see!" The pink-haired girl's eyes lit up, she stretched out two fingers, and made a 'yeah' gesture, "I heard that Tyrannosaurus rex only had two claws on its forelimbs, they must be used to look cute compared to V Bar?"

your sister!The Tyrannosaurus rex, which was originally super ferocious, suddenly became funny when you said that!

These girls imagined that the Tyrannosaurus rex raised its front paws to be more cute than V, and laughed out loud.

"By the way, classmate Hua Ye hasn't spoken yet." Rafael looked at Hua Ye with rolling eyes.

A group of girls looked at Hua Ye one after another.

"Aide, speak quickly." Satania urged.

Hua Ye was speechless: "You all finished talking, what else do you want me to say?"

Rafael closed one eye: "It's a guess based on brainstorming, maybe what Hua Ye said is the correct answer?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "You really want me to tell?"

"Speak quickly."

A group of girls urged together.

"Tyrannosaurus rex grew such short front claws, in fact, it was to prepare for mating. When mating, you can..."

Before they finished speaking, except for the thick-skinned Lafite and Gabriel, the rest of the girls blushed more or less.



"Big pervert, it's too much!"

Hey, what is too much!It is obviously what you asked to say, and animals in nature only work hard for two things in their lives, one is foraging, and the other is mating!This is simply a very serious and serious discussion, okay?

"Kangna-chan is still a child." Alice relied on her numbers to attack Hua Ye, "You will teach Kangna-chan badly."

Hua Ye looked down at Kang Na: "Have you attended a lecture on physiology?"

Kang Na nodded softly and said, "I've done it."

"What did it say?"

"The physical differences between boys and girls, and the principle of pregnancy..."


Did you see that the angel Taplis, who is about to graduate, doesn't know the knowledge that elementary school students know? It is conceivable how backward the physical health education in the heaven is!

"Kangna sauce, hurry up and eat barbecue."

Wei Nai gave Hua Ye an angry look, and signaled with her eyes: "Don't talk nonsense, there are outsiders here!"

Nadeko, who looks silly and cute, don't care, and as for Shima Rin who doesn't talk much, don't pay attention.

Wei Nai coughed lightly, and changed the subject in embarrassment:

"By the way, I heard that the brain of Tyrannosaurus Rex is only the size of a walnut..."

This is fake news, okay?The brain of Tyrannosaurus rex is indeed small, yes, even smaller than the brain of a six-year-old child, but not to the point of walnut!

"Hey, there's a shooting star!"

Nadeko was full of energy, Yan Yi exaggeratedly shouted.

Looking up, two meteors streaked across the sky and disappeared soon.

The ancients did not see the present month, this month once shone the ancients.

Sitting by the lake, surrounded by maple forests, looking up at the starry sky, watching shooting stars, eating barbecue, and discussing with friends the cute forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus rex tens of millions of years ago, it is really a wonderful experience.


Time passed quietly.

After eating the barbecue, Shima Rin helped Wei Nai and Machiko pack their things, packed the garbage separately, and then was really embarrassed to stay any longer, and pulled up Nadeko the pink hair who was close to Kang Na to hug and left.

Before leaving, Nadeko said with tears in her eyes that she must hug and hold Kang Na high tomorrow.

The lake was quiet.

Only the rustling sound of the evening wind blowing through the maple forest.

Rafael suddenly sighed softly: "It feels like it's been a long time since I've looked at the starry sky as seriously as I do now."

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